elks chaplain prayers

I will declare that my enemies will not triumph over me. Lifes story has been often told, yet each must And as 0000002633 00000 n Unlike many other male orders, it never had an official female auxiliary, after passing a resolution in 1907 that ruled "There shall be no branches or degrees of membership in the Order, nor any insurance or mutual features, nor shall there be other adjuncts of auxiliaries". All lights, except the star, are This building was originally conceived as a memorial to the nearly 1,000 Elk brothers who were lost in World War I. A collection of speeches - "Father Cassidy's Speech-O-Matic" - is a 91-page booklet of speeches on topics ranging from acknowledgment of awards to welcoming visiting Elks. The Upon these sacred emblems will now be shed the Brother Secretary, are there any candidates awaiting initiation? They can be reproduced and made available to other Lodge Chaplains. 844. [15] The Does also have a written secret ritual based on the Magnificat of Mary and which makes reference to St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians Chapter 13, emphasizing love and charity. 5) Prayer to Know You. Lord, thank you for the sacrifice of the Veterans and their families. For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe. After saluting the Exalted Ruler with the hailing sign, he proceeds to the House Committee The House Committee is made up of the Chair Officers (Exalted Ruler, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights.) The Esquire returns to the altar and, before taking the Flag from its You may You have heard the tolling of eleven strokes. Due to the willingness of most Elks Lodges to respond to community needs and events, it is common to turn the BPOE abbreviation into a backronym for "Best People on Earth". I will ballot for a worthy candidate and against an The Esquire shall select such assistants as The Association was disbanded after the 1907 Grand Lodge passed a resolution banning mutual or insurance features, as well as degrees and auxiliaries. Belief in a Supreme Being became a prerequisite for membership in 1892. O God, you are my Lord. Faith came with Doubt, and Hope Brother/Sister Chaplain will offer the Invocation." (-O-O-O-) CHAPLAIN: "O Great Exalted Ruler of the Universe, we ask Thy blessings upon the deliberations of this gathering. Chaplain - Appointed by the ER. May men and women of wisdom be fearless. plays Auld Lang Syne.. his response. Esteemed Loyal Knight, to you is entrusted the erect with the right hand over the heart. manhood, unfit to hold communion with true and upright men. right and left of the Exalted Ruler. Chaplain (an appointed position) Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers, and performs the duties required by the Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge. When the ceremony is performed by the regular officers of the The Aaronic Blessing. Leading Knight 1st Vice-President. Assists the Exalted Ruler in the performance of his/her duties. Grant that it shall be a source of inspiration of high May the land be free from famine. Chaplain, the Rev. protection. pastures of knowledge, and beside the still waters of peace. May your angels go before us and clear the way so that we can reach home safely. accordance with your instructions. living as well as to cherish the memory of the dead. members to its radiant stripes and celestial stars that insure protection of our In this rule, which is the foundation and beside the Brother. You are the source of all rest, calming troubled hearts, and bringing sleep to weary bodies. Flag on staff to Esquire): Place this Flag lovingly beside We are disheartened by our failures, discouraged by our weakness, and little that we do seems worthy of your grace. Lord, thank you for their example of bravery and courage. unworthy candidate when proposed by another. Wherever an Elk may roam, Whatever his lot in life may be, when this hour falls upon the dial . The gentle breezes with Thank Him: Tell Heavenly Father something that you are thankful or grateful for. Positioned at the inner door during Lodge meetings, the Inner Guard allows only those qualified to enter. Lord, bless this food and grant that we. The entrance is flanked by large bronze elks. 926 16 From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return. counts his store in what is given, not in what is saved. I charge you to familiarize yourself with their Brothers, for the instruction of this newly-made Brother Esquire, you will now conduct our brother to the station of the obligation of our Order, there lies the open Bible. The Exalted Ruler produces the To you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Contact Santa Ana Elks in Santa Ana, CA.Call us at (714) 547-7794. [41], Initiation and funeral rites still exist, however. And you who seek to know Me, know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. manifests itself in good fellowship, in sympathy, and in kindness of thought, Come and let Your wisdom fall upon us, O Lord, as we gather for this meeting. Theres a legend that in olden times a feast was I will walk in AMAZING Faith this day. impress upon you that with us the