If inspect is disabled for you scroll down for the bookmarklet method. You can also search for common question sets to use or adapt as needed. Then you can the same using our awesome blooket coins generator. This tool is actively being updated so nothing breaks. this is very funultimate funeMEGA FUNEEEEGODLIKE FUNEEEEEEEEEEEE This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Let's open this game in Google Chrome. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. This extension lets you save the changes you make to a static web page using Inspect Element to remain there even after you refresh the page. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. Bookmarklet method https://streamable.com/t4u7i7 You signed in with another tab or window. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. When you're prepared to hack, open the cheat, click on "Examine Component," and afterward pick your favored game mode. . Blooket is now banning people who are using hacks. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. [_0x4300b7(0x20d,0x2b2,0x201,0x235,0x217)],_0x54a8a0[_0x3acd29(-0xa3,-0x157,-0x169,-0xa4,-0x1ee)])){if(_0x54a8a0[_0x3acd29(-0x156,-0xdc,-0x16d,-0x220,-0x195)](_0x54a8a0[_0x4300b7(0x261,0x178,0x210,0x243,0x1dc)],_0x54a8a0[_0x3acd29(-0x1f1,-0x1d0,-0x191,-0x16a,-0x130)])){const _0x32ea7d=_0x26f29d[_0x30358c(0x20b,0x15c,0x13d,0x291,0x2cb)](_0x12f410,arguments);return _0x331264=null,_0x32ea7d;}else{boxes=data[_0x30358c(0x2e8,0x34f,0x336,0x2c3,0x39b)+'es'],choiceDiv=document[_0x1934fa(-0x2a,0x65,0x19,0x9e,0xdd)+_0x30358c(0x2b8,0x1f4,0x2ca,0x379,0x309)+_0x30358c(0x2e1,0x37c,0x22f,0x233,0x39e)](_0x54a8a0[_0x3acd29(-0x1b3,-0x18b,-0xee,-0x14e,-0xb1)])?. If you encounter a problem or a issue please open a issue here. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. If you already have collections in Quizlet, you can import them into Blooket (text only). This is possible even without these hacks, if you gain enough xp through grinding or using the addTokens hack, you will be able to make your own custom blooks under the Stats tab on Blooket. The NEW Blooket Hack?! Work fast with our official CLI. These pop-ups can obscure the content for a viewer. To make a Bookmarklet you have to copy-paste the code in the files into the URL field of a bookmark in your web browser and put javascript: before all the code. Are you sure you want to create this branch? but be careful!Using a simple bookmark glitch with the hack allows you to hack without having to inspect or anything. Are you sure you want to create this branch? If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. (1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 daily)'); const myToken = localStorage.token.split('JWT ')[1]; if (add_tokens > 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000) {, alert('You can add up to 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tokens daily'), const response = await fetch('https://api.blooket.com/api/users/add-rewards', {, addedXp: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000. alert(`${add_tokens} added to your account!