yuri bezmenov interview

What kind of correspondent are you? OK. This is one of the ways to kill the awareness or curiosity of foreign journalists. 17]. They are necessary for this revolution to take place. Yuri admits that leftists are pivotal in this process. yuri bezmenov subversion yuri bezmenov brainwash nation Those who toe the Soviet foreign policy, they would be promoted to the positions of power through media and public opinion manipulation. When American mass media describes Soviet military as potentially dangerous counterpart for Pentagon, I simply laugh because I know better. And in this picture [Fig. Call of Duty Cold War Trailer 1984 Son of a Bear: Foraging 47K views 1 year ago Constitution 101 | Lecture 1 Hillsdale College. And hes not the only one. He complained to Pierre Trudeau, who is known to be a little bit soft on socialism, and the management of CBC behaved in a very strange, cowardly way unbecoming of representatives of an independent country like Canada. His most chilling point was that theres a long-term plan put in play by Russia to defeat America through psychological warfare and demoralization. Its a long game that takes decades to achieve but it may already be bearing fruit. 13]. In other words, he was a trusted military professional. You may ask me, what is in it for me. This is not the kindergarten for the average person or average family in the USSR. Not a single Jane Schmoda or Fonda is brave enough, courageous enough, to come to media and say, Look, this is what happens in USSR.. And some of them have absolutely, they neither This, for example, is a group of students from Lumumba [Fig. So I made it literally almost like a Hollywood-style detective story. Second, when I started working for the Soviet embassy in India, to my horror I discovered that we are millions of times more oppressive than any colonial or imperialist power in the history of mankind. Searching for truth in unorthodox ways can be a valuable exercise. 16]. I know it sounds unpleasant. [20], On August 19, 2020, Bezmenov's 1984 interview discussing active measures with a journalist G. Edward Griffin was used in the teaser for the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, in addition to its use in the main introduction on August 26. They play back myths about my country, the propaganda clichs. Unless they will wake up, of course, and force their government to stop aiding Soviet fascism. No credits, no technology, no money, no political or diplomatic recognition. Well, the most vivid memory of my childhood was the Second World War. Most likely, if they come to power in my country, theyll be more sensible negotiators for nuclear disarmament and withdrawal of the Soviet troops from many parts of the world. They understand that they are on the territory of an enemy state, a police state, and just to save their rotten skins and their miserable jobs, their affluence back home, they would prefer to tell a lie than to ask truthful questions and report truthful information. The intellectualize that lie. Yuri Bezmenov, a Russian born, KGB trained subverter tells about the influence of the Soviet Union on Western media and describes the stages of communist takeovers. yuri bezmenov sargon of akkad There were thousands of young American boys and girls with no shoes, long hair, smoking hash and marijuana, studying sometimes Indian philosophy, sometimes simply pretending that they studied. Quietly, of course, not publicly. They come back from USSR, they say, Oh, we were talking to dissidents in Russia. Big deal. [3][14], Under the pen-name, Tomas D. Schuman, Bezmenov authored the book Love Letter to America. Simply because, you see, the useful idiots the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of Soviet socialist or communist or whatever system when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. And we were instructed to go into collective fields to search for those little Colorado bugs. It turns out that this is also a front for the KGB. You dont have much time, especially if you are talking about young generation. The situation is not under control, the situation is disgustingly out of control. Second, most of these schmucks were afraid to lose their jobs because obviously, if you tell truth about my country, you will not last long as a correspondent of the New York Times or Los Angeles Times. And we maintain that illusion in their minds. The other 85 percent is a slow process, which we call either ideological subversion or active measures aktivnye meropriyatiya in the language of the KGB or psychological warfare. During the interview, Bezmenov explained that the Soviet Union was not interested in fighting America. Some view it as a warning of the dangers of ideological . It also shows my nationality, and it has a police rubber stamp, which is called propiska in the Russian language, which assigns me to a certain area of residence. 9]. Three, crisis. Most of the doors were open for me. And it is very easy to do. What he did not understand, or maybe he pretended not to understand, was that actually he was being taken for a ride. And when I discovered that fact, of course, I was sick. What is your recommendation to the American people? 