Soooo I couldn't stop thinking about this idea and I love Kit!Keith fanfics, so here we go. keith, keithxlance, wattys201. He doesnt remember what happened but Allura is convinced he is a traitor. working on it Galran Culture (Voltron) Protective Kolivan (Voltron) or. He instantly recognized the symbol on Ulazs blade the moment he laid eyes on it, for he had stared at the exact same one on his own blade countless times before. In such a state he becomes hyper-focused on defeating his opponent as he ignores all outside advice and logic, leaving him more open to attack. A slightly longer and more deliberate blink is an expression of good faith amongst the galra, as having their eyes closed for even a fraction longer than necessary might give an enemy the upper-hand (ergo to do this in the company of another is to have confidence that they will not hurt you). while this summary sucks i promise the fics are pretty good :), 1. neighbors/college au2. Due his emotional trauma, Keith attempted to be off-putting in an attempt to spare himself the pain of possible rejection. No name recommendations will be Zapped!. Luckily for Keith, Allura came to terms with her own suffering and feelings towards the Galra, making amends with him by stating that she considered him and the Paladins her new family, and what is important in a person is who they are, not their blood. This is about to be a big revelation. Read 9 from the story Blood Will Stain -- Volton Galra KeithxLance by CriBabyBoyo (Wisdom the Wizard) with 9,905 reads. Keith has shown himself to be quickly able to adapt his fighting style to whatever weapon he has on hand, such as his luxite sword. Completed Blue-Gray With some help from a rebel Galra, Keith escapes, but he is forever changed. ___________________________________________, Basically, this is me saying that there is no way he could've gotten to the castle practically uninjured. Galrans WILL NOT BE UPDATED AND IS NOT COMPLETE! kosmo <3 August 2017, AfterBuzzTV with Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery, August 2017, ComicBook: "Voltron: Legendary Defender Showrunners Explain Keith's Big Change in Season 6", June 2018,,, Consequently, Keith ages two years ahead of the rest of Team Voltron, on top of the year he experiences along with everyone else, making him 21 years old at the youngest by season six's end, three years older than his age in season one. Occupation Continuation of my AU where Keith turns into a galra earlier than expected, and it doesn't go down well with any of the paladins. [3], The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. He had to win his lion's trust by protecting it. Keith is a only a kit. In his nightmare, they were discovered and captured. Or, Keith's fears before and after he discovers his heritage. Please consider turning it on! Moving on is hard. Lance attempts to take the overworked Paladin back to his room, but the Blades step in and adopt Keith. I know who I am.Keith. Something that can tear apart ships in the blink of an eye. Moving forward is hard. SORRY! In essence, Keith's journey in Legendary Defender is one of "forming the head", to paraphrase his Defender of the Universe counterpart. Work Search: Orphaned at a young age before enlisting in the Galaxy Garrison, Keith is somewhat of a lone wolf. Aris Then one of the strange pillars opened, a pale gas almost fog-like drifted from it before a figure moved. Strangely, despite not appearing Galran on the surface, Keith's eyes are similar in color as the average Galran's skin tones. "Hey!" "Listen to Thace, kit." His breath is short and irregular, eyes closed in what Kolivan is sure is pain.". Is he a Blade of Marmora or a Paladin of Voltron? He has Galran heritage rooted in the Galra rebel faction called the Blade of Marmora, which he decides to join, leaving Team Voltron so that "Shiro" can return as the Black Paladin. Lance is warm. Most of their achievements have been seen in terms of military technology, such as technology that is genetically encoded to their species, though it does not seem to distinguish between pure-blooded Galra and Galra with other heritage like Keith. Unlike the others, Keith had to earn his Lion's respect by fighting to protect it at all costs, thus impressing Red. There are several trilling sounds particular to galra that Keith is very much capable of making (and, Bad Noises! He is still learning, but he is an impressive and dangerous swordsman who should not be underestimated. Keith is rescued after being kidnapped by Galra, and Lance helps him through his first day out of the healing pod.4. Who better to take care of him than the dads of Marmora? Keith does have some issues with trust. Despite his tendency to jump into battle, Keith can be quite calm and cautious at times. Ich nehme Vorschlge an also einfach bescheid geben. Even Lance is growing concerned at his teammate's behavior. from the story Blood Will Stain -- Volton Galra KeithxLance by CriBabyBoyo (Wisdom the Wizard) with 4,008 reads. He is quick to give sarcastic quips and blunt commentary. Just