One should also understand that what we see as written scripture to be read and studied was in ancient times often oral traditions that were recited to the main population who were most often illiterate in early ancient times. Adam was formed from and therefore made up of dust (elements of the earth), and we are likewise made up of dust (Gen. 2:7, 3:19; Job 10:9, 34:15; Psalm 103:14; Eccl. Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden after they sinned! Where did she come from? out of 12 whom the jews have managed to deceive the entire Not until after the Tower of Babel did humans migrate outside of the Arabian peninsula. In English this is usually translated with the pluperfect all CAME from the dust. This is a past action pointing to their origination (Genesis 2:7, 19). i actually have this as an assessment based assignment so please any more useful findings are very appreciated. Hello Robert, Lets explore these two points. More evidence are accounted in the Bible. However, if Adam is the faculty of intellectual wisdom and Eve is the emotional nature of love, something missing in any/all other beings on the planet at the time, we might come to understand the tendencies of man and woman, plus understand what makes us as we are today, complete people, as in a balance of the two. Did you read the quotes from Jesus (God in the flesh)? And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.) Assuming that Adrian and Menashe are still talking about Genesis 1 and 2, there are no glitches.. The Talmud has no exegetical authority as well. It is this future world that is the source of the breath of life, existing beyond the limitations of this world, and comprises of both past and future. Note, marriage can go irrespective of age difference, a man can marry a girl young enough to be their daughter. The biblical example above demonstrates the potential for long-term consequences. Again we find the stark contrast between righteous and evil deeds, just as we have seen before in the contrast between light and darkness (John 3:19-21). Facts about Cain and his family. Acts 4:12. This happens at the beginning of the seventh day. Cain could have physically married another human being that had not received the breath of God. Nevertheless, F. LaGard Smith comments in The Narrated Bible in Chronological Order: It is altogether likely that these first brothers and sisters enter into marriages with each other, despite the sense of inappropriateness which would be felt should that occur in following generations. Also, it is noteworthy that it was not until Moses received Gods laws for the nation of Israel in 1513 B.C.E. Adam grew out of natural reproduction. Your email address will not be published. Marriage between brother and sister was not made taboo until Moses. the mountain in the east Pretend everything you have ever been told from anyone the media, your parents, your church, history books, the bible pretend EVERYTHING is all a lie and then research the truth on your own and come to a conclusion based on what YOU YOURSELF conclude. He still had commanded them to fill the earth and subdue it, no matter how He felt over Abels demise. Share From the bibles explanation, Cain knew his wife and had a son means that Cain slept with his wife and had a son. It is clear from Genesis 1:26-27 that used adam to mean mankind. I'm only telling you why so more argument we take it as it stated in the Bible. Yes well, if you understand that the Tree in the garden represents Pre Admic races , then you must accept. From the above, we can rightly conclude that Cains wife was a descendant of Eve born on an unknown date. The effect that genetics and heredity have on us might not have been a factor for them. Did Adam and eve acceptted, to give their daughter to Cain? Jesus notabene never had insisted or confirmed, that Adam and Eve were the first two humans. My understanding is that, since Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters (Gen.5:3) after their first three sons. Understand whats going on in the world around you and how we are controlled by 3 things: Our Governments, Our Currencies, and Our Religions. Cain married his own (younger) sister! Hi, for starters, this verse is incorrect. You may want to look this Has anyone considered that the Story, a source of Legend saying that the land between Lake. The Bible literally says everyone descends from Adam and Eve. a flood of tears over his face, and gathered together his children and his The fact that there are similar (not exactly the same) stories/versions of Mans origins around the world among primitive tribes today and before Christian missionaries arrived to teach them the Jewish one, shows that man had one origin. Analog to this, there were no circumscribed fields, but the humans gathered fruits, cabbage, seed and whathaveyou (Gen. 1.28). [6] In 1945, the misconception was listed by the Historical Association (of Britain) as the second of 20 in a pamphlet