Nevertheless, smart people suffer lapses of rationality and allow themselves to be persuaded that a man like Uri Geller has special powers because he can perform feats that any practiced illusionist can performand can detect. B. If you were to design an experiment to test whether a particular pathogen caused a disease, which of the following choices would be the first step and which the last step you would make if you followed the scientific method precisely? Note: See Section 6. An explanatory hypothesis is a type of hypothesis which is used to test the cause and effect relationship between two or more than two variables. And, finally, you can ask if the explanation is sufficiently simple. Im illegitimate.. The independent variable is manipulated to cause-effect on the dependent variable and the dependent variable is measured to examine the effect In practice, it is usually easy to tell the difference between an explanatory argument and a deductive argument. Frustration produces increased anger or pain. In these cases it is better to say that you simply cannot decide, especially if the argument has not ruled out coincidence or deception as alternative explanations. a. physically harming another individual Dear Papa Bear: Its just a wild guess, but I think somebodys been sleeping in your bed. There we have the marine. WebWhich of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? I have had many thousands of dreamsmost of which I have immediately forgotten, in part because they have not come true. This makes good sense, because the probability of the explanation after you make a judgment about the observable outcome would roughly be your assessment of the soundness of the argument and it is too soon to make that judgment. Which of the following is NOT a useful step in resolving peer conflict (especially in teenagers) in a nonviolent way? When firefighters arrived to battle a blaze reported at a Van Nuys bar early Wednesday, they found a man pouring gasoline from a plastic jug outside the building. An experiment that makes it possible to determine decisively between alternative hypotheses. Sample exercise. Second, its explicit premisethis water boiled quicklyis the observable outcome of the explanation. The independent variable is manipulated to cause-effect on the dependent variable and the dependent variable is measured to examine the effect It always does reappear after an eclipse when much noise occurs. Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous observations that cannot satisfactorily be explained with the available scientific theories. The second part of the total evidence condition focuses on the probability of the explanation. Another good way to check for an improbable outcome is to ask this: Does this outcome rule out the leading alternative explanations? Well, Abby, this should clear up the mystery of MY missing pipe. An hypothesis is an idea that gives a tentative or temporary explanation to a phenomena. Neither of the two alternatives has been ruled out, and either is more probable than that she is one of the very few people who has perfected special coin-tossing skill. A theory with great explanatory power makes few assumptions, has significant predictive power and helps to reduce uncertainty in a precise and accurate way. Psychoanalytic theory focuses on ________ and early childhood experiences. There are a few money managers who succeed on the basis of skillmultibillionaire Warren Buffet is the most famous example. Treatment: in a research study, any condition applied to subjects - those in the treatment group - that is not applied to subjects in a control group. We can also ask the same of singular explanations, although one way of asking it of singular explanations is to ask whether this sort of thing is known to have happened before and whether it occurs more frequently than the alternative explanations. It is easy to invent a convenient explanation for data you already have, but then to disregard failure to fully satisfy the total evidence condition. The argument might now be clarified as follows: Given that the explanation calls for a uniform decrease in air pressure, it would then predict that if samples were taken at all other altitudes on the Puy-de-Dome, they would be plotted on the graph along a line described by the smoothest curve that can be drawn through the points already there, as follows. Unlike the case of Halleys comet, the observable outcomesa blue anchor on his hand, a military carriage, regulation side-whiskers, an air of commandare where the reasoning begins. Explanatory Impotence Explanatory impotence is the opposite of explanatory power. So the outcome probably would be true even if the gods explanation were false, and the argument is logically extremely weak. The explanation is more probable than the leading alternatives. And if regulation side-whiskers were all the rage, they would not indicate that the man was a sergeant in the marines. S2 Biology; Chapter 6-the tour of the cell, Chapter 10: The Origins and Diversification o, CoffeebeansaddedduringMay,10,900pounds, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. Several other terms account for roughly the same thing. Those desperate to discredit a good explanatory argument might misuse this guideline. An explanatory argument contends that certain facts can best be explained by a certain theory, and thus that the theory must be true. My wife calls mePapa Bear. Which occurs more frequentlyburglars or butterfingers? d. They see it as part of their role. But it is possible to specify the lowest hurdle that must be cleared. Until then, the argument is no better than a product of Keys own imagination. Explanation: Simone is a code word. Gilbert Harman is associated with the phrase. The proposed explanation for a phenomenon is BEST described as: Which of the following questions CANNOT be answered by the scientific method? Look for deception as an alternative explanation. Consider the alternative that someone has accidentally dialed a wrong number, only to hang up when hearing an unfamiliar voice on the other end. It must