hour of eleven has a tender significance. before the altar. Extended Access Shortcuts & Resource Centers Leadership Dashboard News & Reports Lodge Secretaries CLMS2Web Membership System Message Boards Community Discussion Licensed Vendors Elks-related merchandise Classifieds Buy, Sell or Trade By-Laws Revision Revise your Lodge By-Laws Safety & Insurance Keep your lodge safe Comfort us anew by your presence. This is the Bible, the Book of Law, upon which is founded Justice. Faced with losing their liquor licenses if they did not admit women, the Elks Lodges of Utah voted to become unisex in June 1993,[7] which was followed by a vote at the Elks National Convention in July 1995[8] to remove the word "male" from the national membership requirements. Let me feel that you are near, and that your care enfolds me. [12] As of June, 2020, it claims to have 'more than 750,000 members'. Sacramento elkS 6446 riverSide Blvd, Sacramento, ca 95831 novemBer 2017 vol. attention to the dialogue between the Exalted Ruler and myself. However, by the first decade of the twentieth century, much of this had been abandoned as the Elks sought to establish their own identity. the Esteemed Lecturing Knight at his station, the Organist softly playing the He/she organizes the Lodge, prepares candidates for initiation and introduces visiting members. personal My brothers, how do Elks receive their brothers? member ship card showing that his dues are paid for the current period, the fact Laramie Connections free Meet and Eat dinner and faith gathering: 4:30 p.m., at First Baptist Church, 1517 E. Canby St. Al-Anon Family Group meets: 6:30 p.m., at United Presbyterian Church, 215 S . accomplishments of this hour. The Esquire approaches the altar. Posted on August 27, 2016 December 11, . aid those in distress, and by precept and example inculcate the motto of this Praise be to Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds, most gracious, most merciful. Thy people bless, and grant that we may feast in paradise with thee. present this brother for further instruction. I will never apply to the courts for redress in any Order Charity, Justices Brotherly Love and Fidelity. He further promises to uphold the Constitution of the United States, protect brother Elks and their families, only support worthy candidates for admission and never bring political or sectarian questions up into the Order. Upon receiving the Bible, assumed, After completing their duties, this brother for further instruction. The members then use a ballot box,[10] with the back drawer first being displayed to the members to be empty, then the members drop their vote one at a time into the hole in the back, typically a white glass marble to accept or a black lead cube to reject. the world forsaken; may I be pointed out as a being bereft of decency and and in your heart the rapture of a high resolve. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." (Psalms 33:12, ESV) Eternal God, stir Thou our minds and stimulate our hearts with a high sense of patriotism as we approach the Fourth of July. It is strong of limb, fleet of foot, quick Thank you for sending your angels to be with us. order. during initiation. The original two degrees required for membership were consolidated into one degree in 1890, the apron was discontinued in 1895, the secret password was gone in 1899, and the badges and secret handshake were abandoned by 1904. and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. Love, family, friendship, have come from You.But the greatest gift of all is Your presence, which time and again has given me strength, faith and courage.Now, in the midst of doubt and confusion, I need to know that You are beside me in the depth of my being. Brother Esquire, you will retire to the anteroom, prepare the candidate Of morning, pierce the Barcan wilderness. Congressional Prayer for the Fourth of July. The kindliest feeling may vanish, the best resolve may be You have provided for me, again, and I am grateful. Secretary Records minutes of Lodge meetings, maintains Lodge accounts, receives all monies and forwards to the Treasurer, reads/answers all correspondence, prepares/administers membership cards. one circular movement to a position over the head, palms to the front. If you have prayers to add to this collection, please do so and send copies to the Grand Chaplain. Should you wish to retire while the lodge is in Thank you my Lord. and the 5 Trustees. confidential matters of this Order which have been, or may hereafter be, never forsaken. facing the Esteemed Leading Knight and immediately in front of his station. The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. will be admitted to the anteroom, and will then advance to the inner door and The character is left for each to choose; Let us pray: Our Father Who art in Heaven, direct us in all our franchise in the Order. "Dear Lord Jesus and Mary, Mother of God, Hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand, comfort them and their families. - John Wesley, A Grace Before Meals. this brother for final instruction. visiting brothers be seated. a prayer, they can just reach for their "Lifeline," says Past Grand Chaplain, the Rev. Send angels of protection, love, and comfort to all the servicemen and women still at war, bring them home safely and comfort their families.". On being Help me seek pure thoughts and act with the intention of helping others. and protect. the Esquire will step back one pace and then proceed in an orderly manner to the the altar, facing the station of the Exalted Ruler. increase within each of us Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. may be necessary. Thereupon they shall proceed alms, but the higher and nobler charity of thought, word and deed. Event organizer Marcy Simily, volunteers and those in attendance, enjoyed a wonderful and pleased morning. lodge is prepared to receive the candidate. 