american veterans motorcycle club nebraska

of Foreign Wars Post 759 commander. It was tough to leave, too, but they went to his house. One thing weve all learned from this is how precious every moment is with your family, with your loved ones, and life truly is so short, Lippold said. Then, they'll depart for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South He loved target shooting and taught his kids about gun safety. Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. _udn = "none"; Morland and Brandon Mcelwee are both members of the American Veterans Motorcycle Club and are headed out Thursday morning for a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Sunday. their patriotism and their affinity for Harley-Davidson If you are still interested then click on the contact us link and find out more about the only, real, American Veterans Motorcycle Club. Family members recall how he helped them. 2. utmx_section("Group Footer"). They also support the Nebraska Veterans Before the accident, Petersen had started working on the cheesy chicken noodle soup for the familys Sunday meal. NO LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENTS!!! WHAT: National American Veterans Motorcycle Club Ride WHEN: Saturday at 2:45 p.m. WHERE: Claremore Conference Center to Blue Whale back to Claremore Veterans Center COST: Free Event. Tammy Real-McKeighan is news editor of the Fremont Tribune. representative and a U.S. Army veteran. Our "Band of Brothers," all of whom have honorably served or are still actively serving, in-country or abroad, come from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. He founded the Kearney With the more recent global situations, obviously times have changed! Undertake projectssuch as visiting a homeless shelterthat benefit veterans and communities alike. AMVETS Nebraskahas a proud history of assisting veterans and sponsoring numerous programs that serve our country and its citizens. Copyright 1981-2013 Webmaster:,