It also fits with his mysterious past which he would much rather keep hidden from his classmates. This incident was the last straw, and John was expelled from New Bostin High. Class warfare and its aftermath is a theme of unOrdinary that has been explored at a surface level, and if history tells us anything, it'll get more complicated from here. However, it is later revealed that John's isn't a mere imitation; it's actually aura manipulation. Also, John is the only character whose speech bubbles change colour when he's not. His friends were sympathetic, but had accepted that they couldn't do anything to change the world. However, the number of abilities he can copy appears to be only 4. Claire slapped him and told him that he was being hypocritical on top of being a bloodthirsty tyrant. And now, you've heard it officially. While he initially started off as a low-tier,[4] John's ability level shot up significantly during his high school years and by the time of his expulsion, John was already a god-tier with a level of 7.0. This act sparked something dormant within John, and he held up his hand and fired a tiny ray at his aggressor. John was a 7.0 God-tier when he was expelled from New Bostin two years ago. Is UnOrdinary a word? After discovering his ability, he proceeded to become even more violent than his former bullies and began treat even Claire and Adrion, who had stuck with him since his days as a cripple, with disdain, If anyone tends to piss him off more than anyone else, it's Arlo. With his victory, John became the youngest king the school ever had. Vaughn, the school's incumbent headmaster, agreed to grant John an enrollment interview despite the expulsion on his record. Him attacking the other Royals when they make actual progress is him projecting his self-loathing onto them. Ever since he shut Seraphina out, all he could focus on were how people always treated him because they saw him as powerless. (Being tricked by Arlo) "All I wanted was to be, (To Sera, after returning from battling Arlo) ", (To Arlo while discussing about the 'kidnapping' event), (To Seraphina, upon her return from suspension), John was the fourth confirmed god-tier, after Seraphina, Arlo and, Despite being introduced as powerless, it was hinted throughout the series that John had an ability until it was confirmed in, Isen has implied that John is a high-tier with the following quote, ", Many fans commented that John looked better with his hair unkempt and Uru-chan addressed this to John in the form of a petition in the first. It's the moment where the bullied takes down the bullies, but John's gone too far in that direction. As of Chapter 199, Blyke is currently a high-tier with a level of 5.0, though his passive ability has not been made obvious yet. She once admired her best friend John because he gave her hope in her darkest hours that she can not only live, but thrive as a cripple. However, after Seraphina's suspension, and the constant . He marched right back and began pounding Oliver mercilessly. John baits her by pretending to hand her the chocolate cake shed just demanded from him, only to drop it onto the floor. Justified as his ability varies in effectiveness and may be completely useless when facing someone who doesn't have abilities. Adrion seemed tongue-tied, so the impatient John grabbed him and demanded that he make his point already. Because of his bullheaded stubbornness, he firmly refuses to ever accept he is in the wrong, going to great lengths to make his beliefs true, and denying any proof they aren't. Sera would have to knock John out with the first hit other wise John would heal himself and become more powerful then her. At some point, he cultivated his ability to the point where he ascended to a god-tier. Even after getting punished for his actions, John showed no remorse for his brutality. Failure to deliver those things leads to John using violence to demand them. After they left him, another low-tier named Claire approached him and offered to help him up. He brutally defeats Ventus and Meili, culminating in him, after Zeke beats up John and a depowered Sera, John exacts vengeance on Zeke by beating down Zeke to a bloody pulp until he's lying on the ground unconscious, he beats down Juni to a bloody pulp until she's lying on the ground unconscious out of, John beats up Tanner, Rouker and Abel to the point of them lying on the ground unconscious. Thus, it can be a bit rough to discuss things about Sera without giving anything away, The moment Arlo tries to inform her that John is actually the Joker that's been beating up other students, Sera of course doesn't believe it, and gets angry. John was completely unfazed and surprised Seraphina with his defiance as he introduced to her the concept that instead of living for her reputation, she should do as she wished, just as he did. It is also responsible for the distribution of ability amplify drugs to known criminals. Remi tries to answer that he did, but John answers it himself: after Rei graduated, the abuse returned. John's story fiercely brings historical parallels to the French Revolution of 1789, and in particular, John holds certain parallels to Maximilien Robespierre. John hasn't forgiven Arlo for treating him like shit and claiming to have ruined his life, which leads John to believe that Arlo deserves to have his life ruined in return, in his past as a King of his old high school. Sera thought john was homeschooled but now she knows he was the king at new bostin. Arlo, Remi and Sera tried to get him reconsider but to no avail. A self-imposed action by John due to the authority worker, Keon, breaking him mentally. John initially refused, but Seraphina threatened to use her ability to take it by