The cost factor shall be reviewed by Council on an annual basis and adjusted accordingly. Consideration of application. ARTICLE 331 Accidents 331.O1 Accidents involving death or personal injuries Accidents involving damage to vehicle Duty to give information and render aid Collision with unattended vehicle Collision with fixtures upon a street or highway Immediate reports of accidents When driver unable to report. 61-5A Failure to comply with lawful order of police officer - see TRAP REFUSAL TO AID OFFICER. INDEX FOR THE VILLAGE OF JACKSON CODE BOOK 05/29/2008 (Updated), Chapter 82 TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES* Article I. Sec. Unless the taxpayer against whom a jeopardy assessment is made petitions for reassessment within twenty days after service of notice of the jeopardy assessment, such an assessment becomes final. O-84-2000. A tabulation of all bids so received shall be posted on the bulletin boards in the municipal building for public inspection and sent to all bidders. (a) No vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be operated on any street or highway unless such vehicle or combination of vehicles is so constructed or loaded as to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE COMMERCIAL QUADRICYCLES, Chapter 822. (WVaC 17C- 13-6) ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES. 87-52. (e) The provisions of this section are severable; and if any of the provisions of this section shall be held unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions. (WVaC 17C-2-6) IMPOUNDING OF VEHICLES; REDEMPTION. Kenova Mayors Office City, Village & Township Government (304) 453-3121 1501 Pine St Kenova, WV 25530 4. (WVaC 17C-15-23) ALTERNATE ROAD-LIGHTING EQUIPMENT. (a) No person shall operate or move any crawler-type tractor, steam shovel, derrick. The Mayor shall specify, with particularity, the facts that caused and constituted the emergency requiring such expenditure to be made. . (c) Except for school buses as provided in this subsection, any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two back-up lamps either separately or in combination with other lamps, but any such back-up lamp shall not be lighted when the motor vehicle is in forward motion. MidAmerican Energy Company, a corporation, its successors or assigns are hereby granted and vested with the, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BOARD OF ELECTIONS AND ETHICS PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Elections and Ethics at its Board Meeting on Wednesday, July 28, 2010, certified the short title and summary statement of the, ORDINANCE NO. (c) Official signs may be erected directing slow-moving traffic to use a designated lane or designating those lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction regardless of the center of the roadway and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every such sign. Sec. (1) For Class I service, there shall be a monthly charge of ten dollars ($10.00). (Wac ) PENALTY. 2. ~ * (1) By unlawfully and intentionally making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with the person of a school employee while he or she is engaged in the performance of his or her duties, is commuting to or from his or her place of employment or if the motive for the battery is retaliation for some action taken by the employee to supervise or discipline one or more pupils pursuant to West Virginia Code 18A-5-1 or la; or (2) By unlawfully and intentionally causing physical harm to a school employee while he or she is engaged in the performance of his or her duties, is commuting to or from his or her place of employment or if the motive for the battery is retaliation for some action taken by the employee to supervise or discipline one or more pupils pursuant to West Virginia Code 18A-5-1 or la. Acting as lookout or guard for keeper of gambling apparatus. (d) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Traffic Code, the following colors of flashing warning lights are restricted for the use of the type of vehicle designated: (1) Blue flashing warning lights are restricted to police vehicles. (a) A licensee who has obtained a State license pursuant to West Virginia Code shall pay a license fee or partial license fee, as the case may be as provided in Section Replacement, 325 BUSINESS AND TAXATION CODE 3 2 (b) All such fees shall be paid in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer by June 30 for the ensuing fiscal year, whereupon a license shall be issued by the Clerk-Treasurer. (Ord ) REPORT OF BITE CASES. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Art Tree Board and Tree Regulations. If the individual, prior to conviction, agrees to voluntarily attend the alcohol education program, the judge may dismiss the charges; (2) Upon the conviction for a second offense, a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and not more than thirty days in jail or completion of not less than five hours of alcoholism counseling at the nearest community mental health-mental retardation center; (3) Upon a third and subsequent convictions a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and not less than five nor more than thirty days in jail or a fme of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and completion of not less than five hours of alcoholism counseling at the nearest community mental health-mental retardation center; provided that three convictions for public intoxication within the preceding six months shall be considered evidence of alcoholism; provided, however, that for the educational counseling programs described in this subsection the community mental health-mental retardation center may charge each participant its ususal and customary fee and shall certify in writing to the referring judicial officer the completion or failure to complete the prescribed program for each individual. which is inoperative and which has been abandoned on public property for any period of time over five days, other than in an enclosed building or in a licensed salvage yard or at the business establishment of a demolisher; or any motor vehicle, or major part thereof, which has remained on private property without consent of the owner or person in control of the property for any period of time over five days; or any motor vehicle, or major part thereof, which is unattended, discarded, deserted and unlicensed and is not in an enclosed building, a licensed salvage yard or the actual possession of a demolisher: Provided, that a motor vehicle, or major part thereof, shall not be considered an abandoned motor vehicle if: A. Business of selling tangible property, sales exempt. (Ord ) EXEMPTIONS FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OR EMPLOYEES. except as hereinafter provided, and shall not proceed until he can do so safely. (Ord ) Replacement, 231 ARTICLE 523 Littering Definitions. Whenever the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention disapproves an application or refuses to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the Code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief to the Appeals Board within thirty days from the date of the decision appealed. Art Special Stops Required. About the size of a football field . (f) Permits for mobile homes that are to be non-owner occupied for longer than one year shall be renewed annually. (a) Any person confined in jail on conviction of a criminal offense, who escapes therefrom by force, violence, or by any subterfuge, device or deception shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars (S500.00) or be confined in jail not more than thirty days, or both. A violation of Section is not admissible as evidence of negligence or contributory negligence or comparative negligence in any civil action or proceeding for damages, and shall not be admissible in mitigation of damages. CROSS REFERENCES Power to regulate - see W. Va. Code 8-12-S(10) et seq. Codes adopted. The ClerldTreasurer is empowered and authorized to design forms, keep accurate records and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations for the collection of this revenue. . CROSS REFERENCES See sectional histories for similar State law Authority to designate weight limits on local streets - see W. Va. Code 17C-2-8(a)(7) Authority to permit oversized buses - see W. Va. Code l7c-l7-2(b) Red light or flag on extended load - see TRAF Transporting explosives - see TRAF OVERSIZE OR OVERWEIGHT VEHICLES. 301 9 Business Franchise Registration Tax (c) The Clerk-Treasurer shall maintain on file all applications for City licenses and a record of each license issued, which shall set forth the name and business address of the licensee, the date of issuance and the term for which issued, the type of license, the amount of license tax to be paid, the number of the license and such additional information as may be pertinent to establish that all requirements of law and ordinances have been complied with. Such tree, trunks or limbs which have a diameter not greater than four inches shall be cut in lengths by the person discarding them, not to exceed eight feet, and such tree trunks or limbs which have a diameter greater than four inches shall be cut in lengths by the person discarding then not to exceed four feet before the City will carry them away in its trash vehicles. (WVaC 17C-1-35) (b) "Alley" means a street or highway intended to provide access to the rear or side of lots or buildings in urban districts and not intended for the purpose of through vehicular traffic THROUGH STREET OR THROUGH HIGHWAY. (a) In addition to any other penalties provided by the West Virginia Code or these Codified Ordinances, any person who drives, operates or is in physical control of a commercial motor vehicle while havingan alcohol concentration in his or her blood, breath or urine of four hundredths of one percent or more, by weight, shall be imprisoned for not less than twenty-four hours nor more than thirty days, and shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). (b) The cost of permits shall be as follows: Cost of building up to $ Cost of building in excess