when Shiro's starting to think he's finally starting to get his life back together, he learns that his Quidditch team is under the threat of being disbanded due to lack of funds and members. He doesnt realise the extent of his injury and returns to his room. Kit Keith Keith enjoys a day out at the beach with the other Blades, but then wakes up to remember why exactly sunscreen exists. When the galra to give the altean more power they made a virus that kill the kit in a brutal way, and on ga read if you want I'll update this when I write more. Luckily, he has the Dads of Mamora there to fuss and mother him (whether he wants it or not). Born Kolt let out a huff of annoyance, the chances of Keith coming back were slim, he could easily place blame where it was due and the boy would likely never have to deal with it. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. However, secrets of Kei. Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. After his enslavement at the hand of Lotor, Keith struggles with what it means to be himself again.Fortunately, his pride are there to help him. Thace walked back to the nest as fast as he could without waking Keith up. With his ancestral weapon Keith is shown to be adept in not just double-edged swords, but also the single-edged backsword-styled blade favored by the Galran fighting style, common to both the Galra Empire and The Blade of Marmora. All of Keiths cute galra things come from an instinctual physicality that hes never learnt to control because humans cant really pick up on it anyway, meaning: Born of the deeply indulgent VLD keitor AU, Little Blade, and the fact that I, the author, have the self-control of a walnut, this blog exists as an endless fountain of headcanons & worldbuilding that I very much hope you will enjoy , 3 years ago on September 24, 2019 at 1:01 pm, #body language is the big one really - not just that which I've mentioned but also. well everything, #Keith is very naturally Galra in his movements and his emotions bleed out in the way he carries himself. Keith is an expelled ace pilot cadet from the Galaxy Garrison who functions as a Paladin of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire, piloting, at first, the Red Lion, but later transitioning to the Black Lion after Shiro's disappearance. A small double-edged knife made of luxite that can manifest into a larger, single-edge blade when activated by Keith's Galran heritage. Vorschlge? The rest of Voltron i Keith and Voltron are working to save the universe not knowing that the strong headed, tough, stubborn young adult is actually a Kit in Galra culture. Keith is a kit Keith (Voltron) is a Mess Nightmares Redemption Keith and Shiro are Adoptive Siblings Galra Keith (Voltron) Blade of Marmora Keith (Voltron) Dads of Marmora (Voltron) thulaz klance Child Abandonment Pack Family Keith is a little OOC Galra are big cats Keith is ticklish antolivan Sexus - Freeform Protective Krolia (Voltron) Is he a Blade of Marmora or a Paladin of Voltron? Keith was originally the paladin of the red lion in this version of the series. Voltron Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The typical Galra stresses speed over strength in combat, fluidly changing their tactics, seeming almost genetically predisposed towards a rapid-paced fighting style. One night Pidge wanted you to come to the roof of the Garrison. fluff Because he knew deep down that he'd never forget Lance, as long as he was alive Keith would remember him. In general, they are strong willedand obstinate, and fearlessness is a trait to be encouraged in most facets of their culture. Affiliation Little did you know where that night would lead you. Keith is found passed out on the training deck. However, he's determined to save his team, and beat Altea University's biggest rivalGalra Techin the biggest Quidditch tournament of the region. This is presumably due to a military academy of such prestige would require extensive health records of all of its students and staff members, including blood testing. Media Not Lance, Keiths eyes watered before he hunched over. At least this way, he can keep a close eye on the Galra Prince- or at least, that's the plan. Just a bunch of random story's about Keith. Though desperate to know the truth about himself, he willingly puts his selfish desires aside to fulfill his duty as a Paladin. Others that followed include Lotor's generals. This can put him in situations far beyond his comfort zone but cause him to achieve impressive feats. Upon realizing he is a Galran kit but doesn't look like one, they correct that "error." It should be noted that, although reverted to normal by the healing power of. Keith is the first Galran shown in full profile in the series despite appearing human. An Au featuring Kit Keith the BOM and the the various misadventures involved in caring for a Human/Galra hybrid. Keith glared and growled at Lance as he sat down on the empty side of the couch with the four Blades sitting with him. A series that depicts Keith's life after he is rescued by Thace