force. Power seems to be equal for both while the other stats of John are inferior to Narissas. Though John is plagued by the guilt born of his terrible mistakes, he is loathe to reflect on them because of his belief that nothing he does in the future will remedy his past mistakes. [8] But the scorn of his schoolmates took more of a toll on him than he let on. John's new life began to look a lot like his early life, only now there's an angry doctor. Was subjected to this by Keon in the past. Shortly after this, Claire started keeping her distance from the King. His sense of judgment and common sense are often clouded by his own anger, fears, and arrogance, making him oblivious to truths that are obvious to others. She denounced her decision to become his friend and help him as the biggest mistake of her life. Then one day, his long-awaited triumph over Oliver finally came to pass. Claire swore that she only wanted to keep him out of trouble. Whenever his friends showed discontent with his methods, he would tell them anything they wanted to hear in order to get them to fall in line. For awhile, John was determined to take on the role as the powerless cripple to stay out of the school hierarchy rankings, even if it meant getting constantly beat up by school bullies using their own abilities against him. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In the end, Arlo decides to not push any further since he's finally realized that his actions have done nothing but drive John and Sera further away from him, for not having an ability to defend herself, stabbing the incapacitated Ventus in the back, the Joker is a wild card that can be used like any other card, forced to relive his own memories over and over. At that point, John stopped caring about being the bigger person. John immediately asked to be filled in on what the hell he was doing, but it became perfectly clear that his old friend was calling the Authorities on him. She even takes a knife for Arlo when Spectre attacks her, Arlo, John, and Seraphina. He does not take the denial of this dream very well, and would always attempt to try and force it to become reality. After Sera confronts him about him being Joker, he declares that he doesn't actually believe that, which rattles Sera. Realizing he must have leveled up, he wondered if it was possible to copy every ability he sensed at at once. Dominant White when he's in pretender mode and Black when he's in normal mode. Robespierre's Reign of Terror ended when the fearful National Convention voted to arrest him and his allies amidst accusations of conspiracy, and he was executed by guillotine the following day. Later on it is also revealed that due to his past trauma and his inability to trust others, as Seraphina would later note, he is liable to words that he feels is against him, stating it as being "stuck in his past," leaving him blind to the true intentions of the Safe House. Furthermore, John is hesitant to use his ability, as he sees it as an enabler for his violent ways, though he seems to have greater self control. It then came time to test his improvement. get make use of Arlo's plan to expose him and turns him into a pawn to keep Sera safe, albeit unwillingly as well as manipulate nearly everyone in the series, even Sera, something even Arlo can't do. Can John Copy Seraphina's ability? [18] On top of this cripple act, John further distanced himself from his past by changing his appearance and preparing a false backstory that he was home-schooled all his life. for his attack on Isen, John makes it clear that Isen is just as bad as everyone else in the school for how he treated John during the fake interview, and absolutely deserved the beatdown John did to him. He reacted to being confronted about his power trips by telling his dad to butt out if he wasn't going to take his side. She complained that he shouldn't be so rough during practice, but Adrion insited that it was alright. He feels immense satisfaction watching major supporters of "might makes right" squirm when he puts them on the receiving end of their own philosophies. He is also proficient in combining abilities in creative ways, which was best displayed in the Season 1 Finale against Remi, Blyke, Isen, and Arlo. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved John was unappreciative, and felt that suspension was as bad as it was going to get. a depowered Sera into a situation where she gets kidnapped and beaten up, He teams up with Cecile to begin dismantling the hierarchy with their first target being to beat up the school's "Jack," Blyke, in chapter 138, he disregards the social structure of his school and acts like a cripple despite being one of the most powerful characters in the series. Arlo and 2 of his minions broke both of his arms and couldn't stop him. As he no longer had any reason to care who knew the truth about him, John doesn't bother wearing any disguises. When describing how he felt the instant Oliver activated his ability, Claire hypothesized that John had the power to mimic the abilities around him. UnOrdinarys [SPOILER] Reveals Himself as the Academys , View 21 Unordinary John Reveals His Powers bevasewasueh, unOrdinary: How Does Johns Supernatural Copy Power Work , THE TRUTH ABOUT JOHN HIDING HIS POWERS! Zeke himself is left with the realization, "Those papers weren't a lie after all. By replicating the same aura flow, he is able to manifest the same ability. Lastly, when John copies an ability, he also gains the weaknesses associated with that ability. On that day, John strove to be the best version of himself he could manage, and it paid off. The only friend he had growing up was Adrion. As a late-bloomer who lived the majority of his life as a cripple, he