of $ up to $1,000. However, the initial Board shall be appointed to staggering terms in the following manner: (a) Kenova shall appoint five members, one to a one-year term; one member to a three-year term; one member to a five-year term; one member to a seven-year term; and one member to a nine-year term; (b) Ceredo shall appoint four members to the initial Board, one to a two-year term; one member to a four-year term; one member to a six-year term; and one member to an eight-year term; (c) Thereafter, each appointment shall be for a term of nine years. -., (b) No person under the age of twenty-one years, for the purpose of purchasing wine or other alcoholic liquors from a licensee, shall misrepresent his or her age, or for such purpose present or offer any written evidence of age which is false, fraudulent or not actually his or her own, or illegally attempt to purchase wine or other alcoholic liquors. (h) (ij business. shall be billed in the same manner as any other family or business unit Replacement, 340 5 Water and Sewer Charges (d) The City shall not render or cause to be rendered any free services of any nature by the system nor any of the facilities; and in the event that the City or any department, agency. Business phone number Place of employment Race Sex Height Date of Birth complainant address phone no Replacement, 270 GENERAL OFFENSES CODE 70 Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me this [date] day of [month], [year]. House trailers, as used herein, shall include both mobile and immobile units. When the work has been completed in accordance with the order of the Commission, an order shall be entered approving the work and closing the case. (WVaC 17C-2-3(c)) (b) No person shall operate a vehicle so as to willfully elude or flee a police officer or special officer after receiving a visible or audible signal from such an officer to bring his vehicle to a stop APPLICATION TO GOVERNMENT VEHICLES; EXCEPTION. Art Sexually Oriented Businesses. Erroneous computation. (Wac 17C-15-3) HEADLIGHTS ON MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLE!j. "Other public right-of-way" means any right-of-way other than a public roadway or public bicycle path within this Municipality and is designed for the use and used by vehicular or pedestrian traffic. (b) Whoever violates Section (b) shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). Sec. It is the purpose of this article to regulate sexually oriented businesses and related activities to promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kenova, and to establish reasonable and uniform regulations to prevent the deleterious location and concentration of sexually oriented businesses within the City. Whoever violates the provisions of this article shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00); upon a second conviction within one year thereafter, shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00): and upon a third or subsequent conviction shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). ARTICLE 125 Clerk-Treasurer CROSS REFERENCES General provisions - see CHTR. . "Gross income" of a banking or financial business is specified in Section "Gross proceeds of sales" means the value, whether in money or other property, actually proceeding from the sale of tangible property without any deduction on account of the cast of property sold or expenses of any kind. (304) 453-6288. (WVaC 61-3B-2) (c) Trespass on Property Other than Structure or Conveyance. (a) All uniformed personnel, which includes law enforcement officers, firefighters and dispatchers, shall keep their hair in a neat fashion or style so as to maintain and promote a professional appearance and image. City Secretary's Office 900 Bagby, Public Level Houston, TX 77002 (Ord ) DIRECTOR'S AUTHORITY. 6.3 CHARTER 10 SECTION 6.3 COUNCIL ACTION ON BUDGET. however denominated, royalties, charges for bookkeeping or data processing and receipts from the sale of tangible personal property provided, that gross income shall not include (a) Interest received on the obligations of the United States, its agencies and instrumentalities; (b) Interest received on the obligations of this or any other state, territory or possession of the United States or any political subdivision of any of the foregoing or of the District of Columbia; or (c) Interest received on investments or loans primarily secured by first mortgages or deeds of trust on residential property occupied by nontransients. (Ord ) CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION SITES. 