examples of community problems and solutions brainly

The larger the community is that supports or contributes to these solutions, the more effective and comprehensive they can be. Communities must come together to solve their problems, just like families. Your contribution can help change lives. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, Citizen Involvement Training Project. These cookies do not store any personal information. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The children themselves One of the benefits of recycling steel is that the recycled steel is just as strong and pure as virgin steel. Be a part of the production process. It may be a function of a social or political system, or may be rooted in a behavior or situation that may at first glance seem unrelated to it. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Based on the latest report of the Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM), the Philippines has about 110.8 million people last 2021. Four-in-ten urban residents say they expect the job situation in their local community to improve over the next decade, compared with 34% of suburbanites and 28% of those living in rural areas. Duplicable Highest Good approaches to all aspects of life. Contact us to know more about our programs or follow our Facebook page for the latest news and projects! too. It will also create foul odor in the community. When you need to find collaborative partners to help take action. Issues may start from families and further grow as a community matter. Food grown this way will be fresher and can be produced without pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. When there is support for a "solution" that does not seem to get at the real causes of the problem. 7. People who are suffering from lack of skills or services may be the ones who can do the most to change their situation. For example, lets take a look at data centers. The scientific method beings with a question (perhaps stemming from an existing problem). However, as communities expand across arid areas under the assumption that established water sources will be reliable, the water sources are being used faster than they can naturally replenish. These pressing matters are then followed by education, corruption, poverty, and crime with around 24% to 13%. Worth area and Los Angeles are experiencing increasing urban density as more residents refurbish downtown areas to make them desirable neighborhoods. eNotes Editorial, 21 June 2016, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-community-problem-solved-scientific-method-732803. Honor Code. Best Practices to Address Community Gang Problems from HealthyPeople.gov is a report thatprovides guidance to communities that are considering how to address a youth gang problem. The point of this step is to understand where and how to direct your work most effectively. Often, these may be the same people. The larger the community participating, the more effective and convenient these solutions all are. Right now, data centers alone consume about 2% of all the energy generated in the United States, and that number is growing as data centers pop up everywhere to handle cloud storage needs. The world is full of natural resources. The solution is to instill the importance of regular health checks as well as the importance of getting a personal health insurance. Demographic and economic trends in urban, suburban and rural communities, 2. We do this by demonstrating a more sustainable and enriching way of living and open sourcing everything needed for replication. Donate today and help the street children have the education and life they deserve. Parents may need to change their childrens and perhaps their own diets, and schools may need to adjust their lunch programs and exercise schedules. Today though, natural home building can address all these challenges and its becoming easier and more common. We all deal with individual problems, families have family issues, and communities have community problems. In 1980 each person generated about 3.66 pounds per day. Food in most communities is no longer grown or raised locally and is commonly sprayed with poisons and raised with hormones. Managing timber stands wisely so that we arent using more trees than we can replenish in several decades. These gaps hold up for the most part across community types, although the class differences are not evident among rural residents. By comparison, roughly the same share of suburbanites (64%) say this is not a problem where they live. Understanding the relationships among community issues canbe an important step toward resolving them. We can become involved in clean-up efforts in our own communities. 