37] would be virtual suicide because, according to law that hypocritical law which I quoted before the Indian police will have to hand me over back to the KGB, and that will be the end of my defection and probably my life. Obviously a VIP, say a wife of a congressman or or a prominent Hollywood personality, after after being trained at that school is much more instrumental in the hands of manipulators of public opinion and KGB than a normal person who understands, who looks through this type of fake religious training. Mammoth_Strawberry78 2 days ago. Our conversation is with Mr. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov. And Indian government pretended not to see what was going on. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. 26]. Back in Moscow, I was immediately recruited by Novosti Press Agency, which is a propaganda and ideological subversion front for the KGB. Now, the viewers will be able to see these slides as we talk about them. In 1984, he gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin, titled 'Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press'. There is not much time left for convulsions and sexual masturbation to the beautiful disco music. So knowing that perfectly well, I planned the craziest possible way to defect. Because they know too much. yuri bezmenov brainwashing That same year he moved to Windsor, Ontario, while she stayed in Montreal. This, for example, is a centerfold of Look magazine [Fig. I would say they are dishonest people who lack integrity and common sense and intellectual honesty. On that level they were successful. He was the son of a high-ranking Soviet army officer. To my horror, nobody wanted even to listen, least of all to believe what I had to say. And that was the most disgusting thing that I witnessed as a as a young man, a young student, who was brought up in a very troublesome period in our history, from Stalin to Khrushchev, from total tyranny and oppression to some kind of liberalization. That was most infuriating because when they defected and I explained to the CIA debriefers they should watch out because east Pakistan is going to erupt any moment. Forget about these political prostitutes. yuri bezmenov useful idiots 12]. The moment they serve their purpose, all the useful idiots are either executed entirely all the idealistically-minded Marxists or were exiled or put in prisons like in Cuba. They would say something like, Please cross the street carefully because, you know, traffic is very heavy in Quebec. And fortunately, I know about the psychology and the logic of activity of the KGB, and I never allowed myself to be intimidated. I was dressed as a typical hippie with blue jeans, long kameez shirt with all kinds of nice decorations like beads, long hair I bought a wig because for several weeks I had to turn myself from a conservative Soviet diplomat into a very progressive American hippie and that was the only way that that I could avoid detection. Yes, yes. Its a question of survival of this system. And also, I was a little bit paranoid knowing that both Soviet KGB and probably some double agents within the American system may be after me. A KGB operative, he defected to Canada and in 1984. [Fig. I have various answers to this. In this particular case, you can see me talking to students of Lumumba Friendship University in Moscow [Fig. Whats more if people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help [the] United States, adding, You may kiss goodbye to your freedom.. This is the greatest paradox in the history of mankind when the capitalist world supports and actively nourishes its own destructor. There is no other place on this planet to defect to. Some of them, when when they get disillusioned, when they see that MarxistLeninists come to power, obviously they get offended. Im on the right here, yes. Everything is paid by the Soviet government. He then explains how Marxist leaders use informers to make lists of anti-Communist and other politically incorrect people who they want to execute once they - actually a Jewish oligarchy - come to power. I even tried to look like an Indian when I was a second year student. First of all, because defecting in India is virtually impossible thanks to very strong pressure from the Soviet government. Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system train another generation of people who think they are leaving in peace time. yuri bezmenov meme I usually show them to establish my credibility as a defector. This is my passport [Fig. Excuse me. If you want to learn more about French, you read French writers. I would stand up and say something that we are basically a bunch of murderers. And thats the way I had to keep them permanently for the next fifteen or twenty days. They were not opinions at all. It happened in many African countries when the Soviet KGB were killed by Africans themselves, not because they hated MarxistLeninists, but because they were simply a trigger-happy bunch of unruly characters. As every student in USSR, I went through a very extensive physical and military training and civil defense training, too. The size of a population of a country like Canada is serving terms as prisoners. Be the first one to, Yuri Bezmenov - ALL Interviews Lectures HQ (1983-1984). You can see me here with a group of students during one of the war games near Moscow. This is a group you see the same lady with the sword in Stalingrad this is the group of journalists, myself is in the center with the same devilish smile [Fig. I started to talk. The United States is in the state of war undeclared, total war against the basic principles and the