All purchasing is done at the mill only. Contact us and to schedule a visit. No logs logged out of yards or fence rows. Black Oak Please contact us for pricing: Phone 502-252-9408 We do not cut or haul logs. The Kentucky Division of Forestry offers a variety of services that can assist woodland owners in conducting a timber sale but they are not allowed to actually sell the timber for you. This is due to thedemand for the species across all qualities, withan especially strong continued demand for highquality stave logs ssociated with elevated bourbonwhiskey production. Demand and competitionbetween stave, veneer, and grade lumber logsacross the region resulted in historically high pricesand reduced supplies of white oak in 2021 formany facilities. Greensburg, KY 42743 (270) 932-1305 Visit Website Get Directions Similar Businesses. Yard hours 6:00am 4:00 pm Monday Friday. Red Pine, Southern Red Oak Red oak domestic and export demand is still weak,although pricing has improved. Glasscock Log & Lumber is one of the largest producers of aromatic red cedar lumber in the United States. The demand for white oak isspecifically tied to the increasing bourbon marketthat outpaced production. Satisfaction Guaranteed: If you are not fully satisfied with your log prices, let us know before you leave our log yard. (4" logs are bought as chipper; 5" and up are saw logs), 2022 by Grant Cedar Mill. Yellow-poplar demand has doubled its value from2020, with values close to red oak. Our clients are contented with our supplies as we provide high quality Ukrainian cedar logs for moderate wages. S123 Ag Science North Competition for stave logs continues to grow, increasing the value of high and medium quality white oak logsas well. While there is a strongoverall upward trend in prices, there hasbeen significant variation across the stateand from month to month. Territory: Eastern Kentucky, Ohio, Eastern Indiana, West Virginia, Territory: Western Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Territory: Western Kentucky, Southern Indiana, Tennessee, Southeastern Missouri. We sell our mulch both wholesale and retail. If you have Aromatic Red Cedar logs or standing timber make sure you get paid what it's worth. The statewide average for oaktie logs is $558/MBF, and for non-oak tielogs it is $442/MBF. Proudly created We buy and sell cedar, pine, and walnut logs. Cherry, Elm The chart with log prices should be read as price per 1000 BF. 4 0 obj We pay CASH. When scaling logs, you determine the (Board Footage) BF first and then the grade. We export cedar wood logs to more than 30 countries. Welcome to Glasscock Sawmill, Inc. Glasscock Sawmill, Inc. is a family owned and operated mill which has been in operation since 1965. Northern Red Oak Whittaker Farms Cedar Sawmill Logging Companies Sawmills (1) 36 YEARS IN BUSINESS (417) 796-2693 427 Whittaker Rd Bradleyville, MO 65614 CLOSED NOW PH Crooks and Thieves! Aspen 2023 Great Lakes Veneer. Great Lakes Veneer has always placed a tremendous focus on technology to enhance our manufacturing process and increase overall capabilities, so we can use a variety of hardwood log species and grades. GRANT CEDAR MILL. Northern Kentucky Cedar is the manufacturer of closet organization systems for your home, made from aromatic red cedar. If you have cedar logs or standing timber, check out our log pay scale. You measure the length of your log and the diameter inside the bark line at the small end of the log and then use the chart below to determine what the board footage of you log is. Check our specs and contact our Log Buyers COMMONWEALTH PLYWOOD INC. We Buy Logs If you are interested in selling us logs, please review the specifications and contact one of our Log Buyers Tom Egan Log Buyers Office: (518) 791-2192 Paul Terry Log Buyers Office: ( 518) 791 2494 General Specifications Whether it's a Shoe Cubby or a 3 tier shoe rack, cedar is idea for mudrooms and closets.Byproducts made from Aromatic Red Cedar are a premium product. Kentucky Lumber is an independent lumber yard specializing in cabin grade and common grade finishing lumber, reclaimed barn flooring and a heartfelt level of service. ft. home is a 3 bed, 3.0 bath property. Glasscock Sawmill, Inc. is a family owned and operated mill which has been in operation since 1965. We are continually in the market to purchase raw materials. This creates an improved market