Im tired of being restricted on where we can go because of her dog. He wants him to be an outside dog when we get a house but I cant stand the idea. I have been very tolerant of this dog and she has been understanding about no longer having it in her bed or on the furniture, this was agreed upon before I moved in. She sheds 24/7 and no this is not an exaggeration. I have an African Grey and my sinned deceased husband had 2 blue & gold macaws. Though they are visible to others while on or about the lips, the sufferer usually will also have sores further inside the mouth. He began to cry immediately and it woke my girlfriend up and she yelled at me. If the dog tends to pee or poop everywhere and shedding issues, its better to restrict the critical areas in your house like the dining room, living room, bedroom, etc. She destroys everything. Hes quit jobs because he couldnt have the dog with him. If thats your kid, set boundaries. He still pees in the house, not from lack of training but because she is too lazy to take him out. He scampers all over it and it is filthy from him.The only brand new mats I was ever able to afford stink of dog and have had puppy wee and poo liberally since the day he was bought home. If this is due to aging effects, he will give you sort of special pieces of advice. If you are prioritizing the dog over your husband/boyfriend, you should get over yourself. If he does let us know so I can share your secret with mine. I wish I could summon some self-righteous fury but Im not even angry Im just hurt, sad, and bitterly disappointed. Because he does put the family and its safety first. relationships. Training an animal requires time and investment or you can easily cause more issues. Shes always on the furniture and in the bed (she knows she isnt suppose to because she jumps off when I walk in the room). The dogs get more hugs and attention and conversation than I do. I hope it will get better for you, but my guess is, youre just going to have to learn to live with that dog and its habits, and come to an acceptance that everything is going to have to be planned around it. And if we just walk to the kitchen its constant begging. For now this isnt a huge issue because I have my own place. I find myself dreading her coming home because I have to deal with them constantly meowing and demanding her attention, which she gladly gives them. Doesnt see our grandkids anymore. He doesnt allow them in anymore and it KILLS ME. We will do things for our own wellbeing and leave others out of the equation. And jetaime, it only gets worse. I clean them up, he doesnt have to even be bothered with it. :'(. Your partner couldve lied and tolerated the dog at the beginning because she liked you, and now that things got serious after moving in, she just cant stand him, and you guys are already into each other. He eats my dogs food all the time. It was confused, anxious, and in pain. Firstly, they drool so seeing them drool around the kitchen table was gross (she called it cute, not cute!). Sorry, but theres no way I would ever let a dog come between me and my wife, especially one that weighs all of 5 lbs on a good day. Just read more comments. When it does do something, its to look for f***ing food on the ground, that it will ingest and restarting the cycle of diarrhoea again. If they get some exercise, good food and some attention when others ate here, they will be fine on their own for awhile. Now he has his own backyard so he is outside for nearly 9 hours a day. He said he couldnt give up the dogs. This decreases the amount of time and emotional energy you have available to spend on your relationship with each other. All our money is shared; the house is in his name, so are all the cars, and whenever I try to save some money aside in case I have to leave and take the dogs with me, he throws a tantrum and guilts me till I submit. These men, are looney! Moreover, if you lose the job, the dog cannot help you financially, but the husband does. However, If the dog continues to do so without any improvement in behavior, that can be the reason why your husband/boyfriend wanna get rid of the dog. It breaks my heart that your husband is being careless and not helping you or his dog. I finish feeding the baby, my husband gets up as I am burping him, and goes into the section of the house where the dog is confined to. You cannot stay out too long. I act like I didnt hear what he just said and call my dog to sleep with me, if he want to join us he can. It actually is 11 years old but has the energy of a 3 year old. Except hes getting attacked he will defend himself. If you are unable to do so, the dog will be rehomed as this is a fair reason. She is, in fact, the Best Dog in the World! I believe people who let their animals do these things are harbouring their own issues with people and secretly enjoying the pretend power their out of control mutts are giving them. The dog just fed his ego. All I can say to all of you who are going through this is to trust your judgement and instincts. It was fine until the dog got older and bigger. I asked her to cage the dogs out of the kitchen while we ate and she was saying I was being cruel because they just wanted to be in there with us but I insisted that those big drooling farting dogs just beg at the table and its not cruel at all. Ive just been at a loss lately and have completely given up. He is abusing your dog and youre letting him. Not disciplining an animal does not mean love. Or perhaps animals have been the only creatures that have ever treated us better than our spouses or how our fellow humans. act. Tell him that you agree with his decision and ask for another chance. Your GF is obviously favoriting her dog while mistreating yours which I find a little weird. He used to get mad at me when I was frustrated with him too, but since that didnt do anything I started getting angry with the dog. So I need some advice. I have to be at work by 8am, Steve only works at 10am. If your dog displays jealous behaviors or treats your spouse poorly, consistency is even more crucial. I picked them up. Im sad to say that things have only gotten worse. She is not a bad dog, is very obedient, but my life is nothing but white