Anton wishes to speak to Emma, but she is not in town, so he continues with the rampage by chasing the three down. During the second half of season 2, while Emma is away with Henry, she and her family cope with Mary Margaret learns that Cora had killed her mother to make Regina the Queen, which Mary Margaret vows to kill her. When Killian comes back from the underworld Regina gets pushed over the edge. Regina finally lets Daniel go by turning him into dust. Ultimately, the decision is made to save the stranger's life no matter what. After wandering into a castle, Prince Charming is caught off guard when he meets a witch, Maleficent, who then turns into a ferocious dragon. After Henry leaves to take Emma, with Hook, to a place she can recuperate peacefully, Regina relates her suspicions that Emma was likely after the dagger and prepares to hide it, but David objects, stating that Arthur can help Emma if they give him the dagger. When given a chance to voice fears about expecting another child, he chooses not to and feigns calm. At some point, David breaks out of the cell and joins forces with Hook. David is shocked at the news, which he was not aware of, though it brings attention to the fact he's still married. If you want to play, check my Twitter account @EvilCharmingFic. The couple honor Johanna by burying her in the cemetery. As David continues to keep his injury secret, his strength is depleting. Henry suggests to David and Hook that the best way to help the Untold Stories residents is to find out why they don't want their stories told. After the fight, he arrives at the cabin shortly before King George's army arrive to capture him. As a more permanent solution, Regina attempts to use a magic hat to send the Wraith to another realm. Instead, she plans on having a chat with Regina to pull her back to their side. Once Hook is gone, David retrieves his father's coin from the ground. The trio cheerfully clink their glasses together, but before they can each take a sip of the wine, Edmond stops them, stating that a bottle of match is better suited for the celebration. Regina teaches Emma how to use and control her magic so that she and Regina's magic together might be able to defeat Zelena. Upon questioning Regina about where they were sent, Regina feigns ignorance, eventually using magic to strangle David. Once Upon a Time Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. The Blue Fairy imbues the magic in the songs into Emma's heart and tells the couple that she'll need them one day as she will fight a certain battle alone. He believes writing them as villains gave him a chance to be a hero for once, but Mary Margaret reasons that he became a villain by trying to be happy at the expense of others and only becoming more unhappy from it. David is one of the few characters from the first, He is the first character to appear in the. To make up for it, David teaches Henry how to sword fight with wooden weapons. Once Snow White and Lancelot rejoin the mother-son pair, they travel to Lake Nostos to find the cure for the wound caused by the poisoned arrow. At the border, they see an ice wall, which has knocked down power lines. He begins leaving, except David reminds Mr. Gold the debt he owes Mary Margaret for saving his life. ("Awake"), Eighteen years later, a few days after Emma arrives to Storybrooke, Henry convinces her to ask Mary Margaret to read Henry's storybook, full of stories from the Enchanted Forest, to the hospital's coma patient John Doe. Mary Margaret and Henry also joins their team and they all make it back to the station just as an explosion blows a hole in the building. David and Mary Margaret leave them to it and briefly discuss the what-ifs had he been raised by King George rather than his twin, and then the topic turns to returning to the Enchanted Forest. ("Awake"), While Snow is enthusiastic about having the diner as Emma and Hook's wedding venue, David suggests that it is not grand enough for a princess, to which his wife proposes the town hall building instead. After a tearful goodbye to his wife, David drinks the potion and falls into a coma before Mary Margaret also drinks it and recurses herself. The Queen comes into his cell to show him a cursed apple that she will make Snow White willingly eat and fall under a Sleeping Curse. Later, David picks up Emma so they can investigate the cause of a sudden blackout. Prince David, better known as Prince Charming, alias Prince James, currently known as David Nolan, and formerly known as John Doe and Sir David, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time.He dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Josh Dallas and co-star Luke Roessler. On Henry's insistence that Regina possesses light magic, she uses it to defeat Zelena once and for all. Since there isn't one, Tinker Bell warns that no one leaves the island without Pan's permission, and to prove how dangerous he is, she shows them a watch she found on Greg's corpse. Up ahead, the ridge allows them to get a view of the island, but too much has changed since Hook was last in Neverland and he can't tell the difference between anything. As Hook recalls, before he split from their group, everyone else was headed to the Queen's old palace. Mary Margaret believes he is doing his best, which he sees as part of the problem. They corner Tinker Bell outside a cavern, but an unharmed Regina attests to the fairy's