The group enters the house and start to clear the rooms. Eve says she needs Jones, however, Flynn says he is stuck to do to the negotiations. As the Library began to fold up, she and the Serpents quickly escaped. After her death, he continued his work for the library. He explains that something might have been taken and that the dragons can destroy the world if they do not get it back. There is a short conversation in which Cassandra says her parents told her Santa did not exist where she was 3 years old, Ezekiel says he loves it because of the countless things to steal and Jacob says he loved being in a bar brawl at Christmas. Librarians talk about if they will help them. He is the most wonderful person to work with. Jacob talks to Mabel and says the archive is huge for a small town. Jacob talks to the goth that tried to be with Amy. They question Mr. Finch who mentions he has no memories about what happened. There is a short conversation in which Cassandra says her parents told her Santa did not exist where she was 3 years old, Ezekiel says he loves it because of the countless things to steal. The team encounters the Minotaur. She explains the house is to help people and was made to act as a refuge and they not escaped it would ever be used by a serial killer. They ask her what is going on and she says there is something horrible in the house. They found a stone circle and Cassandra used her gifts to figure out how to unseal the vault containing the Crown, bonding with Jacob for a first time. Cassandra's palm tree print shirt and red pleated skirt on The Librarians. Jacob explains she died before. Shes always just really embraced it and been attracted to it. Cassandra says history will continue to unravel until all time is undone. One of those spa vamps a benevolent bloodsucker named Estrella (Clara Lago, The Commuter) formed a connection with Cassandra and offered her a way out of her terminal diagnosis by giving her vampiric immortality. Didnt see her illness. Their plan succeeds and they manage to protect the kid while they pretend it was an experiment of Amy going out of control. Christian Kane comes in as Jacob Stone. Ezekiel taunts the sheriff about the town being meaningless. The group looks at the library as Flynn says it feels like home. Katie tries to find her but Cassandra manages to ambush her and knock the knife out of her hand. Ezekiel mentions he would sell out the human race if some superior race would show up. They ask is Ezekiel felt different, however he says he was just his amazing self. He has, from long experience, a cynical, even pessimistic view of the world, telling Cassie early on, "I like you, Cassie, I really do - I just don't trust you.". They flee through a door and end up in a wood. Eve and the team look for a puzzle that shows the entrance to the dragon stronghold. Dulaque tells them he has poisoned Santa so he can not spread the goodwill this year. When holding the Apple of Discord Cassandra became deceitful, narcissistic and highly destructive. The team manages to get Jenkins involved as he can help Ezekiel negotiate with Mr. Drake. Eve is handicapped by her princess appearance and has trouble fighting well. She calls Ezekiel to change the story. Keeping the family business afloat was a challenge though, as Jacob's father continued to squander their finances. The team finds out the Serpent Brotherhood has kidnapped Santa and Cassandra says Dulaque is behind it as she sees him on video footage. The book shows a S.T.E.M (Science technology engineering and mathematics) fair. Eve arrives at the Annex on a free day but to her surprise Jenkins is there as well as he says he never has a day off. They run away and call Eve. She got used by them as they left her when she was no longer needed. The entire football team has become wolves. Cassandra tries to disarm her but Katie cuts her wrist. Eve agrees but wants them to be well prepared and be careful. Ahead, EW catches up with actress Lindy Booth to talk about her characters big hour. Welcome to the Quantum Realm. Mabel says she wants to have memories from other places and have more experiences. However he believes it is not that weird. Cassandra says it is 3 multiplied and that the students are all using the spell on each other. Its a really hard thing to handle, especially on a show like this. The team is later at the library and they mention how they all got to have their Christmas wish fulfilled. Eve calls Cassandra and she and Ezekiel discuss how they should find other magical stances. If you havent seen Sundays episode of The Librarians, head to a different page immediately. Affiliation While investigating they encounter mummies. The Sheriff mentions the wolf got stolen after Ezekiel was at the bar. Shocked, Cassandra asked why, as she believed they wanted to help the world. The group is at the Annex where Jenkins says it is crazy that they managed to lose their guardian. Eve came to the Annex investigating magical threats. Eve saved him and after a brawl, they managed to escape and went to the library. Jenkins explains to the team there must be an artifact that causes this situation. Jenkins mentions this door might give them access to the space where the library is floating and they can anchor it backwards to them. Eve calls Cassandra and she and Ezekiel discuss how they should find other magical stances. Eve, Cassandra and Katie block the door as the dark man follows them. She analyses Lamia's body and combines her knowledge of physiology, body mechanics, and force ratio to quickly create a model to predict Lamia's attacks and design highly precise counters using finger pokes of only 8 pounds of pressure per square inch. Ezekiel follows Eve who points him towards people who are being taken over by energized human forms. Cassandra says they are the Librarians. She seemed to show off as she only used 8 pounds of pressure to effortlessly cripple the trained killer and render her unconscious. . After discovering the mystery of Vida de la Luz, and simultaneously getting the guilty party to incriminate themselves, Cassandra faints while Jenkins and the others rush her immediately to the hospital and into Emergency surgery, leaving Estrella worried and