dog hair right now. Either way, that puppy probably should find a new home. hi question very similar problem. He paid for her happily, he bought tonnes of new things happily, he paid for her spayed happily, he made her a beautiful wood bed, with memory foam mattress, happily. Im losing my mind. And she is so manipulative the dog just looks at me as if to say you cant do shit to me. Grrrrr. What other demands are you going to make of him? THEY ARE A ANIMAL, just like COWS, DEER, and SHEEP!!!! Now you want to change that and add another? She developed a grade 5 heart murmur and her quality of life worsened. Im sick to death of dealing with this dog and am even growing resentment to my husband. It really is their loss. I really do hate this dog now. He was ok with both of them but hates my new dog, who is a sweetheart and the same breed as the other two. We have argued over this several times and after reading these comments, I realize that there is probably no middle ground for people like us. The hamster is in my room. She never really chewed much but did on a few occasions when she was a puppy. Janet, the problem is Ive noticed I am on a virtual time limit with her when talking about her dogs issues. We have recently purchase a new home that has a 3 car garage. I totally completely agree. He said that was just the nature of the breed and we couldnt do anything about it even though I absolutely HATE a wild dog jumping all over me when I first come home :-( The truth is, he just couldnt stand to see/hear his dog whining during the training (like keeping him on a leash when people came over until he calmed down), and would give in, and when I tried to keep it up, would get mad at ME. Lots of daily time and not a penny spared. It was a argument we had. No. Its not that I dont like animals, but I have no desire of them to be in my house and definitely not in my bed. when this happens then the child also feels like the animals needs are more important. We have talked and i told him why but he just doesnt understand why i cant just love her (his dog). I can hardly stand the dog at all anymore but I love him to pieces! We have constant fights about it, especially when I try to discuss any sort of training with him. This has helped me understand the situation. My SO and I have been together for 4.5 yrs and he moved in 3.5yrs ago with his cat. The dog wont die if its not in the bed and eventually will GET IT that hes not to be in the bed in the first place. Like kids, they need boundaries. Sometimes I can hear him waiting and listening to my partners footsteps. Dogs are dogs , they should take commands, listen and respect their position and Of course the owner needs to be respectful in their roll as well. WE are all including animals, dogs creatures. Being dropped off at the shelter can be traumatizing for a pet. Cookie Notice The dogs have plenty of bones and balls to chew on and play with, but he continues to chew on the carpet and also the curtains. Hes started getting depressed because the dogs are more important than him, so I dont love him, after 32 years of marriage. I dont want to come home to a house that has pee and poop all over the place, hairs all over, dogs that are misbehaving. Just like having one boy and one girl as children, I want one cat and then Ill be happy. I really despise this dog and she gets all the love and attention. when the dog tried climbing on and continuously this weekend she told the dog off but she just keeps coming back. Now I had a rescue of a mom dachsund and 3 pups who someone dropped out of a car and left. Ultimately, his dogs comfort has proven to be worth more than mine! My bf humanizes his goldendoodle and does not set any boundaries for him. My boyfriend has one, and treats IT like his universe. You might ask your boyfriend to go with you to a shelter, just to look at the cute dogs, or to at least pet a pup if you can't get one. Dogs shouldnt be kept in cruelty but neither should humans or your children for you dogs sake. So if you find yourself second to an animal in a relationship, save yourself a lot of heartbreak and get out! They need guidance. I Did the same. Like I said, they are dog owners but they are sensible ones that never take their dog to a restaurant or shopping etc. We now have a 2 month old baby and as you could figure, I am extremely busy with him. We love our dog, but we do NOT treat him like a human child because hes not one. I wonder if there is a certain type of individual that gets these beasts they call dogs? Ive had people say that I dont truly love my dog because we dont allow him on the furniture, and Im like really? We dont want dog hair all on the couch and definitely not in the bed, so he sleeps in his own bed downstairs. You would not be the ah for getting rid of the bf. Dogs can have fleas or ticks even if you think they are properly cared for. They are the selfish ones with no respect. Just because he states its all shes known her whole life doesnt mean that she isnt supposed to learn. the male dog also pees constantly in the house when the door to the garden is wide open. she was not socialized properly or disciplined properly. We realized that the dog does NOT get along with other dogs. So this is not exactly regarding to your comment, but towards mainly the women with dogs having these issues in their relationship. You need to train them. These posts drive me crazy. He knew from the very beginning that I had several animals. We all go into relationships expecting our partners to be normal-rational humans that treat dogs like animals and not god-beings. My husband and I have been living together for almost two years. He became like a child to me. I feel he doesnt care. We have often talked about moving to the country; I would say how much Id love to get a dog and train it, go on walks with it, etc. Its way better to put the dog on a leash and walk. The cause of the sore is unknown to us but I a wondering if her contact with the dogs might be something to consider. My husband just seems to want me to do the same for him but without giving me anything in return, even a little bit of honesty about how he feels about things that matter to me. I told her No! And I love animals!!! I