This university interview question gives you an opportunity to talk about a book youve been inspired by, but in a way which has helped shape you for the better. Youll demonstrate your willingness to engage in conversation and make the whole interview experience flow easier. An inquiring mind. Because my parents/teachers told me I should the admissions tutors will want to know that the motivation for studying the course comes from you, not from external influencers. So if you have notes that you used to prepare those application components, refer back to them. But I feel the answer to this question would be something less objective. You need to be able to justify the decisions youve made with regard to your education; this question tests whether or not youve put thought into the direction youre heading in, and helps the interviewer ascertain that youre motivated by the right things. For example, you wouldn't want to discuss your tuba playing skills if the college has no music ensembles. Aside from asking about the subject youre interested in studying, the why did you choose this university interview question is one of the most commonly asked questions admissions teams include as part of their selection process. Pompeii by Robert Harris if youre applying for a Classical Archaeology subject (this would spark discussion of historical accuracy). Support what you say with concrete examples of your experience. Robustness is about the ability to continue creating impact even under shocks or stress. If you still need to write a college essay, you'll want to check out this helpful video: Once you've identified the college's core values and qualities that they wish to foster, it is time to reflect on your motivations, passions, and talents; and how they are compatible with the school, you are applying to. Grove, Allen. Critical thinking. 18 Beaumont Street, Oxford, OX1 2NA, United Kingdom, 12 Answers to Common University Interview Questions. So take the time to visit the school's website, look at their about section, their campus life page, and so on. As you think about the question, picture yourself living in the residence halls, participating in extracurricular activities, volunteering your services, and interacting with the students, staff, and faculty who make up your community. I have visited seven different countries, and I am hoping to travel some more during my summer breaks. Are you bringing your camping gear to college and looking forward to organizing outings with classmates? What's expected of this question?</p>. This is probably one of the most important questions you can be asked during a university interview. Alternatively, if you want to experience life at a top UK university this summer, then take a look at the summer courses we have, available for students aged 13-24 years-old. Terms of Service| Privacy Policy| Contact Us. Sadiya is congenial and conscientious in her study and work. The interviewers are looking for people who can demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject theyre applying for, and will want to know that youve chosen the subject for the right reasons. 1. The same topics are taught in the second year with the addition . These are exaggerated examples, although theres nothing wrong with being ambitious and having big aspirations when it comes to your subject! Unfortunately, candidates often make the mistake of thinking that a bland summary statement like "I will bring my leadership skills to XYZ School" will sufficiently express their intended contribution. The key to an effective answer to this question is to turn the negative angle into something that isnt really a negative. At most schools, a group of parents meets regularly to talk about the school. Your response focuses on an interest or passion that can make the campus community a better place. Plant a tree. What qualities should a college student have? Whats more, you should never introduce any negative thoughts about your grades keep the tone of everything you say positive. How the course will help you achieve your career goals - Do you have a dream career laid out ahead of you? Lots of students go into university knowing exactly what they want to do after they graduate. Avoid humorous or overly self-aggrandising answers here; instead, focus on selling yourself (modestly) to the interviewer and highlighting the key traits that make you a good person to have around. Prepare some examples - Remember, your interviewer will want to gauge as much about you as possible. For example, let's take a look at one of the. A good attitude is important as it can help create a positive atmosphere in the workplace and motivate other team members to work harder. BeMo is trusted by students and is the author of multiple Amazon bestselling books with hundreds of 5-star reviews. Be sure to dress appropriately for your interview so that you make a good impression. Armed with these model answers (which are only suggestions, by the way feel free to add your own), adapted for your own purposes, you should now be well prepared for tackling the most common interview questions. They want to know that you have a good reason for choosing their university, because theyd like to know that if they offer you a place, theres a good chance that youll accept it. Just want to get some ideas how to cover questions like "what can you contribute to the program". I believe that it comes from growing up in a small town. Universities want to know that if they offer you a place on one of their courses, you have a genuine interest in studying there. In education, the teacher plays a vital role. Explain the positive attitude and energy you will bring to the role. Hi! The benefits of university education University graduates gain professional qualifications that are recognised and respected worldwide. Discovering Ivy U. Discovering and choosing a university that fulfills all of my needs was a rigorous yet exciting task. College Recommendation Letter Samples & Writing Guide. Don't just talk about the location being pretty or the course 'sounding good'. Interviewers want to know what you have to offer as an applicant. Theyll be very impressed by the fact that you have thought carefully about your decision for many years and prove your commitment to the subject you have applied for. It is a word that summarizes a smarmy form of oppression that congratulates itself on its high-mindedness even as it enforces narrow-minded conformity." No, any student really seeking admission to Yale wouldn't say such a thing. How to write each prompt for Rice University. Remember, interviewers will want you to support any ideas you suggest with examples from your previous experience. Edit Report an issue 30 seconds. If Dr. Durr has never deferred any money into his 457(b) plan and he retires at the normal retirement age in 2019, he will be . Second, even if you're a third black, a third hispanic, and a third iroquois, what would you say? Check