11, Sec. (Ord ) PENALTY. Impounding - and Penalty In the event the Municipal Court determines the towing improper the City shall bear the expenses of towing and storage. (Ord ) EXTERIOR PORTIONS OF SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES. (a) The National Fire Codes shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City which is hereby established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. Loading . The amount so assessed shall be immediately due and payable, and a notice of assessment and demand for the payment thereof shall be served upon the taxpayer. (a) No person shall operate or be a passenger on any motorcycle or motor-driven cycle unless he is wearing securely fastened on his head by either a neck or chin strap a protective helmet designed to deflect blows, resist penetration and spread impact forces. (c) No person shall stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle without first giving an appropriate signal in the manner provided herein to the driver of any vehicle immediately to the rear when there is opportunity to give such signal. (Wac ) CHEATING OR FRAUDULENT ACTIONS WHILE GAMBLING OR MAKING A WAGER. (WVaC ) Public place includes any street, sidewalk, park, cemetery, school yard, body of water or watercourse, public conveyance or any other place for the sale of merchandise, public accommodation or amusement. City of Kenova. (Wac ) PROFANE SWEARING AND DRUNKENNESS. (Wac 2-2-3) (d) Joint Authority. FIREWORKS SALE, POSSESSION AND DISCHARGE. Driving onto roadway from private road or driveway; duty to yield. (Ord ) FINDINGS; REMEDIAL ORDER; PERFORMANCE. This section does not apply to supervised archery ranges or instruction nor when otherwise lawfully authorized PENALTY. On apartment buildings or any other multiple occupancy building containing more than one family, the bill rendered shall not be less than the charge applicable to each unit multiplied by the number of units on the site at the time the meter is read. (WVaC 17C-3-8) ALTERATION, INJURY, REMOVAL OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. The city has much to offer in recreation, the arts, commerce, education and more, with a prime location along the shores of Lake Michigan. (Wac ) PENALTY. Obedience to police officers; fleeing Application to government vehicles; exception Authorized emergency vehicles. A community-wide cleanup and fix-up campaign shall be held at least annually under the sponsorship of this Commission. 2114 AN ACT concerning the vehicle dealers and manufacturers licensing act; relating to vehicle bonds; amending K.S.A. and other requirements set forth in Section not explicitly mentioned herein Replacement, 357 5 Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks (b) The Building Inspector shall issue a permit for a mobile home park upon determiningthat the applicant has fully complied with all requirements of this article. (b) All premises shall be maintained by the owners, occupants and persons in charge thereof free of vegetation which affords a breeding place for insects, reptiles or rodents, and upon all premises not devoted to agricultural uses. Operator Fox Ruff with the City of Kenova helps The West Virginia Department of Highways pump clean water into the system as they deliver emergency water to the Kenova Water Treatment Plant on Jan . C. Treasurer. If the conflicting provisions bear the same passage date, the conflict shall be construed so as to be consistent with the meaning or legal effect of the questions of the subject matter taken as a whole SEPARABILITY. school bus defined discharging children sale of signs; warning lights stopping for stops parking in BUSINESS AND OCCUPATION TAX amusements, operating banking; other financial business coal production; other natural resources contracting definitions furnishing property for hire general provisions administration and construction appeal; assessment correction; injunction assessment notice; reassessment; hearing collection by distraint collection, enforcement of computation; remittance erroneous computation exemptions failure to make return jeopardy assessments lien of tax due and unpaid liens, recording payment; nonpayment penalty BUSINESS AND OCCUPATION TAX (Cont.) In the event the person fails to successfully complete the program, the court shall proceed to an adjudication of the alleged offense. The following words when used in this article shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Secretary. TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE ONE POWERS AND FORM OF GOVERNMENT Sec. Whoever violates Section shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both Replacement, 267 ARTICLE 547 Worthless Checks Making, issuing worthless checks; Complaint; notice of complaint; penalty. No person not a law-enforcement officer or law-enforcement official shall wear the uniform prescribed for such persons, or the badge or other insignia adopted for use by such persons with the intent to deceive another person. (Ord ) 1995 Replacement, 65 ARTICLE 143 Ceredo-Kenova Railroad Museum Commission Creation CREATION. 11, Sec. (WVaC 17C-1-1) AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE. (b) The windshield on every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a device for cleaning rain, snow or other moisture from the windshield, which device shall be so constructed as to be controlled or operated by the driver of the vehicle. (Ord ) APPEALS. (5) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation or other legal entity. 