am not a dog nut. I suggested to go out to eat and she goes, Um, no. Im I right or wrong ?! Who in the world prefers to sleep with animals over his wife??!! Just saying you may want to reevaluate how you think about dogs or talk to your local vet. And then all those hairs EVERYWHERE and a constant smell of ammonia of all the pee in the house. I didnt get any attention except when he asked whats for dinner. Her dog, physically, is unique and lovable. Weve even tried fixing it but he chews through everything we try to fix it with. this mutt constantly undermines me and its my partners fault as its allowed by her. Just like you, I wouldnt ask anything outlandish either. Ive tried to love it, but the dog irritates me so much They stink so bad. That being said, you are being selfish and cannot say live your life to keep him happy. I dont think they can bark like a real dog. Then I asked if he had to choose between me and the dog he said the dog. Sounds like your partner is a narcissist, please join a narcissist support group on Facebook and check for yourself. I think when someone treats animals badly they have no problem treating people badly as well. WOW!!!!! Socialization: Has your dog appropriately socialized? The smell, the barking, the poop, the wee, the high medical cost etc. For starters we agreed no dogs on the couch as it is my couch from the start, we also agreed that she will sleep in a kennel. This has greatly bothered me. Over all though shes a good dog. Then she lays with him in the bed and he cuddles With her and not me. I was utterly devastated. Ridiculous!!! It will cost some money, but it may be worth it to save your relationship and keep your pet happy and healthy. I even went for counseling to help me better understand this man, trying not to take baggage with me. The experience has scarred me so much that I will never date another man with a dog. Or when your dog is allowed to claw people, hump, jump on, bark at, ect ect what looks cool about this? Being vexed with the husband/boyfriend isnt a solution. If sleep deprivation was the worst of it, I could live with that but as many people have mentioned in their cases, there is always drool around the house and hair everywhere and I mean at the end of the week you could fill a small garbage bag. You cannot spontaneously travel without either finding a sitter or paying for a kennel. Im want him to be happy but not at the expense of being held captive & having these dogs thrust upon me. I love my Partner, I hate her dog. When she says I murdered it shes not being facetious; she literally believes, and has said repeatedly, that putting that dog down was dog murder despite the vet thought it was long past time. I uprooted to move all the way to a small middle eastern country leaving all that i cherished ( career,family,friends) behind and was shocked to find my husbands cat coming along. He sees the dogs as his babies and cant do any wrong! Chat with your husband/boyfriend: Talk with him very politely and say that you entirely agree and understandable his concern, and ask for another month to correct the behavior. Its called proper training and reminding the dog that they are a dog and not a human. I have spoken to her many times about my frustrations but she says I am overreacting and insensitive. I dont think this is healthy for the dogs and its definitely not healthy for our relationship. Frankly, this is a fair circumstance that needs to be addressed right away. Id put her ass outside in a heated doghouse. I did not even respond to that stupid. My biggest problem is the way she treats the animal. I dont think anyone willingly lets their dog stay in the bed while having sex with their partner I do agree that if the dog is taking up too much space, compromise is in order. I have so was so hurt and mad at what she said to one of my friends. That is why Im so frustrated about my situation. On top of that, as of recent he has woken us up back to back like a baby in the middle of the night! Because that shows me how much more the cat means to him than I do. She sits on the furniture which I hate and when she jumps on she lies with her entire smelly body on the cushions that we put our heads on. We recently had some severe weather out by our home, while I was out of town, and my SO told me in detail how she took her dog to the basement and secured it in its kennel and sat on top of it, then briefly mentions having our child in the car seat next to her. The narcissist thinks that getting rid of your pet means your attention will now solely be on them. They will complain and cry at first but you cannot give in. Now I demanded some things change, whereas before he was able to do whatever and be left alone the dog came into this house pooping everywhere, being defiant, acting super and extra needy, etc. Visit a shelter "just for fun.". My marriage is bad right now bc of the dog. So dont feel guilty. Help or please commiserate with me. You can judge a mans true character by the way he treats his fellow animals. -Paul McCartney. Pets are creatures of habit, and cannot be transferred from home to home like a toy just because someone doesnt want them around. Hi. The dogs are treated like young children including sky-high costs, which we cant afford rather than pets. I have a bone of contention with my SO over his wiener dog. What should I do? Shes a decently trained dog though, she knows to do her business outside, she listens after the third time you tell her and for the most part is well mannered. Lots of daily time and not a bad dog, but my life is nothing white! Think when someone treats animals badly they have no problem treating people badly as well was confused anxious. Like animals and not helping you or his dog ) now you to. The expense of being held captive & having these dogs thrust upon me individual that these! Was gross ( she called it cute, not from lack of training with him pieces advice! Of ammonia of all the pee in the house was confused, anxious, SHEEP... Why but he just doesnt understand why I cant just love her ( his dog ) know! Can hear him waiting and listening to my partners footsteps talk to your comment, but mainly. 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