Which of the following accurately assesses the ethics of this situation. A) the central nervous system Random assignment can be achieved in many different ways, such as by flipping a coin, using a table of random numbers, or using numbers randomly generated To make your cover story plausible, you add some filler memory tests for participants to complete. C) Forebrain In this case, the independent variable is the, A survey would be least useful in determining the ___. Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Acting in this way gives some participants a sense of fulfilment. D) generalization, How long does information last in sensory memory? After the survey, he explains that most people help a crying child because they choose to live by higher values such as altruism. strength of the relationship between the variables. C) confounds that are typically irrelevant to the hypothesis being tested. Which of the following is most like what a psychodynamic thinker might say? D) the layer of fat cells that encase and insulate the neuron. C) It is at the rear of the frontal lobes, processes information about voluntary movement. The common stock represents 400,000 shares of no par stock authorized, 250,000 shares issued and outstanding. D) genetic heritage. \hline B) William James; Wilhelm Wundt D) Proto type, Sarah and Jack both have brown hair. D) nucleolus. D) the parasympathetic nervous system, After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some meditation techniques. \text{Jan. 1}&\text{Beginning inventory}&\text{140 units}&\text{@ \$6.00 =}&\text{\$ 840}\\ A) Deductive reasoning In the context of psychology's scientific method, Gerald is basing his further studies on, Group that isn't subjected to the manipulated independent variable, In an experimental research study, the control group is the, They do not enable researches to establish a causal connection between variables. B) hormones Dale's study is vulnerable to. B) an experiment that involves randomly assigning 200 students similar to yourself to either a physical activity condition or a control group, and then measuring mood D) used non-linguistic encoding processes, According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, _____ intelligence involves the ability to design, invent, originate, and imagine. Demand characteristics can invalidate research studies by providing an alternative explanation for the results. D) artificial intelligence (AI) theory/Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, A) Sternberg's triarchic theory/Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, _____ is the ability to maintain attention to a selected stimulus for a prolonged period of time. D) a behavioral psychologist. D) the tendency to ignore information about general principles, B) being receptive to other ways of looking at things, _____ produces many solutions to the same problem. Wilhelm Wundt was the founder of __________, whereas William James was the founder of ___________. D) olfactory. Which of the following mechanisms of brain-damage repair is apparent in this example? _____________ are secreted by the adrenal glands. It is most likely that Dr. Zimand specializes in the _____ approach to psychology. The final step in the scientific method of psychology. Students in Group A drive a car in a computer game and see how many virtual accidents they have. WebIndividuals may manipulate their response to deny or hide problems, or exaggerate behaviors to present a positive images of themselves. Web QUESTION 41 In experimental research, demand characteristics tend to O threaten the validity of experimental results, o affect the duration of a study O eliminate confound How do you evaluate Emily's statement? D) there are few controversies in the field of psychology, A) there are many controversies in the field of psychology, Of the following, the characteristic that is not at the heart of the scientific approach is C) a humanistic psychologist C) Shannon who is experiencing acute stress The higher the number of cases, the easier it is to get statistical significance. B) Neurogenesis The mean of these five scores is, Dr. Smith conducts an experiment on motivation. B) CAT scan D) Axon, The law stating that once the electrical impulse reaches its threshold it fires and moves down the axon without losing intensity is called The following incomplete balance sheet for the Sanderson Manufacturing Company was prepared by the companys controller. C) pituitary gland B) experimenter bias and selection bias. A) they fail to establish a clear causal relationship between variables D) the myelin sheath, Maya burns her fingers while cooking dinner. A) mobilize the body for action in a dangerous situation The axon is B) analytical What is the impact of underutilization of resources? D) American Psychological Association, A study could possibly put participants at risk of harm, but the participants are not told about that risk. C) It is involved in the regulation of mood and attention. Table of contents Step 1: Define your variables Step 2: Write your hypothesis Step 3: Design your experimental treatments Step 4: Assign your subjects to treatment groups Step 5: Measure your dependent variable You have to study four chapters of information for your next test. Your experiments external validity is also compromised by demand characteristics. C) correlational studies Their experimental results revealed that the thinner cooling plate saved space, refrigerant usage, and compressor power. A ________ is an in-depth look at a single individual. Based on previous studies, you use a word completion task to infer participants moods. C) positive punishment/negative punishment _____ involves using introspection to investigate the components of the mind, whereas _____ probed the functions and purposes of the mind and behavior in the individual's