Writing Quality You can find a lot of information about what a school is looking for on their website, and it's pretty easy to find. Payment is made on a calendar monthly basis, in arrears, and is For scientists, a reputable publication such as Nature, Scientific American or New Scientist would be acceptable (this shows that youre keeping abreast of developments in your subjects), providing you can talk about specific articles or discoveries that interested you. ThoughtCo, Dec. 1, 2020, Explain your choices based on the skills you wanted to gain - This answer is more applicable for students who dont necessarily have A-Levels which are specific to the subject/course they have applied to study at university. Your passion for science fiction, your baking skills, and your ability to fix bicycles can, in fact, make the college a better place for everyone. It is important to communicate. In contrast, a strong response will focus on one of your interests, passions, experiences, or background, and how they can make the campus community a better place for those around you. Additionally, it would help if you asked yourself the following questions: Want more free tips? Use this question as a time to demonstrate how much you commit to the subject now, talking about; any wider reading you do outside of school; your engagement in extracurricular activities related to your subject; and any possible work experience you have carried out in the past. If you've already written supplemental essays for your college applications, chances are you've . The facilities available to you - Depending on your choice of subject, the facilities available at the university could be used to shape your answer. A hiring manager will want to know that you have researched the company you are interviewing for and that you have some understanding of the culture and values of the company, as well as understanding the specific job. 1 pt. Id like to continue the subject to Masters/PhD level and become an academic., Travelling. Twilight / Cosmopolitan / The Daily Mail. managing research budgets. Give an example of when you have done this before. emotional intelligence Adaptability. As an applicant, you may find yourself focused largely on numerical measures; good SAT scores, a strong academic record, AP scores, and so on. But that will be just one piece of your interview. Show Answers See Preview. "I'm a third black, a third hispanic, and a third iroquois, therefore i would inherently contribute to diversirty at the great ______ University.". Answers that are based on grades, test scores, or other information that may be gleaned from your transcript should be avoided. Or already have your interview booked? Your email address will not be published. Achieving a 100% mark in my AS-level History and English exams an achievement I hope to emulate at A2., Getting a Guinness World Record for having spending the longest time in a bath filled with Baked Beans. Secondly, I am very good at taking care of customers. It also gave me a unique insight into how academia can be applied to the real world., I wouldnt say I learnt anything from it. Instead, it means that your. Look at their mission statement and what they say about their campus community. Aside from hearing about your strengths, universities will also be keen to learn more about what you consider to be your greatest weaknesses. Ask about other course options - If you have any queries about different course variations, or are unsure about which type of course you are most interested in, then now is the time to ask for clarity on the different course options available. You most likely had to start thinking about this as you were preparing to write yourcommon app essayor if you were asked towrite your own letter of recommendation. Your interviewer will be looking for your understanding of future career prospects and how much research you have done into the industry that interests you. However, there are weaker and stronger answers. I have always been very community-oriented. Marrying someone rich so I dont have to work. I noticed that X university also has a green chapter as part of its student union, and I would love to be a part of helping them make the X university campus more environmentally friendly. Some interviewers will try to get at this information indirectly, while others will simply ask you bluntly, "What will you contribute to our college?" Finally, if you have questions about other cultures and identities, take time to educate yourself. How can you enrich next year's class? I spent the summer working as a personal assistant to a researcher in a research and development lab, which taught me to be very organised. I will be facing some of these issues as well.. That would be counterproductive. Most four-year colleges have a holistic admissions process, so they care about your academic background, but they also care about who you are as a person. But chances are very good that a great many students harbor insights very much like that. Well, the institution that youre hoping to attend has goals of its own, and they want to make sure that you can contribute something to them. You are just out of high school and entering into college. A great place to start is the school's website. This college interview question is asking for some vital information. Your enjoyment for the subject - Universities will know that students who have a genuine interest and enjoy the subject they are choosing will be more likely to study hard and commit the course at university. I felt proud to be awarded first place in a poetry competition with a sonnet I wrote about (if youre applying for English) Remember, tutors have read a lot of books and are often aware of many of the popular titles out there, never try to deceive them as it could backfire on you. When an interviewer asks about your potential to contribute to the team, they expect you to acknowledge the strengths that . Because it will enable me to earn lots of money while earning potential can be a powerful motivator, its better to use your answer to this question to demonstrate genuine engagement with the subject, rather than focusing on longer-term financial gain. Even then, you cant go into detail about your wider interests outside of school, or explain any interesting background history. Title: How I Will Contribute to College. I take criticism really personally / I can be very aggressive if someone questions my opinion. I have since then developed a love for traveling, exploring, and discovering new cultures. My answers were: 1). Sadiya . Because it had the least number of applicants per place admissions tutors arent going to be impressed if youve chosen their subject because you thought it would be a soft touch or easier to get into. First, I'm white and come from a pretty standard socio-economic status. Your response is something that doesn't apply to 90% of applicants. Applying to university soon? For students