generate testable predictions. We do know, however, that deception of this sort happensthat there are entertainers who work very hard at producing illusions like this, and they can make a lot of honest money at it. d. fans become more aggressive under the influence of alcohol Which of the following statements is true of an explanatory Theories are hypotheses that have been proved. If you are like most people you suggest, Eight is in the set. And my reply is that yes, 8 is included, because I am thinking of the set of all whole numbers. The notes were placed about three-quarters of the way through each book, hard against the spine so that they could not be shaken out. Null hypothesis : this is known as the default hypothesis.It states that This is the place to ask about coincidence as an alternative explanation. So, not only is the prior probability of magic negligible, but it is far lower than that of the leading alternative, illusion. But if Halley was right about Newtons views, there would be detectable regularitiescertain comets would be found to follow fixed elliptical orbits around the sun. Psychology is a social science discipline. e. none of the above, b. behavior directed toward the goal of harming a person who is motivated to avoid such treatment, Smith's research concerning violence in hockey showed that A process of examination and discovery of natural phenomena that involves making observations, constructing hypotheses, testing predictions, experimenting, and drawing conclusions and revising them as necessary. WebExploratory research: Definition. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the ________ include food, water, and shelter. That smacked of the sea. This helps to explain why so-called anecdotal evidence can be problematic. A hypothesis attempts to explain natural phenomenon and can be tested through experimentation; a theory attempts to summarize a large expanse of natural phenomenon and has already been tested thoroughly without contradictory results. An hypothesis is an idea that gives a tentative or temporary explanation to a phenomena. Applying Newtons laws to these data, he boldly made the following prediction: A comet with an orbit similar to the 1530 and 1606 comets will appear in December 1758. Be sure to include a suggestion for what might be done to better serve the interests of groups that lack money and representation. c. Hypotheses usually are relatively narrow in scope; theories have broad explanatory power. . Neither the researchers nor the study's participants know who is receiving the drug and who is receiving the placebo. The term prior, in this case, means that the probability calculation must be done prior to your making any judgment about the explanation itself and prior to your making any observations pertinent to the observable outcome. b. violence is modeled by young amateur hockey players b. frustration-aggression theory We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. [1001]. Males exhibit higher levels of aggression than females. WebA hypothesis is a potential answer to the question, one that can somehow be tested. But there is a viable alternative explanation for this outcomenamely, Escaping from a shipwreck is largely a matter of luck, shipwrecks having little regard for passengers religious beliefs. He had a military carriage, however, and regulation side-whiskers. a person's unconscious. Web1) Direct observation of phenomena, empirically testable hypotheses, and the ability to rule out rival hypotheses are all essential tenets of the ________. There are two types of hypothesis. No more mice. Searching for a once volcanic place of origin, researchers ruled out both Venus, because the atmosphere is too thick for such a rock to have escaped, and the moon, since it stopped erupting 3 billion years ago. Hypotheses are guesses; theories are correct answers. The observable outcome must be sufficiently improbable. Describes knowledge that is based on experience and observations that are rational, testable, and repeatable. We do not have to establish the correct explanation to establish that the argument is a bad one. Again, if you include the observations actually made in December of 1758, the probability would be very highthey saw it! But, as Hempel suggests, that is not all they requirethey require imagination. observation - question - hypotheses - predictions - results of investigation - conclusions Which are true of a hypothesis? Suppose I am encouraging you in your fledgling acting career and argue, You are so talented that all the critics who dont praise you are just jealous. B. correlated, but not causal. Observable outcome: An image looking like the outline of the Virgin Mary was seen on the wall of a house. In which of the following situations is aggression likely to occur? serves here as an explanation of the otherwise unpredictable appearance of the comet on Christmas Day of 1758. Hierarchical organization. Not clear from the passage which came first, though it was probably the explanation (apparently whoever set up the experiment already had the explanation in mind and was testing it). The logic of the argument is accordingly weak. But it turned out that concrete was available only when mild weather had been predicted. Another way to put this is to ask whether there is a satisfactory conceptual framework for the general explanationand whether it is more satisfactory than the alternatives. Categorize types of drugs used to treat psychological disorders. Another is to ask whether it predicts the smoothest curve. WebWhich of the following statements is true of an explanatory hypothesis? . H. Huxley, letter, September 23, 1860. unintentional aggression. Sample answer. Teacher to student: I never received your research paper. Taken from the DEAR ABBY column by Abigail Van Buren. For both general and singular explanations, ask whether this sort of explanation makes sensethat is, whether there is a satisfactory conceptual framework for it and whether it is more satisfactory than the alternatives. But suppose I offer the alternative explanation that air pressure is