on common errors in history. The Bible is constantly changed and reworded and updated one word at a time so that its not obviously noticeable. I think that may a question that is more interesting. Thats another meaningful evidence for the animalistic origin of the first humans. According to Genesis 5:3-5 Adam fathered sons and daughters before he died at age 930 years. These two seeds are brought out in many verses (Matthew 13:38; 1 John 3:10, etc). By the time they gave birth to Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-2), Seth (whose lineage we follow through Noah and beyond) and other sons and daughters (Gen 5) they had already disobeyed God and been cast out of the garden of Eden. And in the first (year) of the third jubilee, 99-105 A.M. Cain slew Abel because (God) accepted the sacrifice of Abel, and did not accept the offering of Cain. Why do we want to create or write our own bible?The bible clearly states his wife came from the land of Nod. Brown's Sister Got Stabbed Multiple Times During A Fight Kane Brown has a sister called Heidi Swafford. The fact that Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden is recorded because that story shows us what happens when we desire to have the things God has forbidden. By the way, this means Eve didnt come from a womb either. He murdered Abel and was banished by the Lord from the settled country. Christians started most of the sciences. I strongly believe Cain already had a wife with him before getting into Nod. So Cains story was just rounded off in Gen. 4. In the beginning, however, there would not be the usual genetic defects arising from intermarriage because Adam and Eve were created perfect with a perfect gene pool, Slicksaid. Does it Matter That I Didn't Keep My Goals for Lent? Are they without sin and were they taken out of the garden? This is backed up by other passages describing mans authority over the animal kingdom (Genesis 2:19-20, 4:2; Psalm 8:5-8). Dean, One of the factors, in addition to the total disregard for the Biblical narrative as a whole, that appears to have been omitted is the time scale. There is nothing in Genesis to indicate that Cain married some unknown female. Adam and Eve were right in the middle of it. came from beyond Eden. Could this be possible? If, on the other hand, God had created the first couple (Adam and Eve) in this manner could he not have repeated his masterpiece? ). It centers on the Land of Eden. Other Jewish traditions F4 mention that Cain and Abel were born with twin sisters and that Cain's twin sister F5 was not that beautiful and that this was part of the dispute between Cain and Abel, who had a prettier wife/twin sister. Getting back to the original article, the tradition is that Cain married Abels twin sister, as commanded by Adam. Cain married her sister .Also the place called Nod was named after Cain lived there. WHERE HE DWELT AFTER LEAVING GODS PRESENCE WAS NAMED AFTER HIM, THE LAND OF WANDERER. Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius, Golden Legend by Jacopo da Varazze, Historia Scholastica in Gen 4:1 (PL 198, 1076) by Peter Comestor, Seder ha-Dorot: Cain married his sister Calmana and Abel married another sister Delbora So Cain says to Abel, 'Let us go over into the . Aclima The Mahometan tradition of the death of Abel is this: Cain was born with a twin sister who was named Aclima, and Abel with a twin sister named Jumella. The 13th century work of Jewish mysticism, the Book of Zohar, contains theories based on the philosophical doctrine of the soul that often contradict one another. Likewise, there are no time indicators in Genesis 4, but you can compare the names and characteristics from each genealogy. Remember that the law against close intermarriage was not given until the time of Mosese.g. I've been re-reading the pragmatic genesis series. In the Bible, there is a descendant of Cain named Tubal-Cain who is described as " an instructer of every . To rule does not mean to hunt. It means to have dominion. 2 0 Seth, my son bring me thy children and thy childrens children, that I may In the ancient Near East, sometimes those outside of a particular group or society were considered less human by those inside of the group. One guy from the 1500s does not count. The latter began right before Adams birth. Therefore, technically ALL of Adams progeny was always outside the garden only Adam and Eve had ever been in the garden of Eden. People need to understand that the so called Sons of God are not fallen Angels! Eve bore sixty-three children, thirty-two daughters, and thirty-one sons, before the default. Than seth had kids with azura. Some argue that the women were not mentioned in the Old Testament so it is very possible. So to sa y, awe, they just didnt mention thise people is rediculous. The Sumerian King List calls it Unug and places it next to Uruk (Erech). Stop wasting your time and the time of others. THIS man and his wife Chavah Eve were LIVING souls. McCain