applying to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, prepare to delve into conversations around wider reading in relation to shaping you as a learner. University interviews are very common in the UK, especially for subjects focusing around the care or creative industries. One reason we prefer to Read More The key to a successful interview lies in thorough preparation. This can include things like:Giving lectures on course topics.Course preparation and lecture planning.Holding seminars and tutorials for more interactive learning.Writing and marking assessment exams.Writing and designing teaching materials for students.May 13, 2021 Good written English. My previous work experience includes innovation in many areas, including strategies for more effective teamwork. What problem have you overcome before that left you full of pride? They dont have time to get to know your entire history and interests, so give them the highlights that have shaped you into the person who you are. You can volunteer in your child's class or in the school library. Mentioning how your values and skills align with those of your chosen college will help you make an excellent impression. (Interview Questions & Answers!) Their approach to teaching your subject - The way a subject is taught at one university to another will vary, both in the content itself and possibly, the assessment/teaching. Interview questions are often generalized and open-ended to help start a conversation between you and the interviewer. Volunteer at school. An ability to persevere and complete tasks. Prompt #2: "Why us" essay. Along similar lines, you could also mention the universitys great reputation for your subject, or the presence of certain lecturers you feel inspired by (though dont let this last point dominate your answer; lecturers often move about or go on sabbatical, so even if theres a particular academic you admire, they may not end up teaching you). They're also very often used to help select students for top universities like Oxford and Cambridge, which are extremely competitive and difficult to gain admission to. In other words, a solid answer to this question should tell the admissions officer that you are not only suitable for their college but that you are also going to have a positive impact on your college campus community. This also means stating whether you are studying for an undergraduate, masters degree, or another type of qualification. Finally, the question every student dreads. The school's description will give you a good idea of the institution's philosophy, the qualities they look for in a candidate, and the kind of environment they seek to foster. Session 1 - The DepEd's Mandate As a newly hired teacher in DepEd, what can you contribute to: a. The "What Will You Contribute" Essay is your opportunity to tell the admissions committee why you would be a valuable addition and how you will bring something different and desirable to the school community. The tradition helps the university to stand out from all the others and gives people a chance to be a part of something that has been around for so long. Example Answer #2. The interviewer will be looking for justifications as to why youve made these choices about education; whether youve thought hard about your future and what you may want to pursue as a career. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. For example, if youre studying Theatre Studies and the university has their own theatre on campus which allows you to participate in extracurricular public performances, then this could be a huge factor in your decision to study there. The university question is another good opportunity to show that youve really thought about the course and gone to the effort of finding a university whose approach to the subject you agree with. Determine interdependencies. Dr. Allen Grove is an Alfred University English professor and a college admissions expert with over 20 years of experience helping students transition to college. Even better, think about whether that book has impacted you in a way which will change your approach to life, or even make you a better student. Good post. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Oxford Royale Academy is a part of Oxford Programs Limited, a company registered in England as company number 6045196, registered office at 264 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7DY. Growing up in a remote small town, I wasn't exposed to many different points of view or cultures. Ask questions. Understand the end goal Clear roles can be identified. Pick strengths that are applicable to your course - As mentioned above, this question is all about determining if you have the skills needed to succeed on their particular university course. "I like to be challenged" "I'm a perfectionist" "I'm good at managing my time." While these answers suggest you have positive personal qualities that might lead to college success, they don't actually answer the question. Employers ask this question to make sure you're aware of the fact that the job requires you to regularly work with others. Its important that youre as honest as possible when answering this question. University interviews are very common in the UK, especially for subjects focusing around the care or creative industries. Whatever the case is, your answer to this question will tell them what you have to offer as a candidate and whether or not it aligns with what theyre looking for. What can you contribute to the university? I chose the subjects I thought would prepare me best for this course again, keeping your answer focused on the course is always a safe bet. You may also wish to contemplate that Medical School is a place where life-long friendships are made. #5: Understand and Answer the Essay Prompt. Asking you about your future prospects allows the interviewer to gauge how far ahead you have thought about your future and whether you see your degree playing a role in that decision. . Retrieved from Suggest further academic study - Many students choose to pursue further academic study after completing their initial undergraduate degree. The graduates may go onto pursue careers as religious leaders, youth workers, arbitration specialists, and other non-clerical leadership roles. The Ivy U clearly emerged as the best choice for me and I, as a great match for the university. A project is a task that begins and ends in a specific way. However, if youre looking for some further ideas to expand your answer, here are some suggestions you could include. What can you contribute to the university as a lecturer? Your answer to how you can contribute should, therefore, include how much you like to make a difference, and preferably includes an example from your previous work Instead, answer from the perspective of the employer and what would bring and add value and contribute to their organization. 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