1. & 43-12. The payee or holder of a check, draft or order which has been dishonored because of insufficient funds or credit may send notice thereof to the drawer of the check, draft or order. (4) "Obscene" means matter which the average individual applying contemporary community standards would find A. according to the size of the water meter installed Replacement Meter Size Minimum Bill Minimum Usage (inches) (dollars) (gallons) 518 $ ooo , ,O , 342 6A Water and Sewer Charges (A) Indicates advance. (c) The provisions of this article with respect to equipment on vehicles shall not apply to implements of husbandry, road machinery, road rollers or farm tractors except as herein made applicable. (Ord ) TAX TO BE EFFECTIVE. The privileges provided for in this subsection apply only during those times when the vehicle is being used for the transportation of a person with a mobility impairment. "Sale" means any transfer, exchange or barter in any manner or by any means, for a consideration, and includes all sales made by any principal, proprietor, agent or employee. Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic control signals exhibiting the words "go," "caution" or "stop," or exhibiting different colored lights successively one at a time, or with arrows, the following colors only shall be used and such terms and lights shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows: Green alone or "go": (1) Vehicular traffic facing the signal, except when prohibited under Section , may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn. No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any controlled-access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are established by public authority. Eff ) 1995 Replacement, 274 CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF KENOVA PART SEVEN - BUSINESS AND TAXATION CODE CHAPTER ONE - Business Regulation Art Fortune-Telling. No person, firm, corporation or business entity may sell, give or furnish, or cause to be sold, given or furnished, to any person under the age of eighteen years: (1) Any pipe, cigarette paper or any other paper prepared, manufactured or made for the purpose of smoking any tobacco or tobacco product; or (2) Any cigar, cigarette, snuff, chewing tobacco or tobacco product, in any form. Following authorized emergency vehicles. A reconnection charge shall be established at twenty dollars ($20.00). Any amount in default shall become a debt due the City and may be recovered by the City in any appropriate action. Art Clerk-Treasurer. & 43-7. The City shall not be liable to any customer for any damage resulting from bursting or breakage of any line, main, pipe, valve, equipment or part or from discontinuance of the operation of any part of the system or from failure of any part thereof for any cause whatsoever. (Ord ) APPLICATION AND ISSUANCE OF PERMIT. Such statement shall contain an itemized account of the receipts and expenditures of the Board during the previous fiscal year, showing the source from which all money was derived, and the name of the person to whom an order was issued, together with the amount of such order, and why such order was issued, arranging the same under distinct heads, and including all money received and expended from the sale of bonds, and also a specific statement of the debts of such Board, showing the purpose for which any debt was contracted, the amount of money in all funds at the end of the preceding year, and the amount of uncollected service charges. Moving upon right half of crosswalk Walking along streets and highways; soliciting rides Persons working on streets and highways Protection of blind pedestrians Penalty. (WVaC 17C-14-2) Replacement, 160 TRAFFIC CODE DRIVERS' VIEW ANT) CONTROL TO BE UNOBSTRUCTED BY LOAD OR PERSONS. Cell Phone Applicant's Name: Applicant s Address, MODEL LAW ON MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION BY INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND SELF INSPECTORS Section 1. Railroad" means a carrier of persons or property, upon cars, other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails. 302 BUSINESS AND TAXATION CODE PETITION FOR REFUND. "U" turns restricted. Renewed permits shall expire one year from the date of issue and shall be applied for thirty days prior to the date of the expiration of the permit to be renewed. and the plural as well as the singular number, unless the intention to give a more limited meaning is disclosed by the context; and, for the purposes of this article, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings respectively as ascribed to them by this "Banking business" or "financial organization" means any bank, banking association, trust company, industrial loan company, small loan company or licensee, building and loan association, savings and loan association, credit union, finance company, investment company, investment broker or dealer and any other similar business organization at least ninety percent (90%) of the assets of which consists of intangible property and at least ninety percent (90%) of the gross receipts of which consists of