has 7 children: three daughters and four sons. Only when later generations inherited these material did they think that they need the glitches to be explained or interpreted., Though I dislike people in enagged in Jewish worship being thought of as audience.. Who would know the meaning of the sign? Could cain had married the offspring of a fallen angel??? However, as would be predicted if the Bible is inspired by the God Who created the genome, and therefore knew of the growing dangers of incest long before humans had discovered the genome, God asserted Himself at the right time and prohibited the dangerous practice that He had previously sanctioned. How can u say there is no human beings apart from Adams family? I dot not know of dust to dust Weight. Besides, Deans argument seems to be that Adam and Eve had NO daughters. Run those old covenant teachings through the blood of Jesus and they read very differently.. Forgive.. Fascinated by idea! Remenber thatgod cursed cain by putting a mark on his face ,no one could kill him ,no one else ,had more people edens surroundings. Also I wonder what really happened between the winged serpent and Eve when she said he beguiled her. If we compare the description of the land of Eden with recent research of the middle east, during the last ice age, we find a match. But, besides the fact this is an easy question to answer, does it really matter whether or not we can answer it? The bible says that Adam & Eve had other sons and daughters. The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. Genesis 1:3-31 gives us an overview of some important steps in the formation of earth and its atmosphere. In the November/December 2013 issue of BAR, Mary Joan Winn Leith addresses these questions and explores the identity of the wife of Cain in Who Did Cain Marry?. The very first creation was the cosmic space (Gen. 1.1). That is the context. Does the figurative god that you serve think people are stupid? In some real, but mysterious, manner the bride was formed from the side of her husband. If you look up Gen 4 youll see that Cain, as some of you have found out, after Abels death feared that other men would kill him. Are there other people outside of Eden? God had to destroy them all!! But geneticists, by tracing the DNA patterns found in people throughout the world, have now identified lineages . In many languages they talk about the man, the mankind understood, no special individual. Im very curious about it.thank you. It was not accordingly to as the events unfolds or do you think Lamech Cains son is older than Seth Adams third son? Because they were very sinful and out of Gods regulations. God said, Let the earth bring forth every kind of living soul (nephesh)' (Genesis 1:24). As the Holy Spirit is the story teller (1 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:21) to suggest that He did other than tell the truth is a violation of the direct Word of God (John 16:13). MERVYN. You nailed it. Eve is called the mother of all living 3:20, so there could be no other humans, other than Adam and Eves children. Why is anybody studying questions like this? You mean Moses said gather round the fire kiddies and I will reveal some naughty stories about the first men and women to live after creation? This Bible History Daily feature was originally published in 2013. And yes, it's cruel that God rejected Cain's offering without giving a good reason and found favor in his brother's instead. And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. Consider that the word Adam means something other than a physical man and Eve also has another meaning past a name.. For example, Moses skips generations in his own genealogy. After Adam and Eve left Eden, Cain wandered and his progeny scattered throughout the world, thereby populating it, but Cain still took to wife one of his sisters or perhaps a neice or daughter, because there were no other women at the time. Of particular interest is the debate between Raah #14 and Kenny #16 over whether the Adam of Genesis 2:7 (Jehovah tradition, first temple period) and Adam of Genesis 1:26 and 5:1 (Priestly tradition, second temple period) are the same species of humanity. In Genesis 2 God puts Adam to work with plants. In verses 15-17, we find Adam being told not to eat of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. Its all fiction/myth (the creation story), so the answer, if there is one, doesnt even matter. Note that beginning in Chapter 2 it talks first of God resting from his creative works, then in verse 4 it says that these are the generations, or history, of the heavens and earth in the day that they were created and then it basically goes on to describe the creation Adam and how Eve was produced from Adams rib. In the first statement you propose evolution which, like the last statement uses natural reproduction. This tale is truly not truthful but a Jewish fable. When the plain sense makes sense, seek no other sense (most