innocence. In a meeting at Regina's house, Mr. Gold reveals Hook intends to get revenge on him with a duel to the death. By nightfall, David and Hook are joined by Henry as they reach the town square, where Emma has just been disarmed in a sword duel against Gideon. David expresses a desire to be with her instead of Kathryn, but she dissuades him against it. ("Broken"), The next day, David heads to Regina's house, once again confronting her about the vortex, but she refuses to give a proper answer. Emma allows David to go home, and advises him to get a lawyer. Before Emma heads out of town, Mary Margaret attempts to say goodbye to her, but latter shuts down, only asking her to take care of Henry. As morning approaches, they continue to have it out until the curse, prompted by Ingrid's sacrifice of her own life, is broken. Prince Charming is ecstatic, as this is the life he wanted for her, but she abruptly remarks that it is a shame it never happened since he failed her as a father. ("Witch Hunt"), During a night's sleep in the palace, Prince Charming dreams of being in the old castle he and Snow White lived in. He explains finding her in the woods with her powers still out of control. Kathryn allows him to choose with whatever he's comfortable with, but when she kisses him, David pulls away, asserting that the kiss didn't feel "right". On a sunny day, David, Leroy and Mary Margaret drive out to check up on the bean fields. The portal then absorbs not only the baby but Cruella and Ursula as well. Portrayed by: They also mention that Emma left town with Henry, which upsets Regina. The trio becomes a pair as Hook decides to stay behind and help Belle. As they wait, David and Mary Margaret persuade Emma to move on with life and not worry about things so much, but their daughter is finding it difficult to be a savior and have a day off from trouble. David proposes fetching another pair, though his wife-to-be sarcastically calls him her hero and walks off. David directs all the residents to take cover at town hall while he attempts to clear up the misunderstanding with Anton. However, she shared a secret with Regina, causing Snow to lose her lover. David calls the man out for not understanding the situation since he doesn't have a daughter who is waiting for him out in the world, to which Mr. Gold calmly asserts otherwise and gives a potion to Mary Margaret so she and David can recurse themselves and wait another eighteen years until Emma arrives. After this reality is undone, Snow returns back to the real world, this alternate reality no longer existing. After getting to the Queen's castle by Hook's ship, Charming and Snow quickly overpower the Queen with the intensity of their song. After Emma decides to try burning the names off the headstones, David leaves for the apartment with Henry. 1955 In the letter, Count of Monte Cristo asks them to meet him at the dirigible, but the couple are confused about what he wants from them, until Regina reveals she hired him years ago in the Enchanted Forest to kill them. Helping her to regain control, he lays the cloak over her so she changes back into human. At the news of August's reappearance, David and Henry join Emma, Marco and Mary Margaret on the way to the sheriff department to look for him. David agrees that Henry has taken after both Emma and Regina, who both put up walls. When Mr. Gold admits releasing a Wraith to destroy Regina, the trio feud off the creature temporarily. They take a rest for the night, though everyone is awakened with news of Emma's encounter with Pan in the jungle and the map he gave her to find Henry. Dopey steps over the line and nothing happens, but then, he turns into into a tree. Searching on foot, they eventually find Emma, who hasn't stripped her magic due to Elsa's persuasion. Trouble brews again, however, when Elsa and Emma notice ribbons on their left wrists, which begin absorbing their magic into Ingrid's ribbon; allowing the Snow Queen to cast the spell of shattered sight. Her parents watch with confusion at her reaction, and even Hook senses something is amiss, but Emma then excuses herself to go rest downstairs. ("A Wondrous Place"), While Emma and Henry are away researching symbols related to Emma's final battle, David finds out from Regina that she has an antidote that may lift his and Snow's joint curse. Hook suggests looking for a Dreamshade cure, but the latter refuses since it'll distract them from their mission to save Henry. He teases Mary Margaret about ripping out his heart, to which she also says sorry to Hook since it was partially her fault. Soon, he receives word that another resident has gone missing, and goes with Emma to the town line where Robin Hood and the Merry Men describe how Little John was kidnapped by a winged beast. Upon learning the whole truth, Emma is hurt and disappointed. Prince Charming and the dwarves watch Snow White's behavior with concern, until Jiminy falls out from under her shirt, making everyone laugh in amusement. The couple are eventually knocked unconscious by Edmond, and Regina duels him to protect them. Returning to his role of Prince James, he and Abigail take the carriage ride on the scenic route towards King Midas' palace to begin their wedding preparations. In the aftermath, David and Hook blame each other for Emma's disappearance since neither of them have a clue about where she went. As they are waiting for the surgery