situation although labor shortages, availability of truckingand inflation have created challenges in 2021for many loggers and mills. We pay top dollar for logs delivered to our yard in Bloomfield, Kentucky & standing cedar timber. It has more to do with appearance that time per say. All limbs must be trimmed clean. Uses for cedar are practically endless. All of the Aromatic Red Cedar logs we purchase are bought by weight. develop in the wood, they are no longer considered fresh cut. They take great pride in their focus on communicating changes in hardwood log type, length, diameter and grade, so your supply naturally meets our demand. Eastern Aromatic Red Cedar Log, Reclaimed Cedar Log, Cedar Tree Stump, Cedar Log Table Base, Cedar Mailbox Post, Cedar Fountain Base, Cedar Ad vertisement by GVCgifts. 2870 Springfield Rd., Bloomfield, KY 40008, Black walnut prices paidfor high quality logs are historically high resultingin continued sellers market for this species. Are you a hardwood log supplier? For more than a century, Great Lakes Veneer has partnered with log suppliers to procure high-quality hardwood logs for its veneer products, such as flooring, musical instruments and wood veneer sheets. Example: A 10" log marked as chipper gets graded down to a 6" log. #1 Grade: 14 diameter & up. We use the Doyle log scale. We only purchase logs 5" in diameter and up. endobj Logs with ANY indication of embedded metal shall be refused. moldings. If your property has large standing cedar we will be glad to come and give you a bid on it's value. 222 S Parkview Ave 1 0 obj Visit our Closet Systems section for more information. Today, Northern Kentucky Cedar is primarily a manufacturing plant. Also, we are proudly known for supplying the buyer with only quality products delivered on time and at a fair price. If youre interested in becoming a log supplier for Great Lakes Veneer, contact us or one of the log buyers directly in your area. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Tel: 800-662-5459 or 270-692-3000. High and mediumquality yellow-poplar logs experienced recordhighs in 2021 with average value increases between43.6-45.1% across all log qualities. Glasscock Sawmill, Inc. offers many hardwood varieties of lumber and post for any of your lumber needs. We also offer firewood for your needs, We Load You Save? Over the years our business has grown from one sawmill with one employee to two sawmills, a band resaw, a mulch machine and 12 employees. Hardwood railroad tie logs, that experienced a soft market and losses in value in 2019 and 2020, rallied in 2021 with a 26.5% increase in value from the end of 2020 to the end of 2021, and non-oak hardwood tie logs increasing 23.8% over the same period (Figure 6). Once a black stain begins to 0Zd[W5!|Q\84Ge$w8. Please contact us for pricing: Phone 502-252-9408. We pay top dollar for logs delivered to our yard in Bloomfield, Kentucky & standing cedar timber. Pricing is in Board Feet which can be determined using the Doyle Scale Measuring Chart located below. 715-754-2501; About. Standing dead trees have beenfurther degraded by ambrosia beetles. Glasscock Sawmill, Inc. is a family owned and operated mill which has been in operation since 1965. No extremely crooked logs. We also manufacture cedar mulch, animal bedding, cedar sawdust and many other products useful in your home. Departments & Units / Contact. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Glasscock Log & Lubmer | Powered by: We have become one of the most respected hardwood veneer log buyers because our team of buying experts fosters strong relationships and open communication with sawmills, log concentration yards and independent log cutters. MLS # 23003486 Among veneer log buyers, Great Lakes Veneer buys from hardwood forests across the nation. For example, a 12 foot log, 12 inches in diameter at the small end has 48 BF in it. Overall, hardwood markets are up for all grades and species. 859-257-4772, Students / WE BUY TREES WE PAY CASH CALL LARRY AT 888-763-5370 Dean Buying red cedar and pine logs. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Glasscock Log & Lubmer | Powered by: Cedar Logs Purchased Being one of the largest producers of Aromatic Red Cedar lumber and mulch products requires a lot of raw material. White oak logprices continue to remain strong. We pay top dollar for logs delivered to our yard in Bloomfield, Kentucky. For that reason, unlike other veneer log buyers, we will buy logs with: As a major veneer log buyer in the United States, we believe our innovations aid in the success of our suppliers, ultimately creating long successful partnerships for many years to come. Chestnut oak, (which is not listedin the table) is also in high demand, driven by thedemand for white oak. & `z#1J7R8L(B/S&fc|^p(8V$g(5&FY4-JQEZjt8?&O{eKH(HR(HR(HR(DySG=iD),g}0[I)[_y0a2BhOmu;="roT>0~ Poplar: #3 75 would be read as $75/1000 or .075/BF. If you are looking for red cedar cants, we produce lumber grade cants and also veneer grade cants. As of 5/25/2021 we have a 16% bonus on all saw logs! Knowing what you have and the price it's likely to fetch enables you to bargain better with buyers. Birch If your property has large standing cedar we will be glad to come and give you a bid on it's value. We have over 20 years of experience buying timber and have earned the respect of hundreds of land owners. Miller Wood Trade Publications. White Birch Cedar Log Buyers in Branson, MO About Search Results Sort: 1. Glasscock Log & Lumber is one of the largest producers of aromatic red cedar lumber in the United States. No logs will be bought containing metal. %PDF-1.5 Glasscock Sawmill, Inc. offers hardwood mulch. The cost for this service is $10 per 1,000 board feet. Statewide deliveredlog prices increased by approximately 29.5% for allgrades and species. We make deliveries, pick up logs, etc. Cherry $.90 per bf. Multiply the price per BF by the scale and that is the value of your log. Please contact us for pricing: Phone 502-252-9408 appear to be dry and are splitting then that is an indicator as well. . We have two locations, our plant in Vanceburg KY at this time can not accept logs, only the sawmill at 7301 Mt. White Ash cedar logs. We are located approzimately 30 miles from Louisville, KY and are This stain Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. 3085 West River Road, Taylorsville, KY 40071. Walnut Shaver Logs are logs with rot or dot and are purchased at 60% of a saw log's value. All loads need to be on the lot before 4:30 PM to have them graded the same day. Katahdin Cedar Log Homes produces the highest quality log homes through a network of certified Katahdin dealers and builders in the most efficient and sustainable way, while helping our clients build the home of their dreams. Your Board Footage (BF) can then be calculated from the Doyle Scale chart further down on the page. VENEER: 18 diameter & up, 12-16, no defects, clear all sides, no stain, fresh cut only, no sap stain, PRIME: 16 diameter & up, 12 & longer(walnut/cherry/white oak 10 & up), no visible defects, clear 4 sides, no rot, shake,split, fresh cut, no sap stain, #1 Grade: 14 diameter. We have two locations, our plant in Vanceburg KY at this time can not accept logs, only the sawmill at 7301 Mt. We are currently shipping to China, Vietnam, Korea, Bermuda and Canada. We sell saw dust, mulch, veneer logs and molding. In other words, if you add a decimal in front, that would be price per board foot. veneer log= $200. We even have gorgeous live edge lumber! We are capable of handling large orders. & up, 12 & longer (walnut/cherry/white oak 8 & up), clear 3 sides, no rot, split or shake, fresh cut, #2 Grade: 12 diameter. % Terms of payment shall be company check issued to the owner/logger on Friday after 12 noon for all logs delivered by Friday, during the previous week, unless other arrangements are made in advance. Welcome to. aromatic red cedar cants. <>>> If you have Aromatic Red Cedar logs or standing timber make sure you get paid what it's worth. top of page. All of our products are made and assembled in America, from American natural resources.Aromatic red cedar is a non endangered species of wood its growth out paces harvesting. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. We also manufacture cedar mulch, animal bedding, cedar sawdust and many other products useful in your home. GVCgifts. All of the Aromatic Red Cedar logs we purchase are bought by weight. Mike O'Connell . Detailed Information. Glasscock Log & Lumber offers its Aromatic Red Cedar in both retail and wholesale quantities. This mix of 10 x 20 black oak, white . We Pay TOP Dollar! x]S;Nj`=GJ.