of the time). I just think her ideas are interesting. But the writer of the bible did assume that we could figure out that there were more children born to Adam and Eve, that is why when the lifespan verse of the Christ lineage males always say (and they begat sons and daughters; and they died). And we do know that girls/ daughter/sisters are rarely named. That would imply that there was something God couldnt do, wrong. The Bible gives limited details on the name and character of Cains wife. Its so difficult to answer this question,but lets be honest that the Bible was written by Gods own prophets whom were filled with the Holy Spirit to pass a short, brief but concise massage. Jeremiah is from the dust as well (Eccl. As for the ability of generations to pass stories along by mouth and accurately this has in fact been demonstrated by anthropologists studying other cultures not Near Eastern ones. We do not return to the womb. After all, why, at such an early stage in the history of mankind, would some alleged tribe, with no direct connection, have the slightest interest in the murder of an unknown person?! If we are incapable of understanding cultural and historical context, then its better to remain silent. Nope, he feared the descendants of the ones in Gen 1 v.26. Your interpretation leads to the absurd idea that each male gave birth to only males first. The Common Interpretation: Jealousy. 1 The man had intercourse with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, saying, "I have produced a male child with the help of the LORD." * 2 Next she gave birth to his brother Abel. Besides, God did not give man the right to eat animals until after the flood (Genesis 9:2-4). Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden into greater Eden. . So, he was to take care of plant life for he and the animals. Who cares? Eve is referred to as a heifer. It is no wonder then that those who search for the truth of the bible are warned repeatedly in the scriptures not to fall prey to the empty deceptions of human thinking. The preadamites were transient hunters-gatherers. According to Genesis 6, sons of God married to human girls. if u feel u want to know more go learn bible histories. He also says man was made from actual dust. Not sure why you mention your Masters in Pastoral Theology. fascinates and captivates its a little tricks on that. So again, there is nothing in this verse about the timing of the children. No family is perfect, but incest destroys and distorts Gods purpose for family. In Genesis 4:1,2, we read, And Adam knew Eve his wife: and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. Viewers have seen Amy resort to desperate measures to gain full custody of Kyle as she proposed to Matty (Ash Palmisciano). Facts before speculation. Just as the editor/compilers of the Bible had no problem weaving two separate creation stories together they had many other traditions and legends to work with, They wove a story explaining the origin of homicide into the narrative of creation myth, to flood/destruction myth, to renewal and the story of Abraham and his descendents, the Israelites, whose destiny is of course is the primary purpose for the narrative being composed. I dont believe there were other people. 2 And she again bare his brother Abel. From just these verses you could argue that Adam and Eve only had one son, but we know that is not true. Natural reproduction is both a coefficient and a product of evolution., Rabbi Rashbams commentary agrees that Adam was the man of Genesis one. Kurt says: This was a lush oasis. Cain, a farmer, became enraged when the Lord accepted the offering of his brother, a shepherd, in preference to his own. Anything could be true with regard to this question. In Gen. 1 God tells man to rule over the animal life and in Gen. 2 God puts him in charge of naming animals (an act of dominion). To love one another is to fulfill all of the commandments. Israelite storyetller? I dont know if it has already been mentioned here, but Gen. 1:26/27 and 2:7 are two different events. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. That was the key relationship between them, not their kinship. Academy Award winner Rami Malek 's twin brother works as a teacher, for example . Furthermore, they were offered as potential victims of abuse by their father in place of the angels who had visited his home (Genesis 19:8). According to the Seder HaDorot, the wife and twin sister of Cain was named Kalmana and the wife and twin of Abel was Balbira. Book of Adam and Eve.pdf So Adam said to his son Seth, I wish, 0 my son, that thou wed thy sister It isnt the point who tought a flat earth. The Bible only concerns its self with Gods people and the line through which Christ is brought into the world. That she describes Moses, who certainly carried the scrolls of Israelite history with him and redacted the book of Genesis from it as storyteller shows that she is basically grasping at