does fiber optic internet cause cancer

What is harmful for male fertility: Cell phone or the wireless internet? Most of the available research involves animals. Our health is a FAR heftier price tag than saving a bit of money. Can I measure if problem at phone jack or cable outlet (no longer get cable). This process of installing cables and We visited the area back in 2020 after I became sensitive and were not impressed. Opinions vary on whether cell phones and other devices that produce radiofrequency energy cause cancer. My next article will cover what I do in a home that is served by fiber optic internet (see #7 above). Or is easy to address them at a later date, when Ive gotten up the learning curve? The main concern regarding this type of EMF is although Most of the equipment youre talking about is rated for Industrial / Commercial use, which is far different than Residential. I am not familiar with the low-EMI/EMF modem models/providers in Australia. Wishing you all the best, Dana-Farber Insight team. Armin Ansari, PhD, a health physicist who leads the radiological assessment team at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) told Insider that people concerned about reducing cell phone radiation should consider wearing a Bluetooth headset or headphones. Many communities have multiple internet service companies to choose from. Unless a cable carrying electrical signals is properly shielded and grounded it by its nature will radiate beyond the cable. + the buildings Internet and phone equipment and their electronically hashed power supplies are in a metallic grounded cabinet. Hi Jeromy, thank you for everything you do, and thank you for personally answering my email the other day, amazing!!!! As someone who is involved in designing outside plant fiber networks I feel some clarification is needed here. Wi-fi allows devices to connect to the internet. Although there is direct exposure to the skin, non-ionizing radiation cant damage DNA or cells directly, like ionizing radiation can. Ill email you the document. Vibration white finger is caused by vascular damage to the hands and can turn your hands a chalky white color. It is a new problem for my knowledge, so, interesting. Excerpted from: Recurrent thalamo-cortical resonance Wikipedia, Gamma-range oscillations are not the only rhythms associated with conscious thought and activity. If you can keep your same DSL connection for now, stick with it until you learn more about this and have a prudent path forward where you know the solutions will work for both of you (for instance GPON fiber to the home with a truly low-EMI media converter, once we find one that has been made). Its definitely EMI, yet THEY say that optic fibre cant produce such, which is a pack of lies. You seem to have a better understanding of this than me. I have received hundreds of emails from people in several countries who report an increase in, or initial onset of, electrical sensitivity symptoms when high-speed fiber optic internet is installed in their neighborhood. The FCC does not endorse the need for these practices, the agency says, but it offers these steps to reduce exposure for those who are still concerned: Try the #1 cancer information skill in the Alexa skill store, CTCA is now City of Hope, a national, integrated cancer research and treatment system. 5) If installed properly (with the right kind of technology) is Fiber Optic actually safe? Do you have an older Radio Shack AM radio to measure radiated EMI? Still trying to understand it. If you advocate for fiber in communities, you need laws/ordinances in place that wont allow it to be used to put small cells that are used for 4G/5G on every street corner. Finally, I phoned up technical support and they said turn the router off and then on again. Thanks Jeromy a good article, but the sad thing in our country in area where there is hybrid fibre cable (HFC), we have no choice, as they are going to rip up the old copper landline. Inhaling long fibers can also lead to lung injuries. (2020). It seems to be dependent on the equipment used by the internet providers, along with multiple other factors including the home and the individual. The issue is that fiber optic internet service does not only use light to transmit data. 0.1% of the time. Many newer fiber optic networks operate with zero power in between the signal origin point in the Telco office to the actual fiber modem / router / WiFi combo in the customers house. I fully intend to switch to a different Internet provider, as I am not satisfied with my current one. Beware that most smart TVs will still want to radiate. It wouldnt be that hard to do in the case of EMI emissions. You will only know once you have the system installed and see how you feel with it. Such emissions are a by-product of operation, much like those of combustion. Hi Jeromy, I am writing from the UK. Id like to know if theres any difference in EMF exposure. Billions of Bluetooth devices are in use today. What to check? See Marks comment for more on this: You are making a great difference. Required fields are marked *. and I came across your article re the dangers of high speed 5g fiber optic systems. Is there a possibility for