to finish, a male nurse cannot find Dr. Whale, whose pager is the pocket of his disposed lab coat. Emma corners a man rummaging through Robin Hood's tent, and after he runs away, David manages to grab him. By evening's end, Emma returns home as an excited Mary Margaret queries her on how the date went; wanting to know everything that happened, though David is less enthusiastic to hear certain details. Black was all she typically wore, but today she wanted to wear something with a touch of color. After urging Leroy to go back without him, David hears Mr. Gold out on his dilemma of winning back Belle's heart since she is now living under her false memories as Lacey. Prince Charming convinces her to let it go, and she suggests they go to the old Summer Palace for their honeymoon. Though Neal should be dead, he is not due to Mr. Gold absorbing him into his body. Instead, they suspiciously believe the prince only wants the kingdom for himself and doesn't truly love her. Regina reveals Mr. Gold is in league with Zelena, who has been pretending to be Marian this whole time. Consequence: A result or effect of an action or condition. ("The Savior"), In the diner, David tries to maintain a semblance of calm by directing the Untold Stories residents to food and shelter, but this causes the people to become restless. He returns to the loft, sitting near his sleeping wife, while playing a video message from Snow. As they wait for their turn, they learn from another person in line that no one knows for sure if their messages get through to the land of the living. In the hopes of sending Henry a message, Mary Margaret convinces everyone to make a net out of vine to catch a Lost Boy. ("Murder Most Foul"), Learning the truth from Emma about Robert's death and Hook's role in it, David is upset at the news, but sympathetic towards Emma, who is hurt that Killian left on the Nautilus and abandoned her. Then, he and Mary Margaret head home. David decides not to; hoping the problem can be easily fixed by Tinker Bell's pixie dust. During one night, it is Snow's turn to wake David up, but she can't think of anything to write to him because she misses him too much, and instead crumples the paper into her fist before giving him true love's kiss. If they do not comply, Mary Margaret promises to rip out their hearts herself. They were crowned the King and Queen of the realm and raised their daughter and had gained a grandson. Snow tells David about the failed antidote in a video message, which David later plays for Emma to see. ("Unforgiven"), As a married couple, Snow and Charming attend the King's ball. Then, they lean in for true love's kiss, but their bodies cannot touch in a dream. ("That Still Small Voice"), After being discharged from the hospital, David returns home to a welcome home party filled with people he does not recognize. He also sets a trap outside Snow White's makeshift home and captures her in a net. ("Poor Unfortunate Soul"), At the loft, Hook informs David and Mary Margaret about the villains' plans to turn Emma evil by using the Author. regina . Emma and Hook will join him on this quest, and they agree to meet Mary Margaret and David at Tinker Bell's tree house once everything is settled. After Regina lifts the protection spell on the couple, the Queen rips out their hearts and casts a sleeping curse on both before returning the hearts to them. David leans in to kiss her, but Mary Margaret pulls back to berate him for cheating on his pregnant wife. As the curse's mirror shards infiltrate the building, David and his wife hold hands in comfort. Suspecting Mr. Gold is up to no good, Emma and Mary Margaret confront him as he carries out his plan to crush Hook's heart, but it is Belle who forces him, with the real dagger, to stop. Dirty-blond However, when she drank the potion Rumpelstiltskin gave her to forget Charming, she became cold, distant, and downright mean, even mistreating the dwarves who helped her out. Birth Will David be able to get the queen to bed while the kids were around? She suggests they head to Oz with Ruby and the slippers, and from there, use the slippers to return to Storybrooke. Dejected, he stays behind as she departs in tears. After she leaves, David tells Hook that Emma is never going to like him since he's just a pirate. Heading to the town line, Emma crosses over the border, as Pan is released on the same side so she can interrogate him. Granny is curious about what they are doing at the fields, which Leroy quickly says is landscaping. That night, Snow White toasts Prince Charming and her friends to Regina, remarking that she hopes her stepmother spends every birthday not finding her. Under the liquid's influence, Mary Margaret feels agonizing pain from Regina and smells sardines in her surroundings. Ruby begins to scream in horror, believing she has once again killed an innocent person, but David trusts her and doesn't think she did it. Mary Margaret suggests, if he died, that she could never move on. However, he is shocked when Mary Margaret suggests the two of them move out and let Emma and Henry have the apartment. Once the trigger is activated, Hook aids them in stealing the remaining beans from Greg and Tamara, which will be used to bring the townspeople to safety. He, with Snow White, Hook, and Regina, look through one of Regina's mirrors to see Emma has been cursed to believe the fairytales of Henry's book are nothing