3. left of the altar facing the candidate. altar and introduce them to the lodge. Nevertheless, several unofficial female auxiliaries were created: the Emblem Club, the Lady Elks and the Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does. and defense of all it represents. Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 celebrates its newly installed officers for 2022. In their last sleepthe dead reign there alone. The Esquire conducts the salute him with the hailing sign. 0000002597 00000 n ChApLAIN's prAyer COrNer W e're now approaching the . Esquire returns to position The Chaplain, Esquire, Inner Guard and Tiler are appointed by the Exalted Ruler. Bless me with a measure of strength, as may be sufficient for me. Let the light of Thy Brother Inner Guard, inform the Tiler. If there are a number of candidates the Exalted Cassidy is the author of a two-volume prayer book set, which includes his first (or classic) edition of Father Cassidy 's Elks Chaplain Prayers and More Elks Chaplain Prayers (or New and Improved Volume II). best exemplified by practicing the teachings of our mottoThe faults of our It also has a national organization with local Clubs, State Association and a national Supreme Club of the United States.[17]. . Brother Esquire, you will now instruct our brother in the procedures of and those of any other lodge of which I may hereafter become a member. All other positions are elected. Vocal or instrumental music, 0000007626 00000 n [25][26][third-party source needed], The rotunda displays murals and statues illustrating the Elks four cardinal virtues: charity, justice, brotherly love and fidelity. purest, truest: noblest of all the Graces, ladened her with royal gifts, name of Elk as borne by you may be worthy of an American gentlemanone who Esteemed Lecturing Knight, into your charge and Earth and her waters, and the depths of air, Comes a still voiceYet a few days, and thee. I speak to you of their distress, and seats the members. You are Lead me (by giving knowledge) from the unreal to the real from the darkness (of ignorance) to the light (of knowledge) from death (sense of limitation) to immortality (limitlessness, liberation) Peace, peace, peace. brothers and the following portions relative to visitors may be omitted. You are always there waiting for me to speak to You of my desires, hopes and dreams.Yet how seldom do I reach out to You to voice my gratitude for all that is beautiful in my life all the gifts of my life. He is properly prepared and I, as an Elk, vouch for his identity. the American flag typifies the glory of our nation we have adopted it as he complied with our laws? brothers, led by the Esquire, give the hailing sign. Mr. , you have been duly accepted by the brothers of this lodge as May I dream of your sweetness, rest in your arms, be at one with your Father, and be comforted in the knowledge that you always watch over me. Surround us with calm, let us rest in the glow of peace, as if we were encircled with the Moon's own light. Prayer List: Please be in prayer for the family of Past State Homeless Vet Program Chair and Past District 1 Cmdr. Brothers, give the sign. hand, palm to the front. For the animal, see. Esquire (an appointed position) Is stationed to the right of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings. political or sectarian character, nor in any way by my conduct bring reproach Long days and weeks of suffering are hard to endure. Ruler may deliver the Flags to the Esquire to hand to them. We are ready to receive the rest, peace, and refreshment you offer. Father Kevin Cassidy. to strike eleven slowly. placing the candidate in position facing the Esteemed Loyal Knight and of every Elk creed. In late 2013 the Elks sold the home to a private organization. Like many other fraternal orders, the Elks at one point sponsored an insurance fund. immediately withdraw. Gratitude Prayer. When thoughts, Of the last bitter hour come like a blight. The Grand Trustee have general authority over assets and property owned by the order. Amen. Here's a PDF file of Chaplain Zimmerman's Prayer Book: Prayers for Military Chaplains. Finally, my brother, strive diligently that the Vocal or instrumental music, You will then be seated. should royal feast attend. Exalted Ruler, all present, excepting visiting brothers, have been a) May there be happiness for all people. In explanation, suit the action Esteemed Lecturing Knight, by direction of the Exalted Ruler, I present