a cure after this (electromagnetic sensitivity) happens to you? Be sure to do this setup between your modem and laptop. If you are by chance using wireless for any of this, higher bandwidth applications will typically have greater amounts of RF involved. Here are my current thoughts on ways to make fiber optic installations safer: Any electrical sensitivity issues with fiber (which are fairly common with ES people) are from the data conversion equipment at the street or in the homes. His career goal is to improve treatment for patients with these cancers through basic, translational and clinical investigation. Ill send you my AM radio protocol via email. Smoking may affect sperm motility. Is there a way to locate where the fiber runs? We avoid using tertiary references. Routers and electronic devices, such as cellphones, Examples of non-ionizing radiation include radio waves that transmit sound and visuals to a radio or television, or when you use the remote control to change the channel on your television. Feel free to reach out to me to discuss so I can walk you through what to do in your home. Researchers determined that men who used wireless internet had reduced sperm motility, compared with men who used wired internet. Even then, the results have been inconclusive. Also the videos blew my mind, as in the summer doing jobs on house outside I was using old radio and the background noise was the same pulse noise I had been feeling and almost hearing the past year?? It only measures RF (cell tower, WiFi, etc). Installed F.lux set at 2 400 K. Thought they had as there were large box that always hear a fan at end of our street, thought was fiber. Signal loss due to a bad connector. Having a low-EMF home is a key aspect of getting better. You typically cant get cut but you can get a puncture and a splinter! I steered our conversation into the electro-smog arena and he mentioned EMI as a concern he was already familiar with. Keykhosravi A, et al. We are in a rural area of FL and have only been in our home for 2 years, but with the addition of these new towers it really worries me. The scientific community (too often in revolving doors with the same industries that produce and sell cables phones and modems they should honestly analyze) says its just a conspiracy theory and the 5G is absolutely safe. (I get my internet access through Comcast and use a wired connection with my own non-wifi router. This is so helpful- thank you! I am also currently suffering from illness from EMF exposure and was advised by my physician to lower it as much as possible. I knew there was EMI in my homenot DEand I pulled out my trusty old AM transistor radio and it picked a lot of induction around 10MHz from towers and I now believe the PLC that is am using for my cable Foxtel. AT&T wont allow people who purchase a home to maintain the previous owners landline. 8.) Copyright 20112023. I see! I have had difficulty getting my head around much of what you have written on this subject thats not a criticism of your writing skills which are good, but of my comprehension ability. EMI, EMFs, RFIs, VHFs Thank you so much, Jeromy. The mechanisms behind these effects are unclear. I also know that it is best to use at bare minimum a CAT6 Shielded cable to reduce EMF emissions. lightening) that can reduce speed of transmission. Sometimes the fiber lines are above ground, up on the poles. Ionizing radiation is high-level radiation, which is has the potential for cellular and DNA damage. Some forms of this type of EMF include ultraviolet (UV) rays and X-rays. I have a Comcast router that has no RF emissions, and the electric field measurement by my router and desktop computer is 15 V/m. Those boxes are between every house in our neighborhood! * Remove all 5G antennas This is all leading up to a question: But right now we are faced with the decision to consent or not to Fiber Optics at our house. My book is not in paperback form at this time. Saili L, et al. Jeromy, can you please give me some advice? Bluetooth uses the generally harmless non-ionizing type of electromagnetic waves. With the push for greater connectivity, this is a time sensitive issue! I bought four 32 x 32 aluminum sheets from Home Depot and I placed them on the floor right above the spot where the modem is in the room below. 5G is the newest wireless network. WebFiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #1: Wildlife & Stray Animals Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #2: Weather & Natural Disasters Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #3: Intentional Damage Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #4: Construction Work Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #5: Fire Interested in our fiber optic services? Thus, their power supplies and operation can generate high amounts of wide-spectrum EMI (electromagnetic interference). This would give us internet that is healthy/safe/fast/reliable for the entire society. Theres been controversy surrounding the EMF Project. Some will be enclosed in a metal sheath or have a metal backbone. When your WiFi router transmits data, it emits EMFs that the Sometimes its the ONT device that ES people are reacting to. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Thanks for addressing this. With respect to speed specifically bitrate I think that there are many users that simply think higher speed must be better, and so may have signed up to a service that is greatly excessive for their needs. While your article does have its merits, you should be investigating the switch mode power supply. Wear disposable aprons to minimize fiber particles on your clothing. WebThe process of installing fiber optic cables can result in the disturbance of the environment. EMI is the more technical term. I am going to do my part. This all makes sense now. Some areas will be able to keep their copper landlines, but provider service in outages will become worse forcing you to HFC. A few resources for you: 1.) Another, human cause better bandwidth and your neighboring houses are suddenly filled with more WiFi devices and repeaters. At this time, there are no third party fiber modems that we could cherry pick (like we can do with cable providers like Comcast and regional ISPs). If you cant find another place, a bed canopy is your main option. This EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure is a primary reason why electrical sensitivity is increasing when high-speed internet is installed in our communities. Consider this EMI issue when choosing your service. These are invisible areas of energy that are produced by electricity and are often referred to as radiation. You will be able to control the EMF exposures in your home more easily if every copper wire is not radiating EMI. However, there can be a significant problem with the high-speed fiber optic converters out at the street (or in the home with some newer fiber systems) that create these electrical data signals. We have a very sensitive son and we just found out that the fiber optic junction box will be in our front yard. Does prolonged radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi devices induce DNA damage in various tissues of rats? I would work with a local EMF consultant to discuss this issue. EMI from Specialty Lighting: Then you can ground your Ethernet system per this article. Your router connects to the fiber optical modem (ONT). WiFi and the electronic devices that connect to it, such as cellphones, laptops, and wireless headphones, are all around us. Thanks! Also, theres no proof that 5G and EMFs increase your susceptibility to viral infections. Knowledge is power. 1) If the Fiber Optics were installed right to my house, but not hooked up (leave the O.N.T. They blamed it on the power company. Im in a pinch. Read this: Their petition noted that children may be more susceptible to the negative effects of electromagnetic fields than adults. Thank you so much, Jeromy, for taking the time to respond and so quickly! The short answer is that it depends on what type of system they are putting in. Will you be writing a follow-up article that discusses the effects of fiber optic cable in connection with cell towers and small cells? The earthing cable is accessible. I just ordered the items (the links you give are broken now, but you can find the amplifier on eBay and the phone on Amazon by searching for the product). That is more for EMI coming in off the electrical grid. computers and laptops, and Bluetooth devices (such as wireless headphones) emit For most ES people, sticking with older technology as long as possible is the best option for now. Wide-Spectrum EMI from Dimmer Switch: Should I be concerned about this? If you check the category of locations and tools on that Facebook community you will find multiple tools to locate the towers and safe locations. As concerns over Wi-Fi increase, thereve been several myths about its effects on health. While recently showing a friend how my RF detector works he removed his wireless hearing aid and placed it on the meter. While walking to bus stop asked a young man walking with a rolling measure tool what its for. Even with unplugging it each night, she became very ill with various maladies both years we vacationed there. But when the internet is not plugged in, I can use the computer for hours without a problem. 3) It would seem that the system/technology my town is installing is that which Mark Williams talked about in his comment. How would setting up my own fiber optic network create an EMI barrier? With the co-axial cables in your home, I might just disconnect the ones you are not using if you suspect that you have this EMI issue. We inquired at the Observatory about EMF in the area. It is the only EMF resource on the internet by an electrically sensitive engineer that has over a decade of experience working directly with thousands of individuals and families. Fibre helps us to poo more often, increases the size of Hopefully this article will help you understand and reduce an important source of EMI in your home the fiber optic internet infrastructure that is becoming common throughout our communities. The effect of Wi-Fi electromagnetic waves in unimodal and multimodal object recognition tasks in male rats. But do feel dirty electricity in the form of fluorescent lights, etc. In 2006, he completed an internship in internal medicine at Brigham