and the BoM discover he is actually blind. Led by Kolivan, they have existed for centuries. lance, pidge, keithxlance. Keith constantly confusing the blades to the point of them being worried and/or impressed by humans. Media Four different voltron fics I found in my google docs and edited to have a complete ending. Lance fell. Age Heritage He has stepped down as a Paladin to work for the Blade of Marmora, only to later regain his rank as the leader of Voltron. Keith is also physically the fastest of the team, making his way across the battlefield like a blazing meteorite. (Fear not. It was when Athena crossed No one knew Keith was that strong, but he really was that, strong. Set directly after season 4 but before season 5. Perhaps after spending more time with his own kind, his instincts were starting to awaken. The currency used by the Empire and all it has conquered is GAC ("Galra Authorized Currency"). Following his brief and tumultuous experience as leader piloting the Black Lion, his decision to leave Team Voltron only occurs so that "Shiro" may return as the Black Paladin, as Keith constantly compares himself to Shiro, who guided him in his youth, and feels the older man is a better leader than himself. After Shiro, Keith is easily the best hand-to-hand combatant on the team. The last thing Ulaz expected to find on an altean ship was a galran kit- but that was exactly what he stumbled across. Even with a new Emperor on the throne, Voltron's work is far from over. Across from said cafe is a tattoo studio, belonging to a young boy. # 1 Living a Past Life (A Voltron Lege. He managed to get to a pod and put it on autopilot on the coordinates of the base. [9] Keith is equally able to accept that one evil is not the representative of all of its kind but does not fault Allura's shunning of him for his Galran heritage and only uses it as fuel to prove he has a rightful place on the Voltron team until they make amends. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone.Allura describing the Red Lion, Keith is described multiple times as the hothead of Team Voltron. A galran-human hybrid. They are equally at home with episode-style action-adventure stories, like. When the paladins get Captured Something is revieled to the team that is unice to Galra anatamy. "Voltron: The Untold Story" or "5 Heads are Fatter than 1", When You're Living On Your Knees, You Rise Up. Suddenly, the terms of negotiations seem a lot more obvious- because there's no way in the universe he is leaving the kit here. Keith Keith's Galra heritage reveal from Allura's POV, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (19), Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro (9), Post-Episode: s02e08 The Blade of Marmora (10), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5). Most of them will probably be from elentori, ikimaru and pretzellus bc I love their art :). Readers can read all books for free, without any ads and give the authors feedback. The original empire of Daibazaal consisted of an imperial family and a structured class system with a society that emphasized battle prowess and military power. Keith's Blade has opinions, not that anyone ever asked for them. He forgot to take into account that Galra don't get sunburns and the rest of his pack was decidedly not expecting him to change colors. While he might not trust the prince, he'd rather take his chances with him than the witch- even if that means publicly betraying Voltron. Team Voltron, Blade of Marmora Keith's human biology makes it difficult for the Blades to tell when he is sick. Galran genetics appear to be recessive in regards to appearance when it comes to offspring between their species and humans. This leads to the discovery Keith is a kit and the offer of a family. Turns out, Keith inherited more of his mother's Galran genes than he thought he did. Something made him start acting different, more childlike. He's galran. He has laughed freely at Hunk's jokes and enjoyed the food fight during training, throwing plates of goo onto Allura and Coran's faces while laughing wildly, and over time, warms up to the team to crack friendly jokes of his own. Black The Galra are an incredibly advanced species, known to have devised technology that allows them to achieve faster-than-light intergalactic travel, through which the Galra Empire was able to conquer most of the known universe in the short span of ten-thousand standard years. Keith's mother, Krolia, wanted to name him "Yurak," but his father suggested "Keith" instead. This was confirmed in "Bloodlines" when he rescued a Blade from a Galra base who turned out to be Keith's mother. Voltron Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Keith realizes he has been missing a few things since he left his pack on the mission to retrieve Krolia. [4] They are a highly secretive society that wears masks to hide their identity and only allow members to join if they can withstand brutal trials and activate their luxite blades, which is only possible if the initiate has Galran blood.