highly irregular but that it so happens that barometric pressure nevertheless would be 30 inches at 0 feet, 28.7 inches at 1,300 feet, 28.2 inches at 1,800 feet, 27.2 inches at 2,800 feet, 26.2 inches at 3,800 feet, and 25.2 inches at 4,800 feet. At any given time, each pilot has achieved a certain level of competencecall it the pilots current mean level of competence. A. a. athletes view aggressive acts that would be judged inappropriate in society in general as more appropriate in the sport environment The wife didnt tell her husband about the plumber; how often does someone suppress the truth when it would relieve the suspicions of a loved one? Explanatory/ Causal /Bivariate Hypothesis. But how can the mere belief that one is doomed be fatal? Is the outcome stated precisely? No. The following are illustrative examples of explanatory power. But you would have done far better to propose, Seven is not in the set. If you had been right, you not only would have confirmed your preferred even-numbers answer, but also you would have ruled out the whole-numbers alternativethereby improving the logical support for your answer. A. Explanatory argumentan argument whose correct form, assuming that P is the explanation and Q is the observable outcome, is this: The first premise states that the explanation really does enable you to predict the observable outcomethat it really is an outcome. e. They were born with an aggressive urge, e. They were born with an aggressive urge, Research on game reasoning (also called bracketed morality) has shown that It has long been my suspicion that, especially in Washington, when people say that they have read a book, they mean something other than attempting to glean meaning from each sentence. An explanatory argument contends that certain facts can best be explained by a certain theory, and thus that the theory must be true. But explanatory arguments are inductive arguments. A colleague visited several Washington-area bookstores and slipped a small note into about 70 books . Argument doesnt seem to depend on form alone. In ancient Greece, when there was a difficult decision to be made, the wealthy Greeks would sometimes travel to Delphi and consult the oracle therean oracle who, it was believed, had special powers to foresee the future. Another good way to check for an improbable outcome is to ask this: Does another explanation for this outcome already exist? A deductive process based on testable and measurable events. From 20 percent to 25 percent more eggs under the filters hatched successfully than those that were unshielded. , I can remember, not long ago, listening to a pal rail about a mutual friends apparently overwhelming need to flirt with every man in a given room. Here is one of the classic exchanges:[4], Dear Abby: Im a traveling man whos on the road five days a week. a. with the intent to harm physically. The comet argument can be clarified as follows: The correct form for an explanatory argument should look familiarit is also the form of the fallacy of affirming the consequent, introduced in Chapter 11. First American psychologist. Individuals have an innate predisposition to be aggressive, which builds up and eventually must be expressed. A useful scientific hypothesis is one that is: A hypothesis that states that there is a lack of relationship between two factors is called: When conducting a scientific experiment, which of the following is tested? All 24 of his patients who received the treatment were healed. That would tend to imply that the damned thing blew up. , Woman interviewed on TV: At first I heard a funny roar. Immediately penalize spectators for aggressive acts. b. It includes the presumption of causation. How often do people leave water spraying everywhere rather than simply turning it off? Resistance is the mechanism by which we refuse to allow these repressed memories to be brought back to the surface. d. Outline necessary changes. Deduce what? said he, petulantly. And it is highly probable that we will have any observation at all. So, an unfalsifiable explanation fails the improbable outcome test. The survivors were the finches with beaks closest to either of the two extremesa demonstration of how competition eliminates intermediate beaks and forces each species to specialize in seeds of one size. It makes no statement with respect to causation. d. For example, an unnoticed erotic image on a Ritz cracker, Key says, makes the Ritz cracker taste even better, because all of the senses are interconnected in the brain. The problem with his argument is that another explanation for these unnoticed images already exists; we all know that were capable of finding images if we look really hard for them, simply as the products of our imagination. When established scientists reject offbeat theories, defenders of such views love to cite these cases. One test is to ask whether it offers only as many explanatory entities as needed. WebIntrospection refers to a process by which someone examines ________ as objectively as possible. Structure an explanatory argument, when it would be loyal to do so, as follows: the first premise states that if the explanation is correct, then a specified outcome of it will be observable; the second premise states that the outcome has been observed; and the conclusion states that the explanation is thus correct. Simplicity can be a significant contributor to the probability of an explanation. Part of the reason, presumably, was because the jury saw that if they carefully thought about alternative explanations, they might find one with a higher prior probability than the one Lincolns opponent was arguing for. In the study of personality, the ________ model includes dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extroversion. e. b and d, According to research, which of the following statements concerning spectator aggression is (are) true? Includes dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and shelter, neuroticism openness... 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which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis 2023