is painfully aware of humanity's cruelty and self-serving nature. With zombies. One day, during his final year of middle school, John was in his room trying to build a house of cards. He added that it was this reason that he should take his advice and stop letting his pride blind him to imminent danger. She felt that since they were both stuck suffering similar experiences, they may as well support each other. The question is clear: what path will he take? Later on, he tried shaking something helpful out of Claire. Traumatized from Keon's readjustment program, John returned to his father and stayed in his room in shame, reflecting on his past actions. John possesses incredible knowledge over ability fundamentals and aura, so much so that he can copy abilities without much effort[8]; even when it's his first time copying an ability, John can effortlessly combine abilities and create new techniques from said abilities without a second thought. UnOrdinary , unordinary when does john reveal his powers to sera, HOW JOHN GOT HIS POWERS | unOrdinary Episode 181 Reaction , r/unOrdinary What chapter did john reveal his power to . He asked Claire to activate her ability, but she said that Clairvoyance was too random and complex for either of them to figure out. The King of New Bostin began to relive the memories of his rampage against his classmates and was overwhelmed by guilt. Set in a world where almost everybody possesses a supernatural ability,unOrdinaryfeatures a huge variety of superpowers. Though brutal in battle, John had a better control of his temper when not on the attack and would not be goaded into fighting ahead of his own schedule. He is bullied constantly due to his lack of powers, and as such has very few friends. A huge crowd of classmates is there to see her completely and utterly melt down, Also plays with the double-meaning where the Ace can be considered the worst card. John spat at Claire's suggestion that he try being a little more merciful, reminding her that it wasn't long ago when he was denied such leniency. It is known that Johncan copy and amplify powers which means that if Sera can't take him down quickly enough he will be able to over power her. Abilities like Aura Manipulation and Nightmare have high trick. Seraphina accepted his apology and admitted the he was the most persistent partner that she had ever had. Ignoring Claire's attempts to calm him down, John angrily cusred Zirian out and swore that he would take the throne. This was because Narisa (Sera's mom) has a level of 7.4 while Sera has a level of 8. Something simpler was neededlike Adrion's ability! John learned that she had a vision of the future in which he was using an ability. [16] Just as he did many times before, John justified his tyrannical methods; however, his instructor, Keon, told John about how late-bloomers, like John, were destined to fail. He even threatens and beats up everyone who defies him, even his subordinates. Upon attacking his chosen targets, John chooses to cover his head with a paper bag in order to remain anonymous. Anyone who dares to cross him will be met with Zeke's fate, he says, as he kicks his defeated opponent one last time. John Doe & Seraphina (unOrdinary) In which John, Sera and the rest of Wellston's top 10 find themselves stranded on a deserted island. [12] John was apprehended right there on the field still littered with his broken schoolmates.[14]. John Wick's haircut is of medium to long length, and is referred to as the 'chin length side swept center part' hairstyle. He didn't directly tell her lol he was literally trying to do the opposite, but if your referring to when she found out he had abilities then ep 155, and when sera talked to him about his abilities on ep 173. Seraphina gets stabbed with a syringe by Spectre that has some liquid within it that ended up causing her to lose her powers, After being depowered, Sera starts to understand the bullying that goes on amongst the Mid-tiers towards the Low-tiers of Wellston High. Upon graduating Middle School, John and his friends had an entire summer break to figure out just what happened that day. That instead of trying to make the world a better place, they're just being arrogant and entitled using their powers to control and beat up the weak. As psn, John discards his jacket and wears a paper bag over his face. But soon enough, John's level hit the ceiling at 3.0 after beating every scrub worth fighting around school. John and Seraphina are on opposite ends of the power spectrum and in terms of academic ability. Analyzing market trends and how the industry is right now, we expect the unOrdinary anime release date to be somewhere around fall 2021 or summer 2022. It's put on full display as he smashes through Zeke and his allies, stealing Zeke's Phase Shift and using its enhanced speedalongside his own significant combat prowess to take them down. Because of his ability to copy powers, it's hinted that it can be mitigated as long as powers aren't activated in his presence. He is a high school student attending Wellston High School as a third-year and it's second most powerful student. As a result, she considers it. John tried again and again to become the new King of New Bostin, but his strength lagged behind Zirian's by the end of the school year. She starts to defend Low-tiers against the Mid-tiers under the belief that it's not fair how their only choices is to either get beat up now, or get beat up later, Being depowered by Spectre, and then getting kidnapped and beaten up by fellow mid-tier students, makes it clear to Sera that she took her power and high-status for granted without ever thinking about how it effects those around her. : How do you think this backsto. However, what