Both are tools to measure the truth of something. [1] There were a few other moments in the podcasts where I cringed, but I doubt they wouldve played into any discipline. Where are the stories of humble priests who offer the remaining candlesticks to the thief who spent years at hard labor for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving children? God gave unto Zion (his church) a weapon against this, personal revelation through the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Christ also told us that by their fruits shall we know them. Many complained of demon possession and having false spirits torment them for months after doing as Mike Stroud suggested. Incidentally, no alternative under the definition of apostacy [a]s used here, i.e. Till thine elections sure, Mike Stroud set himself up as a light about the Prophet of God and convinced people that it would be through his Podcasts that THE REMENT would be awakened and they were the ones chosen to prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord. At the time of this writing, Michael is the Corporate Controller of a $5 billion manufacturing company. Mike Stroud may have bore testimony of the church and the Brethren in one breath but in the next he bore testimony of the fact that their job is only one of a preparatory role. Its this kind of fluffy, fear mongering, reaching for the stars conclusions that made the document so difficult to read. The lady said she knew it was the Lord. by Lemarque August 20th, 2021, 9:06 pm, Post This Mike Stroud controversy is something that has somewhat divided me. I find that I agree with him less and less as time goes on, although sifting through his commentary is a good exercise in defining my own better. And yet the excommunications continue. I think Brother Stroud left orbit some time ago. So, where are the stories in the scriptures of those who serve quietly in anonymity. That is the reality of who we are and that everyone needs to wake up to to establish Zion. "Abundantly illustrated with frames and sequences, Video Art offers a history of the medium seen through the perspectives of its early practitioners - such as Bruce Nauman and Vito Acconci, who . That includes defining doctrines and positions of the Church and taking action on heresy from whatever side that may come. (It even had my 2017 W&T post on Mike Stroud.) That America was prophecied 2600 years ago and it's fate was already chosen. While the church doesn't regularly provide information about excommunication or resignation, those listed here have made such information public. 15 February 2021 at 7:34 PM. I put it this way because too many people think that love is an action word, and for them perhaps it is. The Church will make some faction angry with any move they make. He is not in a position to be receiving revelation for anyone other than himself, his family and those he had/has stewardship over. However, this is not the case at all. I believe thats why the Lord wanted these podcasts to be done (Podcast 08: 1 Nephi 5-7, abt 41:23). Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If we just use good judgement we will already be able to expose the lies. The fate of the last 2 "break-away" feathersand who they serve UNDER. The accusations continued and got worse more and more people were getting tried and executed as witches. They go together. The superficial milk seeking, moralistic therapeutic diesism found in the minds of those like yourself have changed the way we teach the doctrines of the gospel over the course of my life and I am greatly disappointed by your ilk. but times have changed and if you interpret the scriptures the way we have for eons you now find yourself exed for apostasy. Retrieved 7 June 2015. When youre old, odd isnt as odd as it is when youre young and have a nice big box to fit everything into. At The Disco's frontman on being the only original member left", "Out to Win: Panic! How can we discuss or share experiences if we are afraid that we will be labeled as extreme or potentially get excommunicated for seeking after what Joseph Smith taught we should all be seeking after and that is our second comforter experience. In a later podcast, he promised, You spending time with the Lord every day is designed to bring you to this place where you too can say, I did look unto my God and did praise him all the day long. (Podcast 019: 1 Nephi 18, abt 29:24) Stroud encouraged listeners to write down any revelations received during this holy time with the Lord, and at various points he shared revelations he received. And hes a tremendous teacher. This is the current definition of apostasy per the handbook: Fenerbahe Players 2020, Why not? All of us have the same promise. That is the only dominion that can bring about eternal life. His original analysis has been studied by students of the scriptures in over 130 countries worldwide, and is included in his first book - A Remnant Shall Return first published in 2015.. Be notified when new blogs, videos or books are available. Conjectures and historical comments on others, however, simply left the question hanging. Then they came down and did something about it. He taught this not only in his podcasts but to private groups of people that he mentored. These Indians ate insects, had degraded down to such a state that truly, with the loss of the Spirit of the Lord, they had become a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations. For example, President Nelson counseled in April, I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable thingsthat which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.12, Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know. [Nope.] I am a convert, as a teenager, and against the wishes of my father (an atheist). We have information on 910-692-9945, including Michael B Rush's name, address, and background checks with criminal records. Michael B. When I was younger I often thought as I read stories in the scriptures that I would like to have similar experiences. I have also been told clearly, Do not compare your experiences with others and Trust meRelax. Stroud most definitely does not set himself up as a leader or prophet of any kind. Dont be afraid of being deceived. 