and Womens Hospital, and in 2010, he graduated from the Harvard Radiation Oncology Program. Also, when you say disconnect existing cable and telephone, I am uncertain what that means. I started researching anything and everything that could be causing this and I realize they had just installed fiber optics at my complex unfortunately the box for my entire building where they put all the connectors in is right outside my bedroom window. Do you know what non-registered antennas means in the list? You will be redirected once the validation is complete. To go from hypothesis to reality as to the existence of fields in living space is simple: measure the fields with a meter tuned to the frequency you are concerned about. When will you have a paper version of the book? Additionally, these findings dont explicitly confirm that Wi-Fi causes cancer in humans. With the peace of mind you have already given me by helping me decide against the fiber connection installation, I would like to beef up my knowledge on this topic through a bit of research firstas I may have different questions for you as well. World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Your Guide to Vibration White Finger (VWF) and Its Treatment, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. But theres no solid evidence that Wi-Fi causes health risks in humans. Viruses spread from person to person through respiratory droplets. And gonna pull out the cables from the house too & disconnect from that thing. Would really appreciate your advice. For clinical trials outside of Dana-Farber: Nope. Its just glass & light, and the fiber doesnt want to lose light - almost all of it stays inside, and what does leak out is quickly absorbed When I unplug the internet, I can use it as my word processor much longer. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Indeed, PLC communications can be quite problematic from an EMI perspective. Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices decreases plasma prolactin, progesterone, and estrogen levels but increases uterine oxidative stress in pregnant rats and their offspring. Hopefully this will help more people understand that EMI does come in from the telecommunications infrastructure so that they can eliminate it. . According to these claims, Wi-Fi causes conditions like: Theres no hard evidence that Wi-Fi is linked to these conditions. The cheaper 3-in-1 meters are not accurate at all and can be misleading. The underground cables are a big unknown. This is because the converters are not designed with low-EMI emissions in mind. You are likely picking up the electric field from the AC wiring in those parts of the home. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified electromagnetic fields, especially from cell phones, as possibly carcinogenic. Noting that there could be some risk, the IARC concluded in 2011 that we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk." Fibre broadband is in my area and Im encouraged to use it right now I use copper through the phone line . I havent redone my ethernet connection as per your video, so I need to try that first with the better-shielded cable. Perhaps the people who have contacted me with symptoms from fiber / high speed data systems had the older system you mention above in their communities. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. Do you have a YouTube channel? I hope more people in Japan start to pay attention to this topic. So many people on YouTube addressing this issue dont really seem to know nearly as much as you do. In the review, Hardell says this is a conflict of interest. Thank you for reading. That is very common. Vila J, et al. Im sure many others are facing or will be facing similar situations and could greatly benefit by your answers. Genisco Filters is a company that specializes in this issue. Thank you for this informative article! Have a voltmeter, would that test if EMI? This inadvertent EMI then piggybacks on the copper cable and phone lines into our homes where it can radiate from every copper wire. Here is what I know about what will be happening: They will be installing the Fiber Optic cables at the street with vaults (presumably the converters you mentioned) and splice enclosure boxes on the outside of each home that has given consent. Now they are threatening to cut off my landline service. I have been so sick due to so much cable being installed. Let's look at the details: EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure is unavoidable. Total monetary compensation might vary from $31,000 to $74,000 in certain cases. 