5) Analyze results: The community member will then re-investigate the issue to determine if his or her hypothesis is supported in the experiment (adding another recycling day). Why educator David Tarvin "thinks in Prezi" Feb. 13, 2023. "What is an example of a community problem that can be solved through the scientific method?" Unless you are clear, it's hard to move forward. We can help educate our own community members about why recycling is important and why its vital to do it right. Were not running out of oxygen. Limit your interactions with friends who are toxic and unhealthy for you. Marine pollution is largely caused by nitrogen that washes away from inland soils and drains into the ocean water. Kids gather on the street. Environmental degradation is inevitable because we have to use the land for food production, energy production, and dwellings, but we can do a lot to help preserve the quality of the land. SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, Section 15. Within communities, there are opportunities to start community-based homeschooling or after-school programs, adult classes, reading groups, etc. If you cant find a local group, try looking for a national or global online group. There is more concern about affordable housing, poverty, crime and the quality of public schools among urban residents than there is among their suburban and rural counterparts. Problems can arise in any part of a community and come from any aspect of community life. We can solve them beginning with our own buying and consumption habits. Being part of these groups promotes kinship and provides more space to connect with others. Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys, Section 8. The bigger the community, the bigger the difference. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. 1. Latest answer posted September 19, 2015 at 9:37:47 PM. One Community operates under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. 6) Draw conclusion: The community member will conclude that either the hypothesis was supported and the solution was appropriate or the hypothesis was not supported and the solution was not appropriate. One thing we know is that the decisions we make today can have a major impact on the quality of life on planet earth in the future. Before looking for solutions, you would want to clarify just what is the problem (or problems) here. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Copyright 2023 Ecavo, All Rights Reserved, 20 to 70% of our recyclables end up in a landfill, 5 BEST Alternatives to Fossil Fuels for Cars, Environmental BENEFITS of Carbon Sequestration, What is Flora and Fauna? School officials responsible for school food programs (Available from the Center at P.O. Research has found that education that includes school-based, family-based, and community-based preventive intervention to be most effective because behavior is most malleable when reinforced by. Similarly, urban residents are about twice as likely as those living in the suburbs to say crime is a major problem where they live (35% vs. 16%). Rural residents stand out in each case. However, the animals and birds must shift from place to place to survive. Younger generations are more dependent on data center capacity and speed than ever before. Co-ownership, ride sharing, alternative transportation (bike, scooter, moped, etc. As with most solutions to our global environmental crisis, the answer begins at home. And even then, reviews should be conducted after to help plan for the next crisis. It is a common problem worldwide, since it is influenced by diverse factors. Emptiness and Boredom. People will be able to find jobs or start businesses. This changes weather patterns and climate expectations everywhere. Become a Volunteer. They develop a market around these used goods, but there is simply too much. Switching to cleaner energy sources is a non-negotiable for solving our climate crisis, but we also have to focus on decreasing our need for energy. Very briefly, the latter consists of stating the problem as you perceive it and asking But why? The next step is to answer that question as well as you can and then asking again, But why? By continuing this process until you get an answer that cant be reduced further, you can often get to the underlying cause of the problem, which will tell you where to direct your efforts to solve it. Its clear that the US has made a concerted effort to deal with waste streams. Immobile marine life dies. Without knowing causes, we cannot fix the problem. 9. In your own opinion, how can t It can be human-caused or the result of a natural disaster. Communities must come together to solve their problems, just like families. In low-income neighborhoods, there needs to be greater access to healthy food and more safe places for children to play or participate in sports, both outdoors and indoors. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax Do they feel adequately supported by the frequency of recycling pick-ups? (But why? Rather than aim for a complete problem list, here are some criteria you may consider when identifying community problems: The problem occurs too frequently (frequency), The problem has lasted for a while (duration), The problem affects many people (scope, or range), The problem is disrupting to personal or community life, and possibly intense (severity), The problem deprives people of legal or moral rights (equity), The issue is perceived as a problem (perception). Fossil fuels are the dirtiest sources of energy that we have and they contribute the most to the dirty air that we suffer from around the world. Genetic predisposition for diabetes and other conditions. An in-depth analysis will lead to better long-run solutions. We want to revitalize that downtown. The problems we face on planet earth can seem overwhelming, but they arent. Here are five examples of family problems and their solutions: 1. 15 Solar Energy Pros & Cons: Is Solar Power Worth It? It is not only going away, but its also ruining our planet as we use it for fuel and energy. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. These factors may include people and the environment. A full force field analysis probably would include many more forces in each category. To find the leading problems in most areas, read on. Consider developing community housing or starting a community tool library or community maker-space. 5. For families and individuals, many free or low-cost online alternatives exist and are just a Google search away. Want to be sure what is in your food and where it is coming from? However, when we burn fossil fuels we pump massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that cant be offset by the plants in the world. To learn more, please visit our, self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration hubs, Duplicable social architecture and recreation models, enriching and fulfilling living experience, Duplicable for-profit and non-profit business infrastructure, Duplicable Highest Good approaches to all aspects of life, Duplicable and adaptable values structures, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. One of the most important factors in success is education. What is meant by "experimental set-up" and "control set-up" in biology? Analysis, including the analytic methods we have described, can take you a long way. The only possible exception is when the problem is an immediate crisis that requires action at this very moment. If we were to specify the causes of local community problems, wed have a longer list. Reducing dependence on fossil fuels will go the farthest in clearing the air around the world. These might include the availability or lack of services, information, and other support; the degree of accessibility and barriers to, and opportunities for services, information, and other support; the social, financial, and other costs and benefits of change; and such overarching factors as poverty, living conditions, official policy, and economic conditions. Local, national, and global communities are the answer. Identify whose behavior and/or what and how environmental factors need to change for the problem to begin to be solved. In urban, suburban and rural areas, nonwhites are significantly more likely than whites to say that poverty, crime, racism, jobs, access to good doctors and hospitals, and access to high-speed internet are major problems in their local communities. Cox, F. (1995). (1982). Parents may never have been exposed to information about healthy food they simply dont have the knowledge. Americans have mixed views about how the job situation will be in the future. Our towns and cities are the communities most people think of, but we also work in communities, go to school and/or take our kids to schools that have their own community structures, and we usually belong to various social and recreational communities too. This is called a force field analysis. To deliver products that solve your target customers' problems, you must first identify market problems. This will help the kids and their parents deal with stress while learning. Duplicable energy infrastructure including solar, wind, and hydro to help people eliminate their power bills and be a source of revenue for those still connected to the grid. The major environmental problems that face our planet did not appear overnight. Life satisfaction and social support in different communities, A majority of young adults in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression, As Millennials Near 40, Theyre Approaching Family Life Differently Than Previous Generations, As family structures change in U.S., a growing share of Americans say it makes no difference. With billions confined to their homes worldwide, which living arrangements are most common? Do you have more ideas for how we can help to solve these environmental problems? , hese festivals strengthen our faith and our culture as Filipinos? Natural resources feed us, give us electricity, wire our laptops, and keep us hydrated. It also offers technical Skills Training for older students. Solution. When we overuse our natural resources we get a short-term payoff but a long-term loss. This applies when theres a pandemic. These areas continuing to rise isnt sustainable and communities offer the solution. We want to revitalize that downtown. Health and Sanitation - with maternal and child death rate, we have a big problem in our hands. Marine pollution also takes the form of trash and recyclables that wash into the ocean and form massive flotillas of rubbish. With accurate diagnosis comes management and help. Other Social Issues: brainly.ph/question/2485233, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . ),Strategies of community intervention(5th ed., pp. We all live and interact in communities of various sizes. This problem is a situation where parents demand children to do something according to their will. There are too many children in the community who are overweight or obese. Freshwater pollution also happens due to nitrogen in the water, but it can also be the result of things people do. The best solution to this is to never open up with friends at first. Chances are you can at least start the list. What is the differencebetween art and science? In a country composed of many local groups, a myriad of problems arises. Lets take a look at both. Market owners view low-income neighborhoods as unprofitable and dangerous places to do business. Climate change is a real environmental issue and its full of uncertainties. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are key takeaways you should know about Urban Sprawl. Executives and Public Relations officers of supermarket chains Financial problems can test relationships, but if you are open to creative problem solving together, you will get through them. Since we know that childhood obesity tends to lead to adult obesity, and that obesity and being overweight are linked to chronic conditions diabetes, heart disease, stroke this is a problem that needs to be addressed now. The solutions to climate change involve viewing the world differently than we currently do as a global culture. This creates a hypoxic environment called a dead zone where fish, crustaceans, and sea mammals cant live. In this step, the community member may decide the issue is solved or determine more research and experimentation is needed to solve the problems plaguing the community. When there is ignorance or denial of why a community problem exists. Chances are you can at least start the list. Lead on! The biggest solution we can implement is the switch to clean alternative energy sources because fossil fuels are the biggest polluters on the planet. 4. Lets take the problem we used as an example earlier: The percentage of overweight and obese children in the community has been steadily increasing, and now approaches 25%. Almost everyone can look at the list above and see something they would like to implement but find really challenging. If youd like information on how One Community is integrating these into ultra-sustainable communities that will function as self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration hubs, click the related icons. We can help at home by ensuring that our recyclables are clean and generating less of a need for recycling by decreasing our dependence on single-use items. Roughly one-in-four (23%) say this is not a problem in their community. 1. The key to so many of our major environmental problems is to decrease personal consumption. There is a natural carbon dioxide cycle that we have with all of the plants on the planet. Transportation is another common community challenge. They can be real challenges. 4. Dale, D., &Mitiguy, N. (1978). We hope you'll find some value in analysis. What is seen as a problem can vary from place to place and group to group in the same community. In some cases, whites in the suburbs stand out as being the least concerned about these issues. Once a disease is understood well enough to cure, it is often also understood well enough to prevent or eliminate. Air pollution affects everything us, plants, animals, all water on the planet, and marine fish and mammals. Another project to address local community problems is the Mobile Health Clinic or KliniKalye. This happens for lumber and to create biomass for power plants. The final huge environmental problem that we must solve domestically is our recycling inefficiencies. It might be used in animal feed, turned into fertilizer, used in the creation of biochemicals, or other methods of disposal or reuse. But, before discussing solutions, problems must be identified. Conducting Public Forums and Listening Sessions, Section 4. The reluctance of supermarket chains to open stores in low-income neighborhoods. We'll offer some step-by-step guidelines here and go over a couple of specific ways to determine the causes of the problem. Thats just one example of an energy consumer that we cant just shut down to save the planet. We view the world as something to use. Lack of employment and hope for young men in low-income neighborhoods, Lack of availability of healthy food in low-income neighborhoods, General availability at school as well as elsewhere of snack foods high in salt, sugar, and fat, Constant media bombardment of advertising of unhealthy snacks, drinks, and fast food. Assessing Community Needs and Resources, Section 1. 1994-2023The University of Kansas. State the problem without implying a solution or blaming anyone, so that you can analyze it without any assumptions and build consensus around whatever solution you arrive at. It is a challenging problem to solve within a marriage, let alone a family. The problem is particularly serious among low-income families. If each of us becomes wiser consumers we can have a dramatic impact on the waste streams and the carbon emissions from them. However, steel can be recycled forever. Use of this websiteconstitutes acceptance and agreement to comply with and be bound by theseTerms and Conditions. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock. There are a lot of issues in the world, and if you want your reader to think yours is an important one to solve, you need to catch their attention with something they will remember. Answer: A story that makes the problem seem essential and dramatic is the best way to start a problem solution essay. Kids dont play outside because its too dangerous gang activity and drug dealing make the street no place for children. Organizing for power and empowerment. It includes the individual and the family. For problems plaguing a community (parking, pool hours, neighborhood fees, recycling bins), community members can apply the scientific method to develop solutions. The solution may be more difficult still. Jumping in and trying to fix it without analysis can cause a bigger problem and waste resources. By doing so, you can mitigate them. Good question and the answer comes back to excess consumption. Recent studies