but delusions, which causes Snow to realize the final battle is actually a fight for Emma's belief in magic. After he arrives home, she confidently reveals her capture of Will and then pardoning him. David witnesses Emma being stabbed by Gideon, who is engulfed by an intense light protruding from Emma's wound. After regaining Henry, David consoles him about about Emma and Mary Margaret's whereabouts. After the dwarves leave in a huff, a frustrated David retreats into the sheriff's office, where he vents to Mary Margaret about his inability to do anything and that he blames himself for what Emma has become. After an altercation, David passes out from his worsening wound and awakens to see a military insignia in the dirt. Occupation: He moves to phone Mr. Gold, but Mary Margaret already tried and he is not picking up. They go into a separate room to debate about the pros and cons of helping someone from outside of town. Her mother dies when she is twelve years old on her birthday because Eva was poisoned by Cora with magic. In the aftermath, they find Henry missing, and later witness Greg and Tamara taking him into a portal. They place their hands on opposite sides of the mirror and converse in longing to be together until the Queen materializes in place of Charming to ask Snow to meet her for a parlay. Afterwards, David and Mary Margaret receive Regina at the door. Emma, trapped on the other side, informs him via walkie-talkie that the woman, Elsa, is searching for her sister, Anna, whose pendant was in the pawnshop. Regina invites Emma to a girls' night out with her and Snow, with David protesting that he just woke up, but he eventually consents to going back to sleep under the curse so his wife can join them. Atop of the dragon's lair, all but one knight perishes. Emma, however, balks and instead goes to fetch Lily from the car. Rumplestiltskin swears that the curse, though it has rendered Snow White cold and heartless, can be undone with true love's kiss. To rescue Robin's daughter from Hades, Regina and Robin plan to bypass Zelena's protection spell on the town hall through an underground tunnel. She was very vengeful, bent on killing her stepmother for killing her father and sending a huntsman in an attempt to kill her. Snow befriends a girl named Ella, and before Charming comes to whisk her away on a dance, she urges Ella to go to her prince. Before coming to a decision, David goes to his allies as they are in the middle of watching over a catatonic Emma, whose condition is getting worse the longer she is the Dark One. Impatient, Regina freezes the mermaid, and her action causes the storm to speed up. Arriving at the Toll Bridge, David admits to Mary Margaret that he remembered his old life and wants to work on his marriage. To improvise, David takes a chalice that has no magic, but he announces to the Camelot group that they must drink from it so the the bean thief can be found. As they talk, Bo Peep arrives to collect payment. Mary Margaret urges David to go to the pawnshop to consult Mr. Gold about Emma's whereabouts and then wait for her at an abandoned farmhouse while she stalls Regina from finding him. Knocking out Cruella and Ursula, who are guarding Maleficent's den, with poppy dust, the pair then ventures in to steal the egg. The Blind Witch has the perfect solution, but before she tells them, she asks for a breath sample from David, which she wants to sell on the black market. During discussion about infiltrating the castle, David suggests going in from the front and ambushing the soldiers. Learning from him that Regina will be robbing from a royal carriage later in the day, Snow White surprises her. Snow White vows to return the egg after things are settled, and then she and Prince Charming flee as a devastated Maleficent makes a failed attempt to stop them. From her, the group learn Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author and want to rewrite their stories so the villains win and the heroes lose. Emma is sucked into the hat while defending Regina and Mary Margaret follows. When Mrs. Nolan finds out, she slaps Mary Margaret out in public and decides that both of them belong together. Based on the prior confrontation Ruby saw Regina have with Archie, it's plausible she killed him. After they return to the pawnshop, he leaves Mr. Gold to instruct Emma on how to enact a barrier spell. David and Mary Margaret bring Emma to the fields as a surprise. Snow begs him not to dig up the past by seeking vengeance on whoever killed his father, and to focus on the life he has now. Edmond pours wine into Charming and Snow's cups, and after a moment of hesitation, does the same for Charlotte's cup. After going out on her own, Snow was very desperate in leaving the Enchanted Forest, but remained kind and courteous, even helping heal an injured woman (without knowing that this woman was Regina.). David prepares to put the plan into action, however, Belle raises the question of simply getting direct help from Mr. Gold instead. After some threats, Mr. Gold deduces he is sending Belle across the town line as David realizes Moe's dirt-covered hands are evidence of being in the mines. TV Upfronts: Showrunners Reveal How They'd Run a Broadcast Network, ABC Changes Gears (and Leadership) in Bid to Reverse Decline, NERDIST AND THE WHALE AN INTERVIEW WITH DAVID ANDERS, File:7x01 - Hyperion Heights - Sneak Peek 1, Once Upon a Time: Leaving