adaptation to the environment. B) random sample During lunchtime, she goes to the crowded food court and deliberately drops her notebook. A) Jack should not be wary because brown hair color is part of the phenotype not necessarily Sarah's and Jack's genotypes C) humanistic C) It inhibits the heart muscle, intestines, and urogenital tract. In the context of operant conditioning, Jennifer's behavior has most likely been learned through - Results of laboratory experiments tend to be reliable, as the conditions created (and thus results produced) can be replicated. Because of your expectations, you are unintentionally friendlier with participants in the treatment group, giving them a more positive experience. Each person in the sample is shown a typical cigarette advertisement and is asked to estimate the age of the model in the ad. These cues can lead participants to change their behaviors or responses based on what they think the research is about. B) an experimental The _____ approach to psychology views the mind as an active and aware problem-solving system. B) Elaboration Use what you know about binding energy to explain why various astrophysical processes might result in the production of large quantities of iron. A) Brain stem in experimental research, demand characteristics tend to question 17 options: a) threaten the validity of experimental B) has deeply processed this information B) immediately forgetting relevant information D) stable, negative charge of an inactive neuron. B) selective breeding Abe and Carl's views reflect the __________ approach to psychology. The design generally comprises three phases, namely the problem inception phase, problem diagnosis phase, and the problem solution phase. That is, total liabilities are 120 % of total shareholders equity. Demand characteristics: environmental cues that encourage participants to conform to researchers expectations. He asks his employees to brainstorm and create a list of all possible solutions to keeping the company in business. (2023, February 15). C) the somatic nervous system D) affect the duration of a study, Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method? Research Design Chapter 1 and 2 Study Questio, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society Chapter 2, Allowance for uncollectible accounts (400), Raw materials and work in process inventory, Total liabilities and shareholders equity, Certain records that included the account balances for the patent and shareholders' equity items were lost. B) participant effects. A) differential D) EEG, Discrimination of objects that are necessary for survival (such as appropriate food) as well as emotional awareness and expression involves the _____. C) neurotransmitters that regulates mood b. eliminate confounds in a study. C) confederates. C) Internal states such as thinking, wishing, and hoping are of greater importance, in comparison to observable behaviors. C) Liver D) the factors that change in response to the changes in dependent variables. A) rationalization Your body even contains a significant amount of iron. C) A theory can generate only one hypothesis. A) molecular genetics C) Charles Darwin Weaknesses When you have demand characteristics, the internal validity of your experiment isnt secure. B. Watson and B. F. Skinner believed that. In randomized experiments, research subjects are randomly assigned to different levels of the hypothesized cause variable (i.e., experimental conditions) by the researchers. The experimental research design is the use of methods and procedures to make observations in which the researcher fully controls the conditions and Figure 7.1 The Three Categories of Research Design Research Designs Experimental Used to determine the On January 1, 20X7, the partners of Casey, Dithers, and Edwards, who share profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3:2, decided to liquidate their partnership. In the context of correlational research, Saundra is describing a ________ between caffeine intake and sleep. A laboratory is a controlled setting with many of the potential confounding factors of the real world removed. A) prototype B) behaviorism B) adorable children are universally loved B) deception the entire group about which researchers want to draw conclusions. WebLaboratory experiments , conducted in laboratory (artificial) settings, tend to be high in internal validity, but this comes at the cost of low external validity (generalizability), because the artificial (laboratory) setting in which the study is A key requirement for the process of testing hypotheses in the scientific method is D) being a critical thinker means accepting whatever the data say, B) correlation does not imply causation and group statistics cannot be assumed to apply to every single case, The characteristics that allow the nervous system to direct behavior Are in its complexity, Integration, Electrochemical transmission, and B) Selective breeding Naturally, experimental research is popular in psychology, which is considered a field of medicine. Which of the following is the best example of an unconditioned response? C) discrimination As accounting manager for Sanderson, you are attempting to reconstruct and revise the balance sheet. A) Substitution of function What do we mean by covalent bonding and polarpolarpolar covalentcovalentcovalent bonding? A) is followed by a desirable stimulus. He surveyed his students about the number of hours they slept the night before the exam and then correlated these scores with their test grades. 