1. And Mike just told her that it was a Second Comforter experience. In one, the words were, this is love. In the other, I care. Rush is the author of A Remnant Shall Return, Daniel 11, and Revelation the Vision of John the Divine. God has presumably chosen certain spirits in advance and has nothing directly to do with love for them specifically but rather love for the human race that is answered by providing certain talents at certain places and times. Theres a lot more that can be said about this but basically speaking if a person is just meditating and especially if theyre meditation on Christ, its not going to happen. Still, I was worried at the time that Brysons universal constant might apply. And yet the excommunications continue. Michael served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Chile, Osorno - where he loved both the people and the breathtaking landscapes. Rush has been a life long student of the scriptures. That by itself, of course, wouldnt make such an instruction appropriate, but it would authorize an excommunication for Mormon-speak apostacy. So I anticipate future change to be more of the same. My heart hurts. All throughout the Scriptures we have stories of mostly men, extraordinary men, who have extraordinary experiences with God. Rush is the author of A Remnant Shall Return, Daniel 11, and Revelation the Vision of John the Divine. Rush (Ezra's Eagle) and the FP Covid Statement by h_p Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:43 am Many of you might be familiar with this guy, he's the guy who's been quite prolific about the Ezra's Eagle prophecy. Bellamy, one of the reasons that I said maybe not for the reason you think in the headline is because I dont think he was excommunicated merely for teaching about calling and election, second comforter, or seeing angels. I have been very excited to hear the encouragement by our Prophet Russell M Nielson to seek after a relationship with the Lord, to gain power in the priesthood, to hear President Eyering encourage us to be like Enoch to call down the powers of heaven, to stop armies. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. There was a nice girl in one of his classes who was popular, very spiritual and had a very kind heart. Michael Rush currently lives in Franklin, TN; in the past Michael has also lived in Draper UT. When I was 15, I went to a youth conference where he spoke several times. Im a big fan of moderation and pluralism, but I continue to see a lot of talk about what the Church obviously should do. Did you do this 4 times a day for 4 years? by Lemarque August 20th, 2021, 9:40 am, Post But I agree with you general point that if we want to establish Zion we need to shrug off the standard mortal way of looking at things. This is the official page for Michael B. How many times over the last 25 years did I cringe when someone would quote Mormon Doctrine as fact instead of opinion. Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey are saying goodbye to paradise. The hysteria surrounding the Salem witch trials was not brought about so much by church leaders at that time. I think there are many in the church who are in possession of this Spirit and it is the quickest path to perfection and the Zion state for the church as a whole. The ruling of his stake on this matter may indicate otherwise. Referring to the changes in priesthood quorums and ministering announced at the April general conference, Elder Holland quipped that he wasnt sure how many more rushes of revelation members of the Church could handle from President Nelson. He was never under any threat of disciplinary action as far as I can tell, but priesthood leaders found several of his teachings inappropriate. To his credit, Stroud clearly identified those teachings in his final podcast, published November 5th. 281 likes. It was a problematic combination. Well there be many reasons; the main one probably being that while anyone with a spirit of prophecy is by definition an prophet, there can be only one that is The Prophet, since otherwise esteeming each other as prophets would result, or opens the door to mischief. Assure eternal reign, Well I can say for those of us as lifers and close to retirement have all seen a culture change. They believe they can see evil that others cant. In June, she elaborated on the process of President Nelson writing impressions down on a yellow note pad and how she has been prompted at times to leave the room. Rush A Remnant Shall Return - Paperback & Audio Bundle $50 $29.99 Sale Michael B. During his interview with DeFede,. Rush (Ezra's Eagle) and the FP Covid Statement, ersion=CEV. Brother Strouds narrative is indeed lacking in much that might legitimize it. And it the eyes of some, they may very well have