{gc6dn =_KnKw>;3x|sCsw{#:Olgog9+`93^ oar3 Sell your timber by bids. This haskept prices climbing and competition strong. Table2 shows the delivered prices for factory lumber logs ofvarious commercially important species across Kentuckyfrom the end of 2020 and how those prices changedcompared to the end of 2021. You will know the amount of your cash offer before we shedule a visit, and we always pay on the same day our crew arrives to start work. Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice. Marketsare averaging over $1.69/bdft (Figure 5) with logs ranging $1 to $2.50 per board foot. (4" logs are bought as chipper; 5" and up are saw logs) Currently we are producing over 25,000 yards of mulch annually. Cedar Logs, Standing or Cut, We Buy Them All. To meet this growing demand several new yards have been established to receive stave logs. Normal maintenance and replacement of railway ties areongoing and demand and strong pricing isanticipated. There are no chemicals or coloring added to our products. Customize our organizer to fit your specific space and get the most out of your storage areas. LOG LENGTH REQUIREMENTS AS OF 1/8/2021 All rights reserved. We offer Aromatic Red Cedar & hardwood mulch and bedding products in both retail & wholesale quantities. This willcontinue until all of Kentucky is impacted. 2022 by Grant Cedar Mill. Please contact us for pricing: Phone 502-252-9408, 2870 Springfield Rd., Bloomfield, KY 40008, High quality rough sawn lumber, Custom sawing, mulch, chips, and sawdust. MULCH, SAWDUST, & CHIPS. Our facility is located in Maysville, Kentucky, and all of our cedar logs are grown within one hundred miles of our plant. The team of veneer log buyers at Great Lakes Veneer is well-known for their expertise and focus on long-term relationships. White Oak. All Logs need to be 8'4" and free of limbs to be graded. & up*, 8 & longer, clear 1 side, well manufactured log, VENEER: 18 diameter & up, 20, 22, 24 long plus trim, no large knots, no rot or red heart, PRIME: 16 diameter & up, 16 and longer, small, well spaced knots less than 1-1/2 in diameter, logmust yield a substantial amount of clear lumber and/or structurally sound timbers, No Rot, No Stain, No Splits or shake, fresh cut logs only. We specialize in producing aromatic red cedar cants. Call: Gerald Beatty, American Wood Fibers, 390 Warehouse Rd., Lebanon, KY 40033. Extension / Services. Log Buyer. Local hardwoods, as well as, local exotic species are great for fencing planks, posts, & decking boards. You can learn about the numerous timber sale resources they have available by visiting here . We haveheard reports from some lumber producers thatpoplar pricing has started to soften slightly andthis is reflected in lumber pricing. Some examples are log home building, fencing, siding, flooring, furniture and cabinets. CONTACT. Whether you are using our bulk mulch for landscaping around your home, or our cedar shavings for horses or other large animals, cedar is tough to beat.Call our office today to discuss truck load prices and quantities for any of our cedar byproducts, or to see what special discounts we are offering on our closet organization systems. PO Box 497 All logs must be at least 4" on the top end. For example: Demand has continued to outpaceproduction for hardwood products. Theyre consistent, reliable and open-minded about different species and grades, and want the sales process to be easy and ongoing. We do not cut or haul logs. We specialize in railroad ties, barn lumber, fencing, wagon material, veneer walnut and cherry. Markets are anticipatedto remain strong until production meets demand. And other characteristics other log buyers may not seek. Research / For a downloadable version, click here: Doyle Scale. Glasscock Log & Lumber is one of the largest producers of aromatic red cedar lumber & cedar mulch in the United States and we specialize in producing veneer. Mf` We are associated with transportation and international trading of cedar logs in Middle East, North part of Africa, China, India, South Korea and European Union. Reliable and open-minded about different species and grades, and for non-oak tielogs it is 10... 2021 with average value increases between43.6-45.1 % across all log qualities delivered on and! Stave logs continues to grow, increasing the value of high and medium quality white oak logsas well offers Aromatic! Further down on the top end then be calculated from the Doyle Measuring! 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