1Jan. \end{array} A) strategy that guarantees a solution to a problem B) molecular genetics. C) genome-wide association method WebExperimental research is one of the most difficult of research designs, and should not be taken lightly. Dr. Grant is conducting research on stress management. The data show that she is simply very likely to be poor A key requirement for the process of testing hypotheses in the scientific method is, In experimental research, demand characteristics tend to. C) limbic system A) publishing review In randomized experiments, research subjects are randomly assigned to different levels of the hypothesized cause variable (i.e., experimental conditions) by the researchers. \text { b. } D) psychodynamic, According to ___________ psychologists, your brain houses a "mind" whose mental processes allow you to remember, make decisions, plan, set goals, and be creative. C) peer review A) if participants in an experiment are assigned to each group by stratification, the actual differences between the groups will sustain over the long run. Which answer most accurately identifies the individual who is most likely to catch the cold that is going around my dorm this semester? Find the first partial derivatives of the given function. What explains the clip's enduring appeal? Prepare a complete, corrected, classified balance sheet. A) case studies C) A theory can generate only one hypothesis. A) population a. Experimental research tends to be much less vulnerable to confounds: the more control you have over what happens during the study, the more you can prevent confounds from appearing. D) ice cream consumption is not related to violent crime, B) a third variable, such as heat, may account for the association between ice cream sales and violent crime, A case study & 6,667 & 6,667 & 6,666 \\ A) the central nervous system D) a longitudinal study tracking exercise and mood over two years in a sample of 100 grade school children, B) an experiment that involves randomly assigning 200 students similar to yourself to either a physical activity condition or a control group, and then measuring mood, In a blog post, a scientist describes a recently completed study in which she found that people who were assigned to an exercise group reported 10 times more happiness than those in a control group. Then he asks them for their GPA for the semester. The lecture you were listening to is over. C)Collateral sprouting B) experimenter bias C) violent people like ice cream more than non-violent people The ethical standard that has been violated is Required: B) being receptive to other ways of looking at things The more coffee she drinks before sleeping, the less sleep she gets. B) action potential C) participant bias and social desirability. A) US Which of the following is a potential problem of using correlational studies in psychological research? C) limbic system. &\text { Art } & {\text { Blythe }} & \text { Cooper } \\ B) the autonomic nervous system C) psychodynamic approach \text { c. } & 0 & 11,333 & 5,667 \\ Tamika hypothesizes that women are more helpful than men. D) Brainstem, Because Miles suffers from extreme seizures the surgeon severs his corpus callosum. \text { d. } & 0 & 3,000 & 17,000 \\ These cues may nudge participants to consciously or unconsciously change their responses. Recognizing the increased interest and demand for scientifically-based research in education policy and practice, the National Research Council released the motivated and tend to experience increased anxiety with frequent graduate characteristics of a true experimental design are present as in the previous design: D) asking for spare change, A correlation of -.67 indicates C) consists of glands that regulate the activities of certain organs by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. D) field, When a researcher decides to study a particular group, such as Latino factory workers, the researcher is specifically determining the study's 4 ). C) medulla Demand characteristics The clues in an experiment that lead the participants to think they know what the researcher is looking for (e.g. C) Raising your hand before asking a question in a classroom setting These study characteristics place hidden demands on participants to respond in a particular way once they perceive them. D) intermediary, Organisms learn the association between two stimuli through _____ whereas organisms learn the association between a behavior and a consequence through _____. A) Twin studies D) motivated forgetting is a poor treatment for overcoming traumatic events, B) most forgetting occurs soon after we originally learned something, When you are asked to recall your first day of kindergarten, you rely on _____, whereas when you are asked to recall the name of a person you just met a few seconds ago, you rely on _____. A) The fight or flight response Resting potential is the D) balance and muscle coordination, The ____ are involved in personality, intelligence, and the control of voluntary muscles. Professor Milton wants to examine the connection between brain damage and intelligence levels in adults. C) negative behaviors can be easily extinguished through classical conditioning A) A fraction of a second to several seconds Cute kids are more likely to survive and reproduce. C) Collateral cells William James, a prominent American psychologist and philosopher, focused on human interactions with the outside world to understand the purpose of thoughts. Demand characteristic is another type of bias that occurs when participants receive a subtle cue from a researcher that indicates the response they desire from the participant. Which of the following divisions of the nervous system will be primarily responsible for the pain she feels? Avoid generalizing based on little information and look for consistent themes across several, as opposed to single, studies. Iron is a common element in the solar system; it is the single most abundant element within Earth by mass. Suppose that a sample of 505050 people is randomly selected at a shopping mall. C) Face validity He obtains a correlation coefficient of -0.75. 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