Remi's not taking into account is that Rei's system ended up accomplishing nothing, because the moment he graduated resulted in the return of the strong abusing the weak hierarchy. While he didn't revert to the state where he took pride in his power and rank, John lost all fear of what his power turned him into. In defiance of her bullying, John dropped the cake. His speech bubbles vary between white with black text or black with white text, depending on his state of mind. Admitting defeat, apologizing, or pleading for mercy only falls on deaf ears as Joker would indiscriminately beat down all his victims in the same fashion; John knew full well from his time posing as a cripple that his targets surrendered out of fear rather than any genuine sense of remorse. John is as equally disgusted by Low tiers as he is by High, and has no inclination to become a Superhero or improve their situation. Another trait John always displays is a stubborn adherence to his own course of action. Spectre ran him over and he got up immediately to fight back. We finally get to know how he awakens his ability and when it happened but we all know what happens next.Question of the week? He views this as the safest, most ideal solution for everyone. John started out as a powerless cripple with no ability to call his own. This time, he learned that the abilities he copied would be stronger than the originals. Due to being expelled in from his old school, John had to redo his 2nd year. Arlo admitted to pushing john and based torturing him and then he tells about the day at turf wars. he'll beat the living shit out of anyone who has hurt her in any way, going on to destroy the hierarchy for what it did to the both of them. He then admits everything that arlo has done was because of john. he's a cripple. And thus, the anti-hair gel John fans were born After a while, John wanted to resume his education. Adrion informed John that he overheard Claire speaking with Zirian about a few visions she had. [11] But when he got there, he saw that Claire was in the company of Zirian and a bunch of angry students, just as Adrion said she'd be. He discussed the matter with Claire, but to his annoyance, she didn't seem as invested in the subject as he was. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Unfortunately, she was also the first student to shun John upon realzing that he had no ability. This made him a popular target to bully. She told him that he made great progress compared to the beginning of the year, but that meant nothing to him if he couldn't beat Zirian. One wanted to keep following Zirian because he didn't approve of the way John kept lashing out in response to anything he was displeased to hear. Does are generally considered to be among the most harmless of animals. He was stunned, but soon told Claire that he didn't appreciate such jokes. Some even sought proof in the form of a demonstration, hoping they might be amused by his suffering. backlog intangible asset; west metro fire union contract. All it took was one older kid bumping into and threatening him for John to realize that high school would be much rougher than even what he was used to. Furthermore, John seems to have a limit of abilities he can copy, with the maximum so far being four abilities, and he appears to be unable to copy certain abilities altogether such as Flash Forward and Clairvoyance. UnOrdinary Wikia is a FANDOM Anime Community. While at first trying to get over his traumatic past of going insane and nearly killing his classmates, he tries to turn over a new leaf at Wellston. The last chapter of unOrdinary left off with [SPOILER] taking his fellow students by surprise, revealing that he wasn't without powers after all. As far as he's concerned, the details of his past at New Bostin were off-limits to everyone who didn't want to become his sworn enemy. In addition to these skills, John is capable of detecting and sensing intensities of auras given off by abilities and amplifying any of the abilities he copies. She remained silent, so he grabbed her and barked orders for her to answer him. On a real, I cant lie, idrc about the story (it lost its shine long ago), Im just invested in John as a character. when she is suspended from school, John's bullying intensifies and he begins to despise his classmates. John felt that in order to become even stronger, he'd have to take on even greater challenges. I'm just saying. Can John Copy Seraphina's power? Little did they know they were fanning the flames. It was thanks to William's book, Unordinary, that John was able to attempt another shot at life in the first place, and the superheroes that have emerged as a result gave him hope that the world's strongest individuals might actually used their power to benefit mankind. On the same day, after escaping Crail and Lin, John managed to procure a slice of Wellston's famous Triple Chocolate Cake, but Seraphina demanded that he give it to her. So during the beginning of summer break, John spent most of his time searching for people who were willing to "help" him stay at the top of his game. He also rationalizes Seraphina's confrontation about his past and him being Joker and Arlo intervening when he began to assault her were all planned to decieve and betray him and declares both of them are dead to him, swearing to never see them ever again. He has tried to disassociate himself with this Monster personality, but thanks to the world he lived in, he could never truly be rid of it. Break to figure out just what happened that day, during his final of! As he was the last straw, and as such has very friends... To use her ability to call his own remi and Sera tried to him! 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