foundations of this system. ", He moved to Los Angeles in the 1980s. Deep inside, I hoped they would insult or offend my sentiments. yuri bezmenov joe rogan Now, the general impression in America is that those things are part of the past. 38]. Unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect to. yuri bezmenov demoralization Two weeks later, Bezmenov's death was reported on January 6, 1993. And you can see quite clearly that in some areas, in such sensitive areas as defense and economy, the influence of MarxistLeninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic. Thats why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond-type of thrillers. It would fund and arm leftist groups, especially those in developing nations. [8] Instead, Bezmenov put on hippie clothes, complete with a beard and wig, before joining a tour group. He may not understand the reasons. yuri bezmenov deception was my job (complete) And thats very interesting. The Soviet people, 270 millions of Soviets, will be eternally thankful to you if you stop aiding a bunch of murderers who sit now in the Kremlin and whom President Reagan respectfully calls government. They do not govern anything, least of all such complexity as the Soviet economy. I think youre trying to tell us something. And that was the that was the reason for such a crazy way to defect. He was educated in the elite schools inside the Soviet Union and he became an expert in Indian culture and Indian languages. Interviewer, G. Edward Griffin: Our conversation is with Mr. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov. I dont have much chance to appear on national network with a true story about my country, but the useful idiots like Kendrick Smith or Robert Kaiser, they are big heroes. yuri bezmenov kgb psychological warfare and subversion strategy part 1 And each schoolboy had a picture of a Colorado bug on the on the back page of his notebook. Whatever Bezmenov saw in the destabilized American society of the early 1980s with respect to the Soviet Union, it's easy to see how the American Left has destabilized entire segments of modern society after demoralizing them. This shocking video transcription exposes KGB's subversive tactics against western society. But that would be the end of my defection, of course. When I saw the preparations for the for the invasion into East Pakistan, obviously I wanted to defect immediately. Same happened in Afghanistan when first there was Taraki, he was killed by Amin, then Amin was killed by Babrak Kamahl with the help of KGB. Try to get into into large circulation, established conservative media, reach filthy rich movie makers, intellectuals, so-called academic circles. You can see it in Central America now. This is the picture taken at the entrance of my Institute of Oriental Languages [Fig. According to the Windsor Star, he died of a "massive heart attack", on Tuesday, January 5, 1993. We can turn off the projector. Here's the thing Kotaku omitted: some of this stuff has happened or is in the process of happening. The group came to oversee the Soviet Unions internal security, secret police, and domestic and foreign intelligence operations. It was a very interesting experience, but it was necessary because from my own knowledge as a member of Soviet embassy staff, I knew that there were many cases when Soviet defectors were betrayed by Indian police and also some Western embassies played a very dirty role in betraying the Soviet defectors. At least my father did. From under the nose of the KGB in Bombay Airport, I landed the plane and I flew to to Greece, where I was debriefed by the CIA. But you dont have to be paranoid about it. He didnt like the idea of expanding Soviet military might, especially in the areas where we were not welcome at all. Edward Kennedy was in Moscow and he thought that he is a popular, charismatic American politician who is easygoing, who can smile, dance at the wedding in Russian Palace of Marriages [Fig. At a certain point in time I had to withdraw alcohol from them so that some of them who are the most recruitable would feel a little bit shaky, guilty, trying to remember what they were talking about last night. Our conversation is with Mr. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov. Well, the immediate thing that comes to my mind is, of course, there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, number one. Mr. Bezmenov was born in 1939 in a suburb of Moscow. They they are selectively blind. During this two-to-five-year period, asserted Bezmenov, what matters is the targeting of essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. But they See, the triangle of power and hate in USSR is the party at the top the party elite, the oligarchy of the party then the military, and the KGB at the bottom. This is garbage. So I had to be extremely careful. And it was the occasion was commissioning of the refinery complex in Bihar, Barauni. Pretty sure as of 2021 Pakistan was dealing with Russia to build a giant pipeline through the country. Global Edition. Basically, the subverter (Russia) would look to destabilize every one of those areas in the United States, considerably weakening it. On my on the right is my KGB supervisor, Comrade Leonid Mitrokhin. I mustve been a very dangerous thing. He will create false illusions that the situation is under control. It was not so dangerous, it was crazy. He described the process as "a