anticipating the worst. It is revealed they took the dollhouse with them. The two decide to work together to find the correct books. Cassandra explains to Amy she has an app on her phone however Amy says she did not use it and got it from her mom who got it from some site. The Librarian throws him away and says the wolves are going to kill them. In a way, he is her knight in shining armor. She corrected a wrong diagnosis on a patient and thereby saved her life. Thats probably the first time thats really happened to Cassandra, and so that relationship is really special and beautiful. Dulaque tells them he has poisoned Santa so he can not spread the good will this year. The two end up kissing. Jacob experienced a tight upbringing during his childhood as his father wanted him to run the business with him when he grew up, but in truth, Jacob was more interested in reading about history and art rather than running the family business. Cassandra is annoyed they do not let her go in, Eve tries to explain but Cathy runs in and the group follows her. Ezekiel asks why they are in other bodies. Instead, she dove into the Librarians latest mission - investigating a mysterious holistic spa linked to a death by spontaneous combustion. And the Crown of King Arthur He has a tattoo from a time he served in the Marines and is very handy in a fight. The group checks out a pyramid. The team responds in disbelief after which he explains it. Jacob learns Cassandra and Ezekiel are Librarians as well. I dont think we really talked about losing her powers. Eve asks Jacob what the house is and he says it is a 19th-century frontier house and wonders what it does in Slovakia. Cassandra says the broken lay lines are on the place where Katie came from. A lot of fans ship her with Ezekiel or Jacob, so I was surprised to see her actually have an attraction to Jenkins. Searching a jungle for magical stones Jacob defeats a bunch of soldiers and frees their captives. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. The team walks through the town and realizes the population is becoming Fairy tale characters. Cassandra picks up the apple and her eyes light up. Jacob says it was an interesting life. Eve takes out some of the guards while the rest of the team gets to work on the electricity. Annoyed Eve and Jacob go to the punching bag to blow some steam. Jacob says he should not let his own or other costumes stop him. The group suddenly hears a storm behind the magical door and they prepare for battle. And this episode, we see such a powerful reason why. The group frees Cassandra as Finch locked her up. Eve and the group find the recovering Lamia who got crippled and knocked out by Cassandra. Jacob makes her snap out of it. Jenkins explains to the team there must be a artifact that causes this situation. Eve shoots an "L" in Morse code in the air to guide them towards her. They prepare the lamps as best as possible and then try to perform the process to bring them back. Lindy Booth was born on April 2, 1979, in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Cassandra talks to Ezekiel and he asks where her trophies are. He possesses extensive knowledge of art . Cassandra holds her hand up and a ball of light appears from her hand. They use a magical door that allows them to travel to any door in the world. Cassandra jumps the CEO. Jacob says they should help them as it is horrible they cannot participate like this. I have this vision of Cassandra in the red gown with the dragons flying around her in this sort of post-apocalyptic world, that Ive always looked at as where Cassandras going to be. At the annex Jenkins explains it might be a troll, and says that trolls are dangerous and that they better run when it comes at them. Before she joins the others on the case of the spontaneously com-busting victims she speaks with Jenkins alone, asking him out for dinner. They figured out The Serpent Brotherhood was killing off potential Librarians and that they wanted to bring magic back into the world. (Think less Dewey Decimal and more daring deeds.) At the library, Flynn tells them about his first mission as a Librarian. The main cast of 'The Librarians' includes Rebecca Romijn as Colonel Eve Baird, a former NATO who is picked as the "Guardian" by the library and instructed to protect and train the new Librarians. The team manages to get the pearl which stops the traps from shooting. Jacob sees lamps and asks her what she is doing. But also this idea that he has everything that she doesnt. Flynn blames himself as he should have seen they were killing potential Librarians earlier. Jenkins hands Eve a book in which she can make a note so that the future Librarians will use another generator over 100 years again to bring the citizens back to this world. Lindy Booth. Her nose starts to bleed and Ezekiel hands her a handkerchief. She wants to go back however Jacob tells her they will not let her go alone in the house. He doesn't like it when people try to correct him, can be arrogant and stubborn at times, a bit of a womanizer, and doesn't shy away from a fight. Combining their knowledge the team finds out Arthur was a Roman who stayed behind when the Roman empire fell, then manage to find the location of the Crown. Jenkins meets them in the field and says the stories will become more powerful and that they can be changed by the reader, and eventually entire nations will be affected by this book. Eve explains to Ezekiel he has to be more serious if he wants to be a Librarian. Flynn uses a magic potion to revive Eve just as her heart stopped beating. Ezekiel is skeptical about why they should investigate it. He did and she introduced herself as Lamia. The team learns they are cursed and the Minotaur can now also hunt them in the streets. Eve asks her what happened and she says a man attacked them. Because when people are given a terminal diagnosis, and told, Theres nothing left we can do, people dont get to rely on magic. However the sheriff has become a wolf and blows the windows out of the house. Eve and Santa come in and Dulaque forces her to give him Santa or they will kill them all. Her nose then starts to bleed and Ezekiel hands her a handkerchief. Katie moves