Storybrooke (5/18) - Series Finale. David, in a fit of rage, charges at the Queen with his sword, with intentions of killing her. Una per lo pi cieca Regina sta passando una brutta giornata; il suo cane guida corso via, in ritardo per il lavoro e si sente un po' sola. ("I'll Be Your Mirror"), While Snow is cursed and asleep, David joins Emma, Regina and Hook to track down the Queen and kill her using the sword from Emma's vision. #EvilCharming, Regina finds out that she isnt the only one with a jealous streak, EC WEEK 2021 DAY 3 - PROMPT: SEX IN PUBLIC. Finding out that was pregnant had scared the living daylights out of Regina. Henry shows Emma an apartment listing so they can live in Storybrooke permanently. Mary Margaret guiltily shares regrets to David about failing as parents when their daughter needed them the most. Like everyone else, he receives a list agenda of all the things Mary Margaret intends to discuss, but the residents press her into talking about the ice wall. "Pilot" Before the trip to Oz, David has Hook cross out Snow's name on the headstone and carve his on it, which allows Snow to leave with Ruby. In the aftermath, Snow encourages her loved ones to look toward future adventures now that this one has concluded and she reminds them that being happy doesn't come from an ending but from being together. With Dr. Whale's help, Mary Margaret gives birth to a healthy baby boy and happily cradles him in her arms as David looks on. On the journey there, guards posted at a bridge refuse to let Maleficent and her companions cross. ("Pilot"), Following this, Snow White belligerently storms out into another room and expresses anger at how the Queen just ruined their wedding. ("Devil's Due"), While David helps to look for the storybook, which contains information about Hades' weakness, Henry reveals it is in the Sorcerer's mansion, but they need a key that James has. Despite that she had fun, David concedes he had nothing to do with what happened, and Will broke out on his own. Robin Hood notifies them that Little John ran into some other Camelot natives in the forest, so David and Arthur, as well as Happy and Leroy, head out to search for them. ("Firebird"), After returning to Storybrooke, David arrives back to the loft and reunites with his wife. They let Anton inspect some soil content, which is suitable for planting the stem, as the seven dwarves arrive to help him. ("Snow Drifts", "There's No Place Like Home"), A few days after, the engagement party is held, but Prince Charming retreats into his room in a restless and brooding mood. Relevant Pages David brings up what Cruella said about their pasts, but James confirms he actually hates him for stealing his name and glory. She has skin white as the snow and red lips the color of a rose. Both his attacker as well as the sword's hilt vanish and he later recounts this to Emma, Hook, and Regina. Rumplestiltskin states that there will be a curse cast by the Evil Queen, and their only hope to break free of it is their unborn child, whom he dubs to be a Savior who will save them all in twenty-eight years. Unknown to him, King George previously cursed Snow White with barrenness, and as she begins to break the news to him, the necklace sways, proving the curse is broken. After Jekyll reveals Hyde has escaped his cell, David and Emma return with the doctor to the lab so he can continue working on the serum. This causes a rift in Snow's relationship with Emma, but they later reconcile. She rejects him under the potion's influence un til Charming kisses her, reverseing the potions effects. Consumed by her hatred of Snow, Regina enlists the help of Rumpelstiltskin to take the baby girl away and erase her memories of her daughter. David looks forward to when his father will finally return home, however, on the last day of the two week run, he and his mother are notified that his father, although sober for thirteen days, became drunk at a tavern on the fourteenth day and died after falling into a ravine. David sees the janitor, Leroy, and recognizes him as Grumpy, but the latter has no idea what he is talking about. Directly after, the dwarves finally accept Charming just as Snow White confronts him about the fake sword. The couple use the flower's dust to create a portal door and see a young Emma, but ultimately, Mary Margaret convinces David that they can't be selfish if it means leaving everyone else to be cursed for all eternity. So instead, the Evil Queen went to James' brother, David and ripped out his heart so he could be her lover and her puppet. During the trek to the palace, Snow White searches for a missing Regina. ("A Land Without Magic"), When the Queen unceremoniously interrupts Snow from rallying townspeople to help her take back the throne and instead offers her a deal, Charming tries to intervene, only for the Queen gag him. He then goes back to Abigail and gives her the water, which is poured on Frederick to revive him. GALLERY. Despite that, he'll continue to work through their relationship by going to therapy with her. On deck, the group argue about what to do with the mermaid, who sounds a shell and threatens them with death if they don't free her. During this, Hyde notices that all is not right with Emma and calls her out for having hand tremors. When she continues to ignore him, he calls her out to at least say something. 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