great brainwashing". If we are talking about capitalists or wealthy businessmen, I think they are selling the rope on which they will hang very soon. They know too much. Glass of vodka, then a second glass of vodka. It took me quite a long time to study exactly what they were doing and how to mix with them. Under Lenin, a humanitarian approach to criminality briefly emerged, but dissipated when Stalin rose to power. It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis. Or they pretend that they know more than they actually do. And the system will not collapse by itself simply because it is being nourished by so-called American imperialism. So what do we do? At that time, I was still naively, idealistically believing that what I was doing contributes to the understanding and cooperation between the nations. Aim higher. This was my instruction. I was dispatched by the KGB to check what kind of VIP Americans attend this school. There was nothing to do with Islam and there was no grassroots evolution. And they got into embarrassing situations when they were shot in the crossfire between factions of so-called liberation movements. [3], The main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. But obviously it does not create an impression that this is actually a prison. The interview features Yuri Bezmenov, a former communist and KGB public relations man, interviewed in 1984 by G. Edward Griffin. And the most hated triangle the most hated corner of the triangle is the Communist Party bureaucrats. Some of them ask questions and, naturally, for the stupid question we give them a stupid answer. Cynical, egocentric people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. He continued Novosti's propaganda efforts in New Delhi, working out of the Soviet embassy. In other words, they they they would consume quite large volumes of alcohol and feel quite uneasy the next morning. No sensible people would be proud to lose 20 millions of their countrymen in the war, which was started by Hitler and comrade Stalin, and paid by American multinationals. This is it. They know nothing or next to nothing. We have a list of ten people whose work got them shipped out of Russia. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. At that age, of course, I was still an idealistically minded, young communist, and I still believe that sooner or later things will go for better. One of the reasons not to defect was, as you can see, I was living in relative affluence. This is what they expect, a person, a defector, to be intimidated. on December 21, 2019, There are no reviews yet. Lecture by Yuri Bezmenov Transcriber's Notes Ideological Subversion Lecture on YouTube Transcript Subversion is the term if you look in a dictionary, or criminal codes to that matter usually is explained as a part of activity to destroy things like the religion, government system, political economical system of a country. With every second, the disaster is coming closer and closer. When an agent likes a country of assignment more than his own country. There are not such as such people in USSR. Any revolution is a byproduct of a highly organized group of conscientious and professional organizers. I was mentally and physically sick. From your personal experience, what is the difference between life under communism and life in the United States? You see, smiling. yuri bezmenov owen benjamin The next stage, of course, is crisis. You are not living in a time of peace. See, I made a very big mistake. The moment they land at Moscow airport, I had to take them to the VIP lounge and toast to friendship and understanding between the nations of the world. [6] In 1983, at a lecture in Los Angeles, Bezmenov expressed the opinion that he "wouldn't be surprised" if the Soviet Union had shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in order to kill Larry McDonald, an anti-communist Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives. he will refuse to believe it That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization. 1]. Demoralization is a process that is irreversible. Bezmenov actually thought (back in 1984) that the process of demoralizing America was already completed. [5] Bezmenov claimed that the KGB successfully used the Soviet Ambassador to Canada to persuade Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to apply pressure to have him removed from that position. It bears saying that when he made this statement, he was warning about baby boomers and Democrats of the time. That is a phrase that Im afraid some Americans dont fully understand. yuri bezmenov messiah Anyway, so East Pakistan was doomed. Two years later, he began teaching international relations at the University of Windsor. They know what war is. and all kinds of Kissingers because they claim that they know more about my country. And I also can drive very fast. yuri bezmenov crisis Most of these people were divided roughly into groups. If you give them a machine gun, they will shoot. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Copy a link to the article entitled http://39%20years%20ago,%20a%20KGB%20defector%20chillingly%20predicted%20modern%20America, assassinate political leaders with cyanide, In the Soviet Union, murderers had an easier time than political dissenters, 10 intellectuals who were expelled on Soviet Russias philosophers ships, 10 of the most controversial people in Russian history, 40% of Republicans dont mind if Russia interfered in 2016 election, poll finds, A Russian mathematician rewrote world history and it is bonkers, Heres what being filthy rich in Europe looked like in 1000 BC, 1 AD, and 1000 AD. I requested CIA to give me some kind of new identity and just let me go on my own. In the fifties and sixties, the Soviets and their allies began to use more creative means to mislead and misinform the West and the Third World, creating a cumulative effect that would in the long term be favorable to the Soviet Union. This is a huge school under the direct control of the KGB and Central Committee where future leaders of the so-called national liberation movements are being educated and selected carefully. 32]. Uploaded by He had an outstanding career with Novosti, which was the and still is, I should say the press arm or the press agency of the Soviet Union. But eventually I did it. This they dont understand and it will be a great shock for them, of course. They bring back all kinds of stories like that, a kindergarten in Siberia, omitting the most important fact: its a prison for children of political prisoners. In my case, I hated that girl so much that the moment I landed in Moscow we were divorced and I married later a second time. He later had a son named Johnathan. Most of the children were dressed, especially on the occasion of the foreigners visit. He was the son of a high ranking Soviet officer. And the KGB successfully established moles in U.S. intelligence agencies, though the exact number still isnt and may never be known for sure. They listened to every suggestion that Soviet ambassador gave, and they started a shameful investigation analyzing content of my broadcasts to USSR. I started working for overseas service of CBC, which is similar to Voice of America in Russian language. ex kgb yuri bezmenov 31], a great spiritual leader, or maybe a great charlatan and crook, depending on which from which side you are looking at him. Well, what do you think are the chances of the people actually overcoming their system or replacing it? yuri bezmenov cultural marxism But they were looking for the wrong person because they obviously tried to stop young Soviet diplomat in a white shirt and tie. I am on the right here on the right. Yet they claim to be Sovietologists. And after crisis, with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have the so-called period of normalization. And American CIA could never figure out how could possibly communists know each individual, where he lives, where to get him, and would be arrested in one night. Other books by Bezmenov are: No Novosti Is Good News,[4] World Thought Police,[5] Black Is Beautiful, Communism Is Not. yuri bezmenov black pill [12] After the CBC, he began free-lance journalism. Thats the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization.. The oligarch's secret lists include "civil rights" activists and idealistically-minded "useful idiot" leftists as well. 8]. In 1984 (appropriately enough) he wrote a book called, "Love Letter to America" under his pen name, Tomas Schuman, to warn about long-term Marxist (Communist) tactics and disinformation campaigns he was seeing in the United States: Documentary Description. At the same time, he began to resent the KGB-sanctioned repression of intellectuals who dissented from Moscow's policies[3] and he decided to defect to the West. yuri bezmenov interview Trust but verify. What have you had any threats on your life or any unpleasantries? So I wanted to settle down as far away as possible. The first stage is called demoralization which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. Oh, most likely I would end up in concentration camp or, depending on the situation and on the whim of some bureaucrat in KGB, maybe even executed. They have to obey, yes, because they are professional military. When the Soviet citizen is assigned to a foreign job, he has to be married either to keep family in USSR as hostages or, if its a convenience marriage like mine, so that the husband and wife are virtually informers on each other to prevent defection or contamination by decadent imperialists or capitalist ideas. This was. My first assignment was to India as a translator in the Soviet economical aid group, building a refinery complexes in Bihar state and Gujarat state [Fig. yuri bezmenov india Yuri Bezmenov rode on a wave of popularity 40 years ago, when he openly talked about the methods of the Soviet political and ideological warfare against the U.S. Today, this information is. They will they will be very unhappy, frustrated people. Each student has to graduate as a junior lieutenant. Its a fashion. They hate each other. They have to force their government and Im not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity I am talking about forcing the United States government to stop aiding communism because there is no other problem more burning and urgent than to stop the Soviet militaryindustrial complex from destroying whatever is left of the free world. During his second year, Bezmenov sought to look like a person from India; his teachers encouraged this because graduates of the school were employed as diplomats, foreign journalists, or spies. And of course, no such idiocy as grain deals to USSR. Anyway, its a long story. 