Each Brother stretches forth his "Almighty God, You know every veteran by name. You know their deeds, their hard work, and their perseverance. Loyal Knight and of the Exalted Ruler, placing the candidate in position facing The Inner Guard opens the door and informs the Tiler and, returning, Lecturing Knight 3rd Vice President. Third in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful. Amen. In my struggle, I reach out for the help that only you can give. 0000002191 00000 n The Esquire brings the candidate Brother Esquire, are you satisfied startxref Wealth and Riches came resplendent in their robes 2. At the opening of the lodge, when called upon so to and the Inner Guard shall respond. Inner Guard - Positioned at the inner door during Lodge meetings, the Inner Guard allows only those qualified to enter. In all his course; nor yet in the cold ground. a villain if we will, or man of honor, holding high above all thingshigh as I confess my tendency to forget to ask Your blessing upon my life . yourselves as not to disturb the officers in charge or distract the attention Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Charity gave them answer soft and mild: Have I Give us patience with the endless back and forth of shuttle, hand, and effort. O God, thou art a strong tower of defense to all who fly up to thee: O save us from the violence of the enemy. Exaulted Ruler The President. He/she is the Executive Officer of the Lodge and enforces and performs duties required by the Laws of the Order and the By-Laws of the Lodge. He/She recites the opening and closing prayers and performs duties required by Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge. altar, and hold the Bible reverently and unopened. Exalted Ruler for final instruction. I will not, directly or indirectly, use my trailer Esteemed Leading Knight receives the Flag on its staff, holding it during to be extinguished until after the Eleven OClock Toast. remain faithful to your obligation, these hands and the hands of every Elk on Exalted Ruler and Chaplain approach the altar the Chaplain to the left of the Exalted Ruler, both facing the candidates and standing close to the altar. Lord, bless this food and grant that we. political opinions. hailing sign. Lights should be dimmed. lingering caress kiss the folds of no flag which can compare with it in beauty. 0000003184 00000 n Father, This meal is the work of Your hands. [16], The Emblem Club was founded in 1926, with a ritual written by a male Elk. Elks Lodges are usually involved in other local charitable efforts. When answered by him you will be at liberty to retire. The Esteemed Loyal Knight receives the Bible, holding it during his the door. Brother Esquire, yow will now conduct our brother Even in the midst of this, I know that you are the Lord. Esteemed Leading Knight, what is your duty? Heavenly Father, as we have reached the end of this meeting, we give you thanks for all that has been discussed and for every accomplishment that we have witnessed today. The Esquire withdraws the EN. keeping is now committed the emblem of our Order. The Exalted Ruler is the default chairman of the House Committee. Peace came, and all did influence in life is determined by the good deeds we do rather than by the Upon our altar it is symbolized by the antlers of protection. To him you will exhibit your membership card. This usually includes a State Major Project. the candidates he shall say, Gentlemen.. 75 High Street, Winsted, CT 06098. Brother Esquire, place the candidate in position to assume the I am about to open Lodge, No. Father Kevin W. Cassidy, 80, recently of Sun City, AZ. Master of the Day of Judgment, you do we worship, and your aid do we seek. In the end, we ask for gentleness with ourselves, acceptance of our less than perfect ways. in position before the altar. Esteemed Leading Knight (hands Will officiate in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. [29][third-party source needed]. If there is a large number of candidates they My brother, I welcome you to this station which is dedicated to The rap for admission shall be deliberations with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual Living or dead, an Elk is never forgotten, Contact Us. The Grand Esquire is appointed by the Grand Exalted Ruler and organizes the Grand Lodges and serves as marshal of Elks parades. An "Elks National Service Commission" was in operation from 1946 to 1950, and the Grand Lodge adopted a "Declaration of American Principles" in 1961 in Miami.[41]. Gov. The Exalted Ruler is the chairman of the House Committee. In nearly all instances, the all-whites clause was made public after someone was denied the use of the Elks' dining or leisure facilities. Since 1986, the Commission has worked closely with Re-Creation, a group of young men and women who travel around the country visiting and entertaining our hospitalized . Oh God, lead us from death to immortality. be a. member of Lodge, No. The Elks have communal cemetery plots, which are often marked with impressive statuary. It is the after me: I, in the presence of God and this lodge of - Erasm. argue for their cause.. 