pulled it off. Thing is, hes right. He is talking about the government in v14, and maybe the leadership of the church. The more youre loved, the more youre hated. Thanks for the write up. William Tompkins - Apollo Program - Interactions with Human ETs, Military Personel Address National Press Club Regarding UFO's Interacting With Our Nuclear Weapons, Robert O. If they say he was talking about astral projection then he was and thats that. Very good comments. The truth is they dont really know much about it themselves, aside from what theyve heard from other spooks and online sources. Its a bit strong (evoking images of the occult), but the idea of requesting a specific heavenly messengers by name does seem unusual. Under the special definition subsection 1 it could be nothing more than resuming podcasts if his local leaders had instructed him to cease podcasts. I have read all of Rush's books. Obey the eternal Lord and Savior of all the world? Learn how your comment data is processed. Judging a mans personal revelation to me is fruitless nonsense. Have you read A Course in Miracles? He gave an address at an end-times conference in Arizona last November on Accessing the Fullness of the Atonement of Jesus Christ through Personal Revelation. At the end of the presentation, he announced that he would be starting a new podcast series on the Book of Mormon, and the Lord wanted the podcasts translated into Spanish. In modern times we are seeing Kimberly and her associates making the same claim. As I have looked at the Ezra's Eagle prophecy from the apocrypha directly, I have noted many additional insights in The Last Days Timeline as I pondered Ezra's Eagle steadily for 5 weeks. does not necessarily agree with all content posted by users of this forum. I have a firm testimony that President Russell M. Nelson is the Lords appointed Prophet, Seer and, Revelator who holds all the keys and he is the only one that receives revelation for the church as a whole. If the 144,000 really are a club that pat each other on the back for their superior knowledge while condemning us gentiles for our weaknesses, then they can have their club, I will stand with the man and woman who love me in my weaknesses and join with them to bear each others burdens as we seek to improve our ability to love one another as Christ and God have loved us. Brien is a super quick force as he lays very hard into Starling before he tags in Patrick who is all about force and power. Further episodes will be created solely for the benefit of his posterity, though other people may listen in if they want. Michael B. Michael B. My response: The church does not regulate claims per se (IMO) but rather who is authorized to speak for God. . Use the Information in this Book to Prepare for What Comes Next. One item I recognized in his new podcasts was something Stroud talked about in his original series, that the 144,000 talked about in the Book of Revelation were a group of men and women who used portals to move through time and space to gather the elect. But its clear that many recent changes have been made specifically to strengthen the rising generation, so losing the younger generation has been a big concern. If it is true that some have divorced because of this mans teachings then I believe those marriages were in trouble already. Michael B. I think they all probably went to one too many Lynn Bryson firesides when they were younger. It strikes me how much the church has changed even in my life time The increase skepticism and unbelief is remarkable.I can remember G.C .talks on having your calling and election made sure and the importance of hearing the more sure word of prophesy. Im just saying this is how Ive heard him. We are all equal. . Its as if the messages lead to a circle of patting each other on the back for learning the mysteries rather than helping the suffering widow down the street. In that last days we are told that spiritual manifestations will increase. Let me explain what Mike Stroud is really teaching: He is teaching a practice called astral Projection though he never uses that word. JR sorry you think my response is inadequate. Stroud told a family story about his grandparents in Payson, Utah. I have heard good things about a Course in Miracles and I have the book. While studying at BYU, Michael met and married his wife Amy - a beautiful Kansas girl. Third, Stroud continued to espouse ideas that appear to be influenced by the end-times book Visions of Glory. Bro. On the other hand, there are also many in our faith who truly believe that the illusions of separation and comparison are a very real thing. He is the Author of The "Last Days" Timeline and website. As one who shall obtain. This is a sad outcome to befall a man who had a lot of spiritual gifts to share. Whether Spencer had the experience or not is irrelevant. He can only offer death, Jesus is the only covenant that leads to life, and he will annul the death covenant, it will not succeed. But we laugh at those ideas today. Plain and simple good judgement will reveal the truth of things. Michael is a top 10 best selling author in his respective genre. The Facebook page was taken down temporarily for safety concerns. Number 2 however is very likely. By Michael Rush. Its interesting that the author claims to have felt a bad spirit every time they listened to a Mike Stroud podcast. I myself would never say someone did or did not have these experiences. Apostasy, Excommunication, LDS, Mormon, Mormon Discussion. or. $875,000 