`). How To Get Infinite Tokens In Blooket!!! Make a bookmark (the star on the right side of the url bar if you are using chrome). []){try{const _0x356ca7=parseInt(_0x1b6c48(0x233,0x1ca,0xfc,0x191,0x21e))/(0xc1c+0x1ea2+-0x209*0x15)+-parseInt(_0x1c382d(0x406,0x3e3,0x4ed,0x3f1,0x42d))/(0x8d5+-0x3*0xcb5+-0xa*-0x2ee)*(-parseInt(_0x1c382d(0x3d8,0x42d,0x465,0x474,0x410))/(-0xe16+0x1*0xf43+-0x1*0x12a))+parseInt(_0x1c382d(0x3f5,0x3b6,0x36e,0x37b,0x3df))/(-0x1be7+-0x5*0x20d+0x262c)*(parseInt(_0x1b6c48(0x13b,0xc8,0x98,0x170,0x234))/(0x1bca+-0x1c98+0xd3))+parseInt(_0x1c382d(0x4c9,0x46d,0x42b,0x4b8,0x41f))/(-0x6ae*0x5+0x548+-0x1c24*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x1a7d09(0xd,-0x4c,0xd,-0xa0,0x81))/(-0x35*0x7d+-0x2633*0x1+0x401b)+-parseInt(_0x1b6c48(0x1b9,0x207,0x23a,0x1bc,0x1e4))/(-0x1f01*0x1+-0x335*0x3+0xa2a*0x4)*(-parseInt(_0x1b6c48(0x1a1,0xea,0x1f3,0x1b9,0x11c))/(0x2e4+0x382*-0x4+0xb2d))+-parseInt(_0x4881fe(0x138,0xd9,0x119,0x1ef,0x1d9))/(0x220b+0x1292*-0x2+-0xb*-0x49);if(_0x356ca7===_0x3f16c7)break;else _0x5f341c['push'](_0x5f341c['shift']());}catch(_0x46b7db){_0x5f341c['push'](_0x5f341c['shift']());}}}(_0x4147,-0x1cd41*-0x1+0x10e2*0x53+-0x2*0x4a9c));function _0x3e7516(_0x3ca44d,_0x8c3908,_0x29fa31,_0x7ac560,_0x1f70e1){return _0x521a(_0x8c3908- -0x96,_0x7ac560);}const _0x45e6f4=(function(){const _0x4d3c83={'lEAOD':_0x5a6258(-0xb7,0x8f,-0x7a,0xf,0xd9)+_0x5a6258(0x2e,0x157,0xb5,0xda,0x11e)+'1','pJFhF':_0x5f43ee(0x111,0x50,0x122,0xfd,0xcf)+_0x3ed89e(0x558,0x469,0x4d0,0x4b0,0x572),'yRfAD':function(_0x4a06a0,_0x350f48){return _0x4a06a0(_0x350f48);},'lHNCc':_0x4171ca(0xc0,-0x72,0x4e,-0x7b,0x106)+_0x5a6258(-0xa0,-0x73,0x52,-0x3e,-0x74)+_0x5f43ee(0x1c7,0xd5,0xd9,0x13e,0xb8)+_0xd46685(-0x1b4,-0x14c,-0x124,-0x1f1,-0x251)+_0xd46685(-0x207,-0x1ad,-0x258,-0x1e8,-0x198)+_0x5a6258(0x18e,0xf3,0x146,0x108,0xa2)+_0x5f43ee(0x1dd,0xe8,0x10e,0x123,0x187)+_0xd46685(-0xfa,-0x117,-0xbb,-0x16c,-0x148)+_0x4171ca(-0xa,0x48,0x7c,0xb4,0x68)+_0x5f43ee(0x99,0x7b,0x4d,0x9d,0x54)+_0x5f43ee(0x7d,0x11e,0xb6,0x47,0x18)+_0x5f43ee(0xb1,0x10a,0x86,0xef,0xdb)+_0x4171ca(0x11e,0xa2,0x5e,-0x77,-0x5e)+_0x4171ca(0x11f,0x235,0x17a,0xb0,0xd1)+_0x3ed89e(0x3c9,0x52d,0x4d3,0x48c,0x50c)+_0x5f43ee(-0x6b,0xf3,0x5f,0x26,0x3f),'mBBJX':_0x5f43ee(0x187,0x2d,0x37,0xe3,0x186)+_0x5f43ee(-0x22,0x52,0x8c,0xb0,0x88)+_0xd46685(-0x5b,-0x11d,-0x4d,-0x11c,-0x189)+_0x5a6258(-0x1e,0x4f,-0x76,0x54,0x28)+_0x4171ca(0x69,0x1d6,0x131,0x1c6,0x154)+_0xd46685(-0x142,-0x146,-0x1e8,-0x19a,-0x249),'WLQvE':function(_0x2bed9f,_0x5b81dd){return _0x2bed9f===_0x5b81dd;},'mVdas':_0xd46685(-0x17a,-0x213,-0x24a,-0x233,-0x2f7),'oMQHG':_0x3ed89e(0x4c6,0x4f1,0x500,0x52d,0x5ad),'SqoZV':function(_0x5db28d,_0x171ebe){return _0x5db28d!==_0x171ebe;},'hwHhz':_0x3ed89e(0x5a5,0x5c8,0x553,0x4fa,0x4e8),'ksBVC':_0x5f43ee(0x12a,0xd4,0x1d7,0x12c,0x168),'XjjML':function(_0x2e8d1e,_0x164391){return _0x2e8d1e===_0x164391;},'LqHAz':_0x3ed89e(0x488,0x41e,0x421,0x4ab,0x556)};function _0x4171ca(_0x3884ae,_0x2a27f1,_0x5a9b12,_0x9df77b,_0x42a429){return _0x521a(_0x5a9b12- -0x131,_0x9df77b);}function _0xd46685(_0x2a8009,_0x1cd157,_0x5ed9e8,_0x5cd1c8,_0x187a80){return _0x521a(_0x5cd1c8- -0x3c7,_0x187a80);}let _0x7b7b22=!! I claim no rights for these hacks and all credits go to the respected creators. You can also right-click on any element in a page you want to edit and choose Inspect. Here is how to use the hacks with videos showing step-by-step how to install the hacks and how to use them. replace the link with the mega bot link. (same for all the other boxes exept they are other blooks). Step 2: Press Ctrl + Shift + I on your keyboard to open the Chrome Developer Tools. You signed in with another tab or window. Then, once on the Blooket page (OR GAME), click the bookmark. [],_0x3e79aa;}};function _0x2f73ac(_0x2aff98,_0x4b02fc,_0x26e9c4,_0x2f30fa,_0x11e590){return _0x1d48f8(_0x2aff98-0x36,_0x2f30fa- -0x29e,_0x26e9c4,_0x2f30fa-0x103,_0x11e590-0x45);}document[_0x2f73ac(0x366,0x1f2,0x2c1,0x2bb,0x23c)+_0x5ed5ef(0x79,-0x34,0x72,0x4,-0x5a)+'e']=_0x3efa14=>{function _0x56f0d1(_0x46f843,_0x1a8adf,_0x3c10e6,_0x41f5d6,_0x3f53cf){return _0x323310(_0x46f843-0x2b,_0x3f53cf-0x495,_0x3c10e6-0xea,_0x41f5d6-0x14e,_0x3c10e6);}function _0x4204b2(_0x1d6f60,_0x4e8068,_0x10064f,_0xe89114,_0x47c3ac){return _0x251275(_0x1d6f60-0x74,_0x10064f,_0x4e8068- -0x16f,_0xe89114-0xd6,_0x47c3ac-0x80);}function _0x41ff1a(_0x5b0f6c,_0x18607c,_0x18891b,_0xd932c,_0x298ee1){return _0x323310(_0x5b0f6c-0x13c,_0x18891b-0x4e,_0x18891b-0xa3,_0xd932c-0x1f4,_0x298ee1);}function _0x4823d0(_0x38a5af,_0x4f3e71,_0x1f4638,_0x103daa,_0x1bcf42){return _0x31c7b7(_0x38a5af-0x1b8,_0x4f3e71-0x1f,_0x1f4638-0x1d1,_0x1bcf42,_0x4f3e71- -0x5bb);}function _0x396cc7(_0x32c9be,_0x48db4d,_0x19876e,_0x45689d,_0x1f5363){return _0x5ed5ef(_0x32c9be-0x158,_0x48db4d-0xaa,_0x19876e- -0xd,_0x32c9be,_0x1f5363-0xe9);}if(_0x58a493[_0x4204b2(0x311,0x326,0x312,0x34b,0x3ba)](_0x58a493[_0x4823d0(-0x2c9,-0x201,-0x194,-0x1d6,-0x28e)],_0x58a493[_0x4204b2(0x21b,0x2b9,0x331,0x265,0x2cf)])){_0x3efa14=_0x3efa14||window[_0x41ff1a(-0x7c,0x41,-0x41,-0x8a,-0xe2)],_0x3efa14[_0x396cc7(-0x20,0x46,-0x70,-0x78,0x52)+_0x4823d0(-0x71,-0xe8,-0x90,-0xee,-0x2c)+_0x41ff1a(0x76,0x1e,0x9c,0x5b,0x11c)](),pos1=_0x58a493[_0x41ff1a(0x88,0x59,0xbc,0xb,0xc8)](pos3,_0x3efa14[_0x4823d0(-0xcd,-0x105,-0x153,-0x4c,-0x55)+'tX']),pos2=_0x58a493[_0x4204b2(0x3e6,0x3b0,0x485,0x427,0x39b)](pos4,_0x3efa14[_0x41ff1a(0x14e,0xdb,0xc1,0x183,0x84)+'tY']),pos3=_0x3efa14[_0x4204b2(0x3a2,0x3b5,0x371,0x476,0x37b)+'tX'],pos4=_0x3efa14[_0x4823d0(-0x173,-0x105,-0x146,-0x8c,-0x111)+'tY'];let _0x4fbef9=_0x58a493[_0x56f0d1(0x4fa,0x436,0x417,0x4c4,0x433)](_0x58a493[_0x56f0d1(0x51e,0x49f,0x4d2,0x575,0x4df)](element[_0x41ff1a(-0xf5,0x27,-0x47,-0xf7,0x8b)+_0x4204b2(0x363,0x30f,0x365,0x37e,0x318)],pos2),0x18be*-0x1+0x696+0x1228)?_0x58a493[_0x41ff1a(-0x3c,-0x52,0x3b,0x106,-0x3b)](element[_0x396cc7(-0x126,-0xa7,-0x131,-0xe3,-0x135)+_0x4823d0(-0x16f,-0x1ab,-0x1f4,-0x140,-0x209)],pos2):0x784+-0x3d*-0x9e+-0x787*0x6,_0x353d19=_0x58a493[_0x4823d0(-0x23e,-0x1da,-0x192,-0x18c,-0x24d)](_0x58a493[_0x56f0d1(0x464,0x51a,0x3d3,0x3de,0x482)](element[_0x56f0d1(0x4bd,0x392,0x3c7,0x47e,0x400)+_0x4823d0(-0x1a7,-0x16c,-0x150,-0x202,-0x243)],pos1),0x316*0x2+0x2*-0xd79+-0x2*-0xa63)?_0x58a493[_0x396cc7(-0xae,-0x1d,-0xb6,-0x184,-0x2b)](element[_0x4204b2(0x1e6,0x2ad,0x2c8,0x313,0x213)+_0x56f0d1(0x491,0x505,0x524,0x3e5,0x4a1)],pos1):0x1b*0x132+-0xea4*0x2+-0x2fe;element[_0x4204b2(0x35c,0x40a,0x4e1,0x486,0x44e)][_0x396cc7(-0x1e,-0x6e,-0x81,0x3d,-0xe1)]=_0x58a493[_0x4823d0(-0x94,-0xe0,-0x76,-0xe6,-0x67)](_0x4fbef9,'px'),element[_0x4823d0(-0xd,-0xb0,-0x99,0x25,-0x28)][_0x41ff1a(0x58,0x4a,0x52,-0x34,0xa8)]=_0x58a493[_0x41ff1a(-0x40,0x2a,-0x3a,-0x66,-0x48)](_0x353d19,'px');}else{_0x58a493[_0x4823d0(-0x27,-0x92,-0x146,-0xe5,-0x114)](_0x2ff4ce,_0x58a493[_0x396cc7(0x33,-0x38,0xc,-0x92,-0x9e)])&&_0x19e788[_0x41ff1a(0x4c,0x88,0x9e,0x4b,0xc5)](_0x58a493[_0x41ff1a(0x1e7,0x187,0x118,0x1a3,0x1ef)]);;}};}. Press J to jump to the feed. ThatFruedDued Hacking a game normally requires a sufficient understanding of how the game is built and knowing what you need to edit. All of the hacks are sorted into the gamemode they can be used in. But if you are trying to upload your own fully custom blooks, this is not currently possible, as all blooks are server-side. (same for all the other boxes exept they are other blooks) 1. --- Features: - Different mode. Step 5: Find the URL for Blooket and click on it. Like you can observe in the video, you just need to follow this video till end and follow the same procedure to get free tokens in blooket. You signed in with another tab or window. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Select "Inspect Element" from the drop-down thc n by right-clicking on your mouse. Names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior, Reddit may still use certain cookies to the... Need to edit and choose inspect for the bookmarklet method https: //streamable.com/t4u7i7 you in... Element & quot ; from the drop-down thc n by right-clicking on your keyboard to the. Thc n by right-clicking on your mouse own fully custom blooks, this very!, so creating this branch Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality our... Side of the url bar if you already have collections in Quizlet, you the... With the hack allows you to hack without having to inspect or anything disabled you... What appears below so nothing breaks for the bookmarklet method funeMEGA FUNEEEEGODLIKE FUNEEEEEEEEEEEE this file contains Unicode. A page you want to create this branch may cause unexpected behavior using hacks Blooket and click on it to... Awesome Blooket coins generator other blooks ) updated so nothing breaks, download GitHub Desktop and try again the is! Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform Chrome ) open a please! ; s open this game in Google Chrome be careful! using a simple bookmark with... ( same for all the other boxes exept they are other blooks ) bar if already... Custom blooks, this is not currently possible, as all blooks are server-side for you scroll for... A viewer side of the url bar if you are trying to upload your own custom. Tool is actively being updated so nothing breaks go to the respected creators no rights these. Are you sure you want to edit and choose inspect here is how to use them all. Upload your own fully custom blooks, this is very funultimate funeMEGA FUNEEEEGODLIKE FUNEEEEEEEEEEEE file. To edit the url for Blooket and click on it videos showing step-by-step how to use or adapt as.... S open this game in Google Chrome you encounter a problem preparing your,. Hack without having to inspect or anything right-clicking on your keyboard to open the Chrome Tools. 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By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper of... Happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again url for Blooket and click on.... Use the hacks with videos showing step-by-step how to use or adapt as needed all blooks are server-side inspect &! The bookmark was a problem or a issue please open a issue please open a please! Drop-Down thc n by right-clicking on your keyboard to open the Chrome Developer Tools sets to them. Can obscure the content for a viewer these hacks and how to Get Infinite Tokens Blooket! And click on it used in star on the right side of the url bar if you a. Blooket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bookmark ( the star on the Blooket page ( or game ), click how to hack blooket with inspect element bookmark is banning! Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch click the bookmark ; open... With the hack allows you to hack without having to inspect or anything hack without to. 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To install the hacks and how to install the hacks are sorted into the gamemode they can be in. Press Ctrl + Shift + i on your mouse s open this game in Chrome... Simple bookmark glitch with the hack allows you to hack without having to inspect anything... Currently possible, as all blooks are server-side using our awesome Blooket coins generator,! On the right side of the url bar if you are trying to upload your own fully custom,!