dividends, interest and other charges derived from the use of money or credit. The red light or lantern required under this section shall be in addition to the red rear light required upon every vehicle. No person shall knowingly permit a gaming table, bank or device, as mentioned in Section , to be kept or exhibited on any premises in his occupation. (a) Supervisors shall review each employee's attendance records at the end of the month. The initial four at-large appointments to the Park Board shall serve for a term in the following manner: (a) One member shall be appointed for a term of four years; (b) One member shall be appointed for a term of three years; (c) One member shall be appointed for a term of two years; (d) One member shall be appointed for a term of one year. The requirement of reasonable notice, may be satisfied by delivering to each member of Council, the Mayor and the City Clerk-Treasurer a written notice of the time, place and purpose of the special meeting in the method provided by general law for the service of process in a civil action at least twelve hours prior to the time set for the meeting or by such other method as Council by ordinance may provide. Furthermore, no person who owns, possesses or controls such dog shall appear with such dog on any private property neither owned nor occupied by said person without the means of removal of any feces left by said dog. The taxes levied hereunder shall be due and payable in quarterly installments on or before the expiration of one month from the end of the quarter in which they accrue. 1724 10.80.010. (2) A map showing the location of the proposed subdivision andlor development with respect to the Municipality's flood plain areas, proposed lots and sites, fills, flood or erosion protective facilities and areas subject to special deed restriction. Publication, ORDINANCE NO. Such speed restriction does not apply to vehicles traveling on a controlled-access highway which is separated from the school or school grounds by a fence or barrier approved by the Commissioner of Highways; 1998 Replacement, 117 TRAFFIC CODE 30 (2) Twenty-five miles per hour in any business or residence district; (3) Fiftv-five miles per hour on open country highways; except as otherwise provided by this article. 26 CHARTER CITY OF KENOVA. Any employee who refuses or fails to wear their uniform as provided by the City shall be subject to disciplinary action by the City. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for City of Kenova. Commercial establishments. TYPES OF LICENSES There are 4 sorts of Kenova trade licenses: 1. Business License , 2. Morrone, I11, 53 ARTICLE 131 Fire Department EDITOR'S NOTE: The Fire Department was placed under State Civil Service law by Council on March 7, There are no sections in Article 131. (c) No person shall intentionally flee or attempt to flee by any means other than the use of a vehicle from any law-enforcement officer, probation officer, or parole officer acting in his or her official capacity who is attempting to make a lawful arrest of the person, and who knows or reasonably believes that the officer is attempting to arrest him or her. (e) There shall be not less than ten feet between any part of any mobile home and any boundary line of the trailer on which it is located. (b) No vehicle shall be equipped with nor shall any person use upon a vehicle any siren, whistle or bell, except as otherwise permitted in this section. Sec. The said Gas Log shall be located and maintained in the Kenova Office of Communications. (a) Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle equipped with at least one flashing lighted lamp of a color authorized by Section , which is visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicle other than a police vehicle when operated as an authorized emergency vehicle, and when the driver is giving audible signal by siren, exhaust whistle or bell, the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right of way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer. Provided, that the provisions of this subsection (b) shall not apply to statements made by a spouse, parent, stepparent, grandparent, sibling, half-sibling, child, stepchild or grandchild, whether related by blood or marriage, of the person under investigation. Entrances and exits as are established by Public AUTHORITY onto or from controlled-access. Vehicles and MOTORCYCLE! j, and shall not proceed until he can do so safely bear! Shall specify, with particularity, the Court shall proceed to an of. Debt due the City shall bear the expenses of towing and storage be recovered by the in. By the City in any appropriate action 6.3 CHARTER 10 section 6.3 action..., WV 25530 4 LOAD or PERSONS a carrier of PERSONS or Property, upon cars other... Property other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails when otherwise lawfully authorized.... Structure or Conveyance when otherwise city of kenova ordinances authorized Penalty to vehicle bonds ; amending K.S.A reviewed by ON! 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