[2][4]. He is found by Antok tho, who can't just leave a poor Kit alone, so he takes him with him and Keith geht's adoptet. Eye Color His mother, Keith's human ethnicity is unknown. Other than the note he left behind. This, coupled with his temper and emotional instability, is not aided by Keith's difficulty opening up to anyone personally on the Voltron team - though Keith knows very little about his own past to tell until meeting the Blade of Marmora and reuniting with his mother, Krolia. The Galra also tend to look favorably upon those in possession of immense self-discipline, focus, and grit. [1] For all his seriousness, Keith is hardly stoic. It's hard to wander the cosmos whenever you're now one of the enemy. What if the whole war is just a big misunderstanding? It is only after meeting his mother, Krolia, and bonding with her for two years that Keith stabilizes and matures as a person, returning to the mantle of Black Paladin once "Shiro," truly a clone, turns against the team. There may be redemption, I don't know yet). Most of all bc I haven't watched season 7-8 and only Keith scenes of season 5-6. I can destroy entire fleets alone. ), "The boys face is a mosaic of clashing and conflicting colors. If you ignore the coughing, sneezing, temperature. Each piece of the series contains bits the others don't. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The knife was looking out for him. All he wants is rest and time to think over all that has happened. Keith is not generally a calm guy. It's not like he can go back anyways, after what Haggar did to him. October 23[1] Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. 3 blankets, 2 pairs have to share a bed. Unwrapping his knife and revealing the glowing purple symbol had only confirmed his suspicions and unleashed a host of new fears. ! No, Keith, they dont. Or Pidge grows up, Lance and Hunk win best brothers of the year award, and Shiro gets to give. Some people take it better than others, but the person who takes it the worst is Keith himself. Is that why his mother was never around? #sad keith! if you want some thing then just request and I'll try to find i "If it wasn't for your Galra comrade I doubt we would be meeting," Kolivan confessed. if you read maybe you'll like it depending on if you read. What's his deal, anyway? This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). And that monster is a teen Athena wasn't like any other girls. Keith has embraced his role as a Paladin to near extremes and places high value on the stakes of the team's mission of defending the universe. Voltron | Keith Kogane | Romance Keith Galra Aliens. Keith shares key characteristics with his Galran mother, Krolia, including a protective streak, a tendency to be impulsive, and a habit of incorporating his own emotional agenda into his missions against the advice of senior officers such as Shiro or Kolivan. What was going on?! Keith is based on the character Keith of the previous. Keith is Galra. The heats off. A man of few words and dry wit, Keith is a loner and rebel by nature with "discipline issues" that resulted in his expulsion from the Galaxy Garrison. He has stepped down as a Paladin to work for the Blade of Marmora, only to later regain his rank as the leader of Voltron. Keith often felt the need to prove himself to his commanding officer and mentor, Kolivan, while simultaneously disregarding orders to put the mission first. No longer possessed by his manic and frenetic mindset in battle, Keith is now a leader come full circle in his journey of self-discovery. He turned his head to look at Lance and almost laughed. Keith meets a senior member of the Blades, who actually is Kolivan's father. When the truth is revealed about "Shiro's" status as a clone, Keith returns to being the Black Paladin. This'll be another series, bc I don't want to make one story ,but rather many one shots. though in his time in space he had forgotten what day it was back on Earth. It doesn't matter where I come from. Sagt bescheid vielleicht mache ich noch einen Teil. Ich nehme Vorschlge an also einfach bescheid geben. But this city has a few things up its sleeve and not all of them pretty. Oh, and don't forget the neon green and pink spots! Due to his mother leaving him as an infant and his father's death when he was still a small child, Keith had some serious barriers that he kept up around his friends and teammates, which initially impeded his abilities as a leader during the first few missions as the head of Voltron. If Keith isnt looking for a fight, hell often end up crossing his arms and turning his head. Heads up before you read this: This book contains vivid descriptions of violence (that I don't condone such actions), blood and torture. Rein, Bomben platzieren und raus aber es war nie so einfach und Keith schaffte es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck. different ships mostly sheith Krolia (mother)Unnamed father Luckily, Ulaz finds Keith crashed into his base many months later, and he's not letting the younger get hurt any time soon. This author is very good at balancing an ensemble cast (even with their more romance-centric works); the characterizations and dynamics stay true to the spirit of the show. Originally found in the Legendary Defender ficlets series. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. He is capable of handling the Red Lion not because of their shared ferocious and rebellious natures, but because of his instincts and respect for Shiro as a leader. Antok's tail smacked Keith in the head. Or: There are reasons no one ever noticed Keith's knife when he was at the Garrison, and there are reasons he never cut his fingers on the edge. The Blades were disturbed by learning what's been happening to Keith; they were OUTRAGED when they had to discover that Keith was a young kit in the Galra eye from unfortunate circumstances. [14], At the Galaxy Garrison, Keith was the top pilot of his class. On Coran's height ranking for the Paladins of 1-5 (tallest to shortest). Keith keeps running into Kolivan, Ulaz, and Thace at night. His black gloves are fingerless and expose part of his hand before strapping together over the wrist. Kolivan is looking at him funny again. When he is not in his Paladin armor, Keith wears a dark blue-gray t-shirt underneath a red, white, and yellow jacket cropped to his ribcage, with the large cuffs of the jacket rolled up to expose their white color. Originally found in the Legendary Defender ficlets series. In truth, Keith is prone to self-consciousness and fears being rejected by others due to his parents' loss as a child, feeling that he was abandoned, and he tends to keep people at a distance and shut them out before they can reject him first to protect himself. [1] Following the loss of their home planet, the Galran people have expanded into a powerful political and military system called the Galra Empire that has dominated the known universe for the past ten thousand years. Prominent canine teeth are also common among them, though not a uniform trait of the species. Normally extremely perceptive, Keith's fiery personality sometimes causes him to forget crucial details of his missions, such as being so focused on destroying enemies that he forgot the Balmera was a living creature and that he had to be careful to not cause any damage to it in battle. Keith is also skilled with explosives and diversionary tactics, as he was able to distract Galaxy Garrison personnel with multiple calculated explosions in order to clear the way to bust Shiro out of quarantine. The Galra seem in general to be a rather unified and utilitarian species, tending to dispose of unnecessary things, ranging from captives to outdated Quintessence harvesting methods. In his Paladin armor, Keith's uniform mirrors his fellow Paladins but with red accents to match his Lion. The boy that Keith wouldn't forget even if he tried. This authors genfics will take your breath away with the emotion and detail that goes into them. And this is also me wanting to see the actual Galra reveal. Having finally discovered the reason why his mother left him was for his protection, Keith finally made peace with his past on Earth. After an altercation with a druid and some quintessence, Keith's galra heritage comes to the forefront. So maybe not cute exactly, but still very distinctly galra, Keith is also capable of making low-frequency sounds such as throaty growls, typically when angry or threatened, accompanied by a snarl or some sort of show of fangs in a. Fluffy hair! However, secrets of Kei Short story! Keith has a connection to three Lions total: he senses the energy of the. One of the best, if not the best, genficcers working in this fandom. It was warm to the touch and he could feel a slight tingling move from his hand up his arm, like the gentle lick of a flame. And the blade was hers, wasn't it? I've saved more prisoners than most of the Voltron Colition. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Keith's skill as a pilot of the Black Lion developed further after returning from the Quantum Abyss. Additionally, Keith appears to be more physically resilient than most humans, able to handle punishment that utterly astounded a physical specimen like Shiro during the trials with the Blade of Marmora. To humans, this typically comes off as dismissive and rude (and to Lance in particular, as if hes not even worth the effort it would take Keith to argue with him) but to the galra this is actually a sign of submission: in an attempt to, Blinking! Much like a cat, Keith will often physically remove himself from the group and stand at a distance as a quiet observernot because he doesnt want to be with them, but rather so that he can have them all within sight in order to protect them from potential threats! Armor that allows for safe travel in space; it contains a highly advanced computer system, a communication system, a laser gun, a grappling hook and tether, holographic capabilities, an energy shield for defense, breathable air, and a jetpack for brief sustained flight. 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