straws. (The number 8 always means New Beginnings.) People in the ancient Near East typically stayed close to home, which affected their perception of the world. God Almighty always has a plan, however. The Bible doesnt say he was, it just mentions him first. Adam wished Cain to marry Abel's twin sister, and Abel to marry Cain's. What was Cain and Abel's brother name? Candice Luceylives with her husband and daughters in (mostly) tranquil Salmon Arm, BC, Canada. See also (Genesis 6:17, 7:15, etc.). is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, In fact, in different writings, Adam and Eve had different numbers of children, all many more then five. Language is man made and therefore anything ever said, written, or read is based solely on interpretation. As a man with a mission as the first son of God. This is an absurd question to whom did a mythical character in a mythical story get married? Report, October 28 2014 Jubilees 4:9 And Cain took wn his sister to be his wife and she bare him Enoch at the close of the fourth jubilee. In Hebrew, dm is even more often understood as mankind than as a male name. He predicts the Flood. Lilith, Its social control. The fundamentalists commenting here complain about theologically liberal materials and that people are not taking the bible literally and that they are denigrating it. Cain married a sister or niece. By the way the Greek translation (LXX) agrees and uses a singular personal pronoun for him and a plural personal pronoun for them. the events recorded in d Bible are done so as to teach us something, the reason the origin of Cains wife was not stated is because God did not have any lesson for us there. Rabbi Isaac said: In respect to the soul (neshamah) that He provides, for [the wicked man] goes and clings to the power of the beasts. When you say Adam, if Cain was indeed first or he may have been Cain who is considered as the Father. Unfortunately human species also became one among the fallen. Abraham married his half sister ( Genesis 20:12 ); Isaac married his second cousin ( Genesis 24:15 ); and Jacob married two of his first cousins ( Genesis 28:1-7 ). Fully-functioning beings, now blessed with intellect and wisdom by one, connected via marriage to emotion and love, means we certainly do have the first family. Thank you for considering my point of view. There could have been several children before or even after Cain and after Able even. I think the mentally ill need to stay away from religion if it makes them hostile . Yet a careful analysis of Genesis reveals that the matters presented there are far from clear. Also, why are Christians the only people that call their god GOD Thats like saying Praise Doctor, for he has found a cure. or All Hale Teacher, for exposing us to such plentiful knowledge. Every other religion calls their god by their NAME. God is love..and God loves Cain so much (even after he murdered his brother) enough to provide him a wife. But Cain was not subject to that law. Read a study bible or the Amplified version. I wont call you names or run down your faith. Therefore, brothers must have married sisters at the beginning. All four came together in what is now the middle of the Persian Gulf. Could it be that we are only thinking of the physical when it comes to the first family? Whom did Cain marry that is not the important part of this question. The answer to the question of where Cains wife came from is very simple. An important factor that contributes to this mindset is geography. He was supposed to have stayed young forever and not grow old and die. The breath of life, in the nostrils, is found in both man and animals (Genesis 2:7 and 7:22). Lilith, Cain took awan with him when he got cast out. So, Adam would have come from the animals as well. I know Jewish sources are not the Word of God, but you said that old Hebrews would laugh at the idea of humans being made out of dust or mud. The land of Eden had four major rivers converging into one which then flowed into the garden. This goes to the heart of some of the misunderstandings about who Adam and his line was. If Cain and his sister had children together, they would have passed on genetic mutations leading to birth defects and a host of diseases. Amen. Our oldest mitochondrial relatives go back a minimum of 100,000 years and that is only the female. Again, why bother becoming a Pastor. Here is the answer, Cain and Abel were not the first children of our first parents, that is Adam and Eve. National Center for Biotechnology Information, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. some of the things written in the bible can be understood just like that. These verses you could argue that the so called sons of God is now the middle of it reproduction. The mentally ill need to understand that the Tree in the flesh ) sinful and of... Come from a womb either not their kinship feature was originally published 2013. 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