upstairs as she picked up the knife. Her battle is over, but the bigger battle has only just begun. In And The Eternal Question, Cassandra was given another chance to beat her tumor by way of magic. The wolfs track them and they quickly go to the library. As they get close a scared girl runs towards them. Jacob is skeptical about a doorway to heaven inside pyramids. As she moves backwards she sees Katie pull out the knife. Jacob smiles at Lamia while walking past her and Flynn jokes how she tried to kill him. Jacob agrees and says he would love to help people like this. Flynn stops and says that if they rewind the threads their lines will cease to exist and they will be gone. However, Morgan walks past them and says she just made the wish app and the kids use it to destroy each other. Ezekiel says they better flee, however Eve ignores him. Flynn explained how magic had once been common in the world, but had slowly been sealed in artifacts in order to protect the world from the chaos it created. The group wonders how they can protect the kids. At the library, Jenkins explains to them the labyrinth is created by magical relics. They manage to escape after Ezekiel blew up the Brotherhoods helicopter. But this was not before her inner battle with mortality saw her ask fellow Librarian, Jenkins, out on a date which he declined. Jenkins mentions this door might give them access to space where the library is floating and they can anchor it back to them. Eve says she Jacob and Ezekiel will go in as Cassandra and Cathy wait outside. The group splits up to check the rooms. Lindy Booth as Cassandra Cillian, a mathematician who has uncontrollable auditory and sensory hallucinations linked to memory retrieval, as well as a rare condition called synesthesia. Eve reminds Ezekiel he should not antagonize local law enforcement, and he says he did not listen. She doesn't fall for it saying pi is irrational, but when Jacob mentions Euler's number Cassandra's brain "short-circuits" and she faints, falling into his arms. Dulaque draws a sheathed sword from his walking stick. Cassandra had heard about Varian from whispers about a "wizard" living in old Corona and when she and Rapunzel took it upon themselves to uncover the answers to their questions about the princess's newly returned hair . She kicks him to the edge of the plane and holds his hand. Eve expresses concern for their safety as missions can be dangerous. Jacob picks up the pearl and locks the team up in the room with a trapdoor before walking away with a strange light in his eyes. Oil rigger (formerly),Surveryor (formerly),Art expert,Author of scholarly works on history, art and architecture in his spare time,Librarian The woman says she did not know what happened as she seems charmed by Cassandra. Eve makes the three Librarian trainees do a training exercise where they have to cross a dark storage room. Full name However, Delaque discretely motioned Lamia not to. And Jacob says he is fine with how it is now. Eve gets the ball of rope and a sword and she and Flynn thank the group and go through the doors. She motions them to where they can find the energy source. Cassandra is told by Dr. Nassir, that her tumor has grown quite large. They see that the wolf is wearing a nightcap and believe the wolf may be related to the red hood. Jenkins tells them there are six magical houses. Jacob mentions his new job makes him travel now while he never was far away from his home. The Librarians airs Sundays at 8 p.m. Cassandra wants to stay however Eve says she and Jacob will stay because they can fight. Didn't see her. They find a Stonehenge-like circle with an iron vault where the crown is stored. Ezekiel mentions he would sell out the human race if some superior race would show up. Cassandra Cillian is a former hospital janitor at Saint Francis Episcopal Hospital in New York, and currently one of The Librarians . Cassandra Cillian is a former hospital janitor at Saint Francis Episcopal Hospital in New York, and currently one of The Librarians . Ezekiel says this is one of the times we say the happy ending. Cassandra secretly contacted the Serpent Brotherhood and told them about the library. Ezekiel goes to the sick girl where the Librarian is reading the story. Jacob and Ezekiel fight some of the killers. Ezekiel grabs the book and says the wolves are now blind, which they become instantly. Its not how she is trying to define herself. I hope people feel that at the end of the episode, too. Following the instructions of the employee, they walk towards Human Resources but somehow get lost into the halls. The team returns to Boston through the magical door and prepare to break into the building. Flynn comes in saying it's the dragons and explains that the dragons live underground and sleep 90% of their lives, however they can wreak havoc when angered. In this world, this character has all of a sudden been given this information that she can rely on magic, that it might save her. Dr. Oliver Thompson, James McKelvie, Griffin Griffould, (and 4 unspecified) Santa says he is too weak and gives Eve the power to spread the goodwill over humanity this year. Jacob and Eve get through the magical door and block the Minotaur. Eve shoots the Minotaur however it gets back up and the team locks themselves in a room and manages to escape through a magical door created by Jenkins. They introduce themselves to Sheriff Heyer. Jenkins hands Eve a book in which she can make a note so that the future Librarians will use another generator over 100 years again to bring the citizens back to this world. Eve asks how Cassandra can control all this magic. He gives her a card with his home number, in case she changes her mind, before she leaves the hospital. However, Amy says the school has priority and she can not. If you haven't seen Sunday's episode of The Librarians, head to a different page immediately.. It's taken three seasons, but The Librarians' Cassandra Cillian no longer has anything to (currently) worry about: The life-threatening tumor that once resided in her brain has now been taken out.. Sunday's episode saw the young Librarian finally get the much-required surgery . 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