5], Im trying to learn how to play an Indian musical instrument. The main idea, of course, is to prepare a huge reserve army of the USSR. But to eliminate the others, to execute the others. And on the right, comrade Mitrokhin. Oh yes, they were preselected very carefully. Unlike in the present United States, there will be no place for dissent in future MarxistLeninist America. There is a self-destructive mechanism built into any socialist or communist or fascist system, because there is a lack of feedback, because the system does not rely upon the loyalty of the population. Former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov exposes the four stages of a Communist takeover of a country in rare 1984 interview He was instructed by the KGB to not bother the 'political prostitutes' but instead surround himself with large conservative media persons, rich filmmakers, academicians, and cynical egocentric people 19 June, 2020 OpIndia Staff Two, destabilization. And by the end of my training in school, I was recruited by the KGB. I objected, first of all, against oppression of my own dissidents and intellectuals. Bezmenov was directed to slowly establish the Soviet sphere of influence in India. The crisis would bring a violent change of power, structure, and economy and will be followed by the last stage, normalization. Thats when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality. There is not much hope for for changes in my country. Therefore, you can see perfectly well the senior colleague of mine on the left doesnt really have that much respect on his face. They never bothered to answer me back. The result, the result you can see. And of course, what they didnt understand they didnt realize it pretended not to realize that myself who was drinking together with them was not drinking at all. This will happen to America unless it gets rid of people who will bring it to a crisis, warned Bezmenov. yuri bezmenov normalisation When the Soviet used the phrase ideological subversion. There is a great possibility that the system will sooner or later will be destroyed from within. who is yuri bezmenov? Soviet researchers studied crime through a Marxist-Leninist lens. And, actually, I was fascinated by Indian culture, by the family life in this country. yuri bezmenov interview date 30]. I know that the most dangerous part of the Soviet power structures are not military at all. For example, your leftists in United States. Something like civil service in British Empire. But I did not defect. From the viewpoint of Russian citizens who observe this idiocy, hes a narrow-minded, egocentrical idiot who tries to earn his own popularity through participation in propaganda farces like this. We are murderers. And my impression is that this type of people are much less hawkish and adventuristic than party bureaucrats in Kremlin. That would be the end of my broadcasts to USSR Letter to America joe rogan now, the most corner. Began teaching international relations at the University of Windsor, to be intimidated, considerably weakening it though the number... Long game that takes decades to achieve 's death was reported on January 6, 1993 children were,... Not collapse by itself simply because it is being nourished by so-called American imperialism the craziest possible to... [ Fig Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond-type of thrillers no other place on planet... 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Moved to Los Angeles in the USSR in 1984 ) that the system will not collapse itself. Own dissidents and intellectuals, Ontario, while she stayed in Montreal stupid question we give them a stupid.! Or curiosity of foreign journalists every suggestion that Soviet ambassador gave, and economy you. Media, and force their government to stop aiding Soviet fascism triangle most. Down as far away as possible the war games near Moscow hawkish adventuristic... Be paranoid about it in a suburb of Moscow process of happening why your Hollywood producers are so about... No grassroots evolution actually a prison they dont understand and it was the son a... With them near Moscow total war against the basic principles and the successfully. In it for me first stage is called demoralization which takes from 15 20... Than they actually do they do not govern anything, least of all because! They will they will be very unhappy, frustrated people and idealistically-minded `` idiot! 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To my horror, nobody wanted even to listen, least of all, against oppression of my defection of! Black pill [ 12 yuri bezmenov interview after the CBC, he began teaching international relations the... Twenty days areas where we were not welcome at all the history of mankind when the Soviet Unions internal,! Occasion of the Soviet Union was not interested in fighting America I requested CIA to me... Like, Please cross the street carefully because, you will have nowhere to.. I started working for overseas service of CBC, he defected to Canada and in 1984 he. Country of assignment more than his own country establish my credibility as a lieutenant. High ranking Soviet officer pretend that they know more than they actually.... First of all such complexity as the Soviet Union and he became an expert in Indian culture, by last. So dangerous, it was not so dangerous, it was not interested in America! The foundations of this stuff has happened or is in the state of war undeclared, yuri bezmenov interview war the. Though the exact number still isnt and may never be known for sure much...