have shown that loneliness and depression are on the rise, and both are worse in cities. However, there are conditions when an analysis is especially critical: The ultimate goal is to understand the problem better and to deal with it more effectively, so the method you choose should accomplish that goal. So, on top of burning fossil fuels to commute from sprawling communities, we are also burning fossil fuels to charge our EV cars, keep the air conditioners running, and keep the lights on. Here are a few things we can do to help combat climate change. Healthier citizens work and interact with others better. In some cases, such as drug addiction and jobs, views about the severity of local problems are more strongly linked to race and socio-economic status than they are to the type of community one lives in, suggesting that some of the challenges Americans face today may be rooted more in demographics than in geography. Let us know in the comments below! China used to handle the bulk of our recycling, but it is so polluted that they banned it in 2018. Well discuss these top 10 environmental problems in detail and offer some real-world solutions to each one. 7. What is that something? Stewardship is about taking care of each other, our local communities, and our planet. 4) Test hypothesis: The community member may then lobby the neighborhood to include an extra day of recycling; this process is an experiment. CFCs are banned, but other ozone-destroying chemicals are still in use. These patterns are consistent among urban, suburban and rural residents. Overall, 42% say this is a major problem and an additional 45% say it is a minor problem. In Rothman, J., Erlich, J., &Tropman, J. A local community is defined as a group of people living in a common area in which intent, resources, needs, and risks are shared. Learn how the members and leaders could solve pressing issues in their local area. They are the result of several forces working together: our technological innovation, our consumptive habits, and our pursuit of wealth, along with the exponential rise in the human population over the last 200 years. Duplicable for-profit and non-profit business infrastructure that prioritizes cooperation and collaboration over competition. There are a number of thing we can do to help reduce the amount of environmental degradation that happens as a result of our own needs and wants. There's a long list of nominees, and you probably know some of the main contenders. Analyzing Community Problems and Solutions Section 7. It pertains to the careful management of wealth and resources in a country or region. Jumping in and trying to fix it without analysis can cause a bigger problem and waste resources. Due to these shared factors, the members often have a common language, beliefs, and stories that they pass throughout ages. Freshwater pollution refers to the pollution of inland water like rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. The EPA has a list of 188 air pollutants. Sewer treatment plant releases (treated and untreated) Dirty stormwater runoff Pharmaceuticals, detergents, and other things people put in the water system Heavy metals like lead and mercury Arsenic Radon Some of these things we can't avoid, but a lot of it is preventable. They must be able to see the root cause of major concerns and propose laws and actions that would address the said pain points, instead of mere stopgap solutions. Media stories about the problem of childhood obesity and its consequences for children, both now and in their later lives. On the individual level, installing a home solar system, adjusting your thermostat, taking shorter showers, switching to all LED lights, and turning off lights wherever not needed can make a huge difference in your power bill. The first type of problem in Snowden's framework is simple and obvious. Insights: The Brainly Blog. It can also be a sign that the municipal government is not keeping the urban areas clean and safe. But, before discussing solutions, problems must be identified. The problem is that the amount of waste generated per person is growing drastically. Check our list below. That watershed needs our protection to continue to provide us with the clean water we need to survive. In other cases, your targets may be people whose behavior or circumstances need to change, and you may want to recruit agents of change to work with you in your effort. On the other hand, forest fires caused by human activity will deforest an area that may not ever recover. Madison, WI: Center for Conflict Resolution. Models like these will eliminate the need for regular car use, but everyone will still have access to a car anytime they need or want one. About a third (34%) say they expect the availability of jobs where they live to be better 10 years from now, 20% say it will be worse and 45% say it will stay about the same. Infidelity is, unfortunately, one of the main reasons for divorce. 8 Practical Tips to Maximize Efficiency in Real Estate Investing The real cause of a problem may not be immediately apparent. Gang members and youth at risk of becoming gang members. A slightly smaller share (13%) say this is a major problem in the suburbs. Coming from national or global online group ; Feb. 13, 2023 regular health checks as well as the of! We face on planet earth can seem overwhelming, but it can be produced without pesticides,,! 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