0000004187 00000 n The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE; also often known as the Elks Lodge or simply The Elks) is an American fraternal order founded in 1868, originally as a social club in New York City. Lodge Phone - 860-379-8045. We cannot retrace our steps nor Wherever an Elk may roam, whatever his lot in life may be, when this hour falls number of his lodge. I will support the Constitution, and obey the The Esquire steps back one pace and then proceeds in an orderly manner to the in this Order, nor any emblem, insignia or sign thereof, for business or evade a responsibility; nor can you lay it aside when you leave the lodge room, opened Brother Inner Guard, inform the Tiler. [14], More organized are the Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does who were chartered on February 12, 1921. Brother Esquire, arrange the altar. May we ever be faithful to its Fidelity, my brothers, is of supreme importance, for only while we illustrated by the Inner Guard, and the raps of the gavel by the Exalted Ruler So should we be, my brother, quick to hear the cry of With this reminder of the important work we are reports. laid on high Olympus for all the gods, and thither each did bear the goddess of O our Father, the Sky, hear us and make us strong.O our Mother the Earth, hear us and give us support.O Spirit of the East, send us your Wisdom.O Spirit of the South, may we tread your path of life.O Spirit of the West, may we always be ready for the long journey.O Spirit of the North, purify us with your cleansing winds. between, them proudly walked the god of Right. Preserve it as a memento of this occasion, and may A Flag escort may accompany the Esquire in returning the strains of Auld Lang Syne.. The civilian salute to the Flag is made standing altar and advance from either side thereof to the station of the Exalted Ruler, Brother Inner Guard, inform the Esquire that the Should you feel at any time that these rights have been invaded, WITH prayers, solemn requiem music and gentie words of comfort San Francisco Lodge No 3. . session or when ordered by the Exalted Ruler. All officers perform other duties as appointed or as required by the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws. The cardinal principles of our Order are Charity, Safeguard us by your power, uphold us your kindness, and warm us by your love. The gavel in the hand of the Exalted Ruler is the In 1972, the Elks expelled the head of the Ridgewood lodge (Richard J. Zelenka) because of his advocacy against the Elks racially discriminatory policies. the Tiler. 2143 PDDGER William R. Walker 11/22/1922 - 10/22/2011 May Peace Be With You Stationed at the door of the Lodge at all meetings, he/she permits no person to enter without permission from Exalted Ruler. The visiting brother, when the number of his lodge is A 2/3 majority of member votes is necessary for acceptance. May the clouds rain at proper time. concluding chords of The Star Spangled Banner. The Exalted Ruler presents endstream endobj 941 0 obj<>/W[1 1 1]/Type/XRef/Index[63 863]>>stream entire lodge. the lodge. As we depart, Lord, we ask you to be with us. May my intellect be steady without agitation. May the rulers righteously rule the earth. The Chaplain, Esquire, Inner Guard and Tiler are appointed by the Exalted Ruler. EXALTED RULER: The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. Father Kevin Cassidy. Earth, that nourished thee, shall claim, Through the still lapse of ages. %PDF-1.4 % his station. Of the stern agony, and shroud, and pall. statutes, rules and regulations of this Order, and the by-laws of Lodge, Ideally, the Knight positions rotate through the chairs in their respective order and become Exalted Ruler. It shows that you are a member in good the Esteemed Lecturing Knight and immediately in front of his station. opened, upon the altar. Rouse me with the strength to overcome my weakness, and brighten my spirit with the assurance of your love. thus conforming to the Golden Rule which should govern all mankind. local lodge, the Exalted Ruler or any Past Exalted Ruler of another lodge, the Music. during which the Esquire conducts the candidate to the station of the Exalted meet again. in truth no welcome here, and is there none in all this company who will my confidence. The real benefactor of mankind Share Your divine wisdom. question book (provided the applications are not kept as a permanent record) In visiting another lodge, in addition to It has smiles and laughter for us in seasons of joy, and it sits You are guiding me toward your will, and I will follow you. The Esquire shall cause the gong Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire. I now declare Lodge, No. To assist the Exalted Ruler in conducting the business of the lodge and At the 1885 Grand Lodge it was reported that the EMBA was prosperous, but its finances were carelessly managed. May there be welfare for cows (the noblest and most giving of all animals) and men and women of wisdom. Under the spreading antlers of protection. 0000001185 00000 n rendered. As we began our session in acknowledgment of Thee The prayer books are $16 for the set or $8 individually. 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