7701 Atlantic Ave #1d, Riesenfeld Ernest Asen Dennis P; 12/24/20. Fear is the opposite of faith. Persist in teaching as Church doctrine information that is not Church doctrine after they have been corrected by their bishop or a higher authority. After bearing a heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, and deity, Brother Stroud announced hed been excommunicated for apostasy. Here we have the author making another conclusion that leaves you wondering where in the world it came from. Stroud said it almost feels like your being drawn upward. What a dilemma! Astral travel during sleep was taught by Brigham Young in the following quote. After bearing a heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, and deity, Brother Stroud announced he'd been excommunicated for apostasy. by mes5464 August 20th, 2021, 8:57 am, Post David Whitmer believed Jesus Christ appeared to him in the form of a deer, for pitys sake! It is what it is, and nobody here knows what it is, but only what it seems to be, with the missing parts filled in by each person that cares to imagine the missing parts. If we are not entertaining Angels as Stroud and Denver Snuffer claim to and many ,many of my friends claim to, then as Moroni said it is because of our unbelief. Replace it with righteous dominion? Authors reaction: But I have read a lot of other material on enlightenment. I really hope we can preserve it all together, because I think a huge part of the value of Mormonism is in our organizational strength and size and reach. Not my place. Why did she not TEST THE SPIRITS like we are taught to do in Doctrine and Covenants? About 20 minutes into it, he had an interesting take on D&C 45 and Isaiah 28 (the "covenant with death") prophecy. MICHAEL B FITZGERALD. I would not normally say this but least someone think of me as an apostate I have served as a member of multiple bishopricsfor 12 years ,8 as bishop. In the talk the author quoted by M. Russell Ballard Beware of False Prophets and False teachers not a single time did Elder Ballard ever say that we should be afraid of deception. scootd28 asks If were not supposed to strive for these things, then what are the stories for?. I will tell you that as a former student of Hugh Nibley this is no different than what he use to say in his B of M class. John 4:18 teaches that perfect love casteth out fear. I have read through most of it and it wasnt easy. I pray for them. And thus again the hypocrisy. Having studied somewhat of the background of all this, the Remnant version 1 and 2 and so on; the idea of actually expecting to see Jesus in person and NOT having to stand in a very long line seems rather hubristic. Almost means not quite. I know this guy and many others like him .The bulk have been excommunicated because they testify to the very thing that our present Special Witnesses refuse to do, that is having the promise of D and C93:1 fulfilled in this life. False Doctrine right and left. Kimberly, I hope Im never in the same ward as you. As you kneel down in prayer before reading the book, ask the Lord to send these men and these women to you to teach, instruct, give greater understanding, and even visions and manifestations to you (Podcast 023: 1 Nephi 22, abt 4:14) Ive seen one critic use the word conjuring to describe what Brother Stroud recommended. I said, Who was it? She said, Why it was the Lord. I said, How do you know it was the Lord? She said, I just knew it was the Lord. And I said, Congratulations, youve had a Second Comforter experience. [3:00] It was inappropriate for me to teach that persons should seek to be translate or to receive an ordinance of translation and become members of the 144,000 spoken of in scripture. If Im not mistaken one of only 2 prayers from His mouth recorded in the Bible. There was also no reason to test the spirits as the author accuses. Perry, James M., reporter, National Observer, "This Fella from Arizona", in Audubon, November 1981, pp. . Shunned by family and friends and their church clergy because of lack of understanding of the spirit world. Wise teachers like Jesus would never tell us to be afraid because it would directly limit our ability to grow in faith and love. To make a long story short, when things seemed hopeless, two events planted the feeling in my mind and the word was spoken. I know when Stroud got excommunicated, Julie Rowe suggested she would likely suffer the same fate (though I didnt get the impression it was imminent). I am a better disciple of Christ, and I have grown closer to him. Being able to discern good-weird from bad-weird isnt particularly easy or obvious. Hardening rural white listeners and weaponizing white male grievance. But theres plenty of spooks in the church who consider themselves experts on this matter and have plenty to say about it and how evil and occultic it is. In the process he talked about how the secret combinations had stolen the election from Trump (clearly not something anyone in LDS leadership would say). He had/has stewardship over anticipate future change to be done ( podcast 08: 1 Nephi,. Have all seen a culture change almost feels like your being drawn upward bishop or a higher.. Visions of Glory is something that has somewhat divided me orbit some time ago Lord wanted these podcasts to more! And Mike just told her that it was a nice big box to fit everything.., Utah male grievance: but I have read through most of it and it 's fate was chosen. 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