2.) Whatever it is, it is from hell. This signal is then transmitted to a decoder, known as the router. Yildirim ME, et al. They buried wires in the lawn, put an ONT box (modem) on our shed and then wired a non shielded Ethernet cable into the house (under floor in the crawl space). I use an older Radio Shack AM radio (model 12-467 or older on Ebay) to see if there is wide spectrum EMI on the wiring. Wi-Fi uses electromagnetic radiation to connect electronic devices. To summarize, not all OSP fiber networks operate the same way, and what you are describing (HFC design) is rapidly being replaced by larger fiber cables and passive splitter systems (GPON) that operate with no power in between the optical laser at the signal point of origin to the media converter at the end user. So, to cut to the chase, have you written about a health friendly infrastructure from signal origination to signal destination that would be safer? Here are my tips: Remember the brick-phone? The residents are bathed in radar but dont realize where it is coming from. Read through and watch these: Hi Jeromy! I wish I shared your optimism Jeromy, the Bible states that money is the root of all evil and seeing there are billions of dollars at stake here, I cant see any company even the slightest bit concerned with public health as long as their coffers overflow. Is it usually on the outside or just everywhere? body can absorb. I just found your page and I just need to offer a huge, hearty Thank you for all this great info!! Im not able to feel WiFi or smart meters. Ive had Comcast cable tv which hasnt been a problem. Fiber-optic lines consist of up to hundreds of small strands of glass or plastic cables, each about 1/10th the size of a single human hair. You can reach out to me via my contact form with more on your specific situation. Thanks for your comment Dave. The non-WiFi modems that seem to work best for electrically sensitive families include the Arris models TM822R, SB6141, SB6183 and SB6190. But does it affect health? This is now how you use the AM radio. In Illinois, where I live, if you are a homeowner and planning to do a renovation, you can call a number and they will put flags (different colors for different utilities) to show you where the lines are. Server 1 is going to disconnect my phone in two months and if I cant solve this problem with the power adapter and this problem of the 700-800V/m, then I am in real problems. My name is Jeromy Johnson. 5G, or fifth generation, is another type of wireless technology. It was great to hear what you had to say at EMFC this year!, The power and electronics became too unreliable and costly to maintain over time and the passive fiber splitters allow for higher quality service. . Then you just need to have an ONT unit (fiber optic modem) that you can tolerate. They came to my door after I had become ill to ask me to sign permission for them to switch my service to fiber optic. Ill be posting many more articles and videos in 2020: Hi Jeromy, thank you! Of course, they told me there would be no EMF exposure from this because its not using antennas/cell technology. This is the best way to bring fiber to the home. Thank you writing this article on EHS and fiber optic installations, it was very interesting. It will reduce the electric fields and EMI coming to your computer (steps 2-4 are what you need to do): When working with Spectrum/Charter, you can buy your own non-WiFi Arris modem model TM1602A: That will keep things from turning back on. According to a 2014 animal study, long-term exposure to Wi-Fi radiation reduces the reproductive function of male rats. I get an increase in EHS and MCS and get a decrease upon putting them somewhere else while all the time using WiFi only. I have the same issue buying property in BC and Vancouver Island!! More research is needed to determine if radiation from Wi-Fi can lead to cancer. It requires an internet connection to work. So far, there is no consistent evidence that WiFi routers or WiFi-powered devices increase cancer risk. No, not at all. That box sends light along the fiber, and translates it into signals on the copper wiring to it inside your house. Thats it. Not e Im looking forward to reading more of your articles. Hello. Have you seen much difference in the amount of EMI created if the ONT is only used for phone service versus using it for full internet access? Use it to trace the source, whether in the street or from your own wiring or devices. The place is a mess. Faulty connection to the patch panel. Julia- As the article points out, it can be on the copper cable/internet lines as well. Thanks for your comment. There is a big 3-story apartment complex being built up the street from me and it has a brand new cell tower that stands within a hundred yards of the structures. Thank you and God bless you! * Are there alternative technologies that could give high speed internet that DO operate with low-EMI emissions and thus less radiation. I have photocopies of letters from the telephone company to the power commission that they had measured 180 Volts AC on their telephone equipment. We really have to stay on our toes with all the new technologies and keep sharing what we learn. We employ a strict editorial process to ensure that what you read is factually correct. How did those brick phones work without cell towers? I always wondered about this. According to the researchers, this suggests that Wi-Fi affects the heart. ( leave the O.N.T produced by electricity and are often referred to as radiation likely picking up the electric from. Off my landline service vary on whether cell phones and other devices